Epilogue 6: Duty (CENSORED VERSION)

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Author's Notes: The version of this chapter posted here was cut down from a longer version to ensure compliance with Wattpad site guidelines prohibiting explicit descriptions of sex. While I do not believe the uncut version of this chapter to be obscene or explicit, it was written in a way that pushes the envelope. Therefore, to avoid the risk of complaints and flagging of the material, I have decided to post a censored version here. It is not any more explicit than the previous chapters of Starfall.

The full and uncensored version of this chapter can be found on AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) in the section for works based on 'Star vs The Forces of Evil', under the username: GolfAlphaMike.

WARNING: The AO3 version of this chapter is meant for mature readers. If explicit sexual material is inappropriate for you, or if you do not wish to be exposed to explicit sexual material, please do not read that version.


Star approached her husband in the throne room. He was going over notes from the last Gathering of Nobles.

"My King?"

Star liked to start conversations with him this way if it was an official royal matter.

Marco looked up and smiled. "Yes, my Queen?"

"Just a sec." she said holding up one finger. "Guards. I must speak with the King in private. Please wait outside the throne room."

The guards saluted sharply before departing the throne room in a swift but orderly manner.

Star could feel his curiosity through their heartbond. She concentrated to mask her true feelings for the surprise.

"I have a job for you Marco. A royal task."

"What is it, Star?"

"A creature is coming. When it gets here, it will make ruling Mewni kinda hard. Taking care of this creature is a job for the King. We call this task the King's Duty."

Marco's face turned serious.

"Alright, Star. I'll tell the Royal Guard to get ready."

"Not so fast there, Marco. This is *your* job.

"I wasn't gonna just send the Royal Guard. I was going to lead them."

"I know. But I what I mean is that no one else can help you. You have to take care of this by yourself."

"Oh. Okay. I've fought one-on-one before. I guess I'll have to fight this creature by myself too."

"This job isn't exactly a fight, Marco."

"It isn't?"

"How do I put this?... You just have to calm the creature down."

"Like, tame it? This sounds like a pretty weird job."

"This creature is special. It's not just an animal. It's wild and aggressive. But it can think. Kinda."

"How do you know all this, Star?"

"This is sort of a recurring thing. The creature has shown up before. My mother asked my father to do this job. Before that, my grandmother asked my grandfather. My great-grandmother asked my great-grandfather. My great-great-grandmother asked my great-great-grandfather. My great-great-great-grandmother asked my great-great-great-grandfather. My great-great-great-great-grandmother asked my great-great-great-great-grandfa-"

"I think I got it, Star."

"Anyway, Marco, now I'm asking you."

"Okay. But, if this is a periodic problem, why is this the first I'm hearing about it?"

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