Finding Series

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Book 1- Finding Mary Sue

Book 2- Finding The Threshold

This is to announce the 2nd book for Eric Hugo Riviera. I am day dreaming for a trilogy but maybe a duology will be enough.

Many had their set of angst for Finding Mary Sue but who knows with this incoming book, hopes will be rekindled or maybe burried permanently.

It all depends on 'the sway of the leaves'.- nagets niyo?

In Ilocano ''Dipende tun dyay gar-garaw dagiti bul-bulong''----Ginny Samantha Cruz of the F5 always reminds us these words when she's uncertain or she's meaning to say bahala na. (hehe Gin, pagamit bru)

So I'd like to warn you again that you don't know what's running in my head so be ready for whatever will be written. All will be uncertain unless published by me.

This will start soon. I hope.

Your favourite Witch- charrrr


Finding Duology  Book 1- Finding Mary SueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon