The Gun Store

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Avery Beau Nicole Alex Makayla and David continued to walk when they saw a gun store. "What is a gun store doing out here?" Nicole wondered to herself. The six went into the store. "Woah look at all these guns" David said loading a pistol. Avery grabbed a shotgun. Alex found bullets for the 44 magnum. Nicole found a machete. "This is better than that chainsaw" Nicole said. Makayla found a bowey knife. "This knife looks like it could cut someones arm off" Makayla said. Avery loaded the shotgun. He saw five zombies outside. "Be right back" he said as he went out and started firing at the zombies. Avery came back in the store a minute later. "All taken care of" Avery said.

Then they heard the sound of a pick up truck. They all ran out of the store as fast as they could and a pick up truck crashed into the gun store. The truck stopped. A zombie walked out of the truck. "How do these zombies know how to drive!" Nicole exclaimed. Then more zombies came from the back. Everyone but the ones who dont have guns started shooting at the zombies. One zombie ran up to David and bit him. David put the pistol in his mouth and shot himself. Nicole screamed in horror. A zombie ran at Makayla and Nicole. Nicole stabbed one zombie in the gut but was still alive. Nicole screamed as the zombie was swinging his arms. Then its head got blown off by Beau. "Next time you do nothing and just scream like a bitch and I'll help" Beau joked. Nicole rolled her eyes. One zombie went to Alex but he shot the zombie through the head. "BULLSEYE!" he yelled. A zombie ran at Nicole and Makayla. Makayla threw her bowey knife right at the zombies eye. Avery blew that zombies head off. "Yes teamwork!" Nicole said happily. "Shit! Almost out of amo" Alex said. "Just get behind me and I'll shoot" Avery said as he continued to shoot. Alex went behind Avery. "I just wonder how Joseph is doing right now" Alex wondered. "Hes probably dead but at least he didnt die in vain" Avery replied.

Joseph was still stuck up the tree with only three zombies left down below while the rest of the horde gave up. "Fuck off!" Joseph said. The zombies jumped but Joseph was too far up. One of the zombies grabbed the axe on the ground. The zombie spun in a circle accidently killng one of his zombie friends. "Ha!" Joseph said. Then the zombie hit the tree with the axe. The other zombie laughed and took the axe and hit the tree too. "Oh shit I am so fucked!" Joseph said. "They are intelligent!". The zombies each took turns cutting the tree with the axe. Joseph shook nervously. "I am dead" he said. Then a bullet flew and hit one zombie in the head. Another bullet hit the other zombie in the head. It was Avery. "Oh my god Joseph your alive!" Nicole exclaimed. Joseph jumped down. "Its a good thing zombies cant climb trees" Joseph said. Avery handed Joseph his axe. "Thanks".

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