The Helicopter

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Beau continued to hump the dead zombie. "BEAU GET THE FUCK UP HERE!" Alex yelled. "Okay okay geez" Beau said. Then a zombie charged at Beau like a football player and bit him. Beau became a zombie. Avery shot the two. "Holy fuck" Nicole said. "Yeah holy fuck is right" Alex replied.

The next day a helicopter was heard flying around. Avery woke up. "Guys I hear a helicopter" Avery said. Everyone else woke up. They all jumped off the tree and saw the helicopter. Avery Alex Nicole and Makayla all jumped up and down while waving their arms to signal the helicopter. "Hang on I see survivors" The man in the helicopter said. The helicopter landed on the ground. "Jump in" The man yelled. The four got into the helicopter. "My name is Bruce if you guys ask" The man said. "We were stuck out here for a while and boy are we glad to see you" Nicole said. Bruce then started talking to another man on the walkie talkie. "How many survivors are there?" The man on the walkie talkie asked. "Their are four of them" Bruce said. "Okay fly them to the base" The man replied. "Do you guys know how this happened?" Nicole asked. "Yeah apparently in Massena the police got a report of a man dumping liqud on a tombstone and apparently it was radioactive waste" Bruce replied. "How does that even happen?" Avery asked. "Honestly I have no fucking clue" Bruce said. Alex looked out the window. "So where is this base?" Alex asked. "Its about ten miles". The four looked down and saw a horde of zombies down below. "Holy shit those are alot of zombies" Avery said. "Yeah well thats a zombie apocaplyse for you" Bruce replied. After a few minutes Bruce said "Well we are here Im gonna land now".

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