Chapter 4

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**Solo's POV**

I looked at my watch. 10 minutes of lunch left. I swear school didn't give us enough lunch time! I saw Kacie running towards us.

"Solo! I need to talk to you," She had a worried look on her face. I got up and met her under a chestnut tree.

"Jodies' not the girl that she appears to be... are you guys doing something to win money or something?" She asked me.

"Well, it was supposed to be a secret... but yeah we're auditioning for Australia's Got Talent, winner gets $250000!" Solo replied.

"Well, Jodie just told me that she's only with Len because once you win, she's taking the money and leaving Len," I looked up at Solo.

"That can't be right..."

"So you don't believe me?" Kacie put her hands on her hips.

"Oh I do believe you, it's just... i don't know what to tell Len." All these thoughts were running through my brain.

"They wanted me to steal your part of the prize money as well..." Kacie revealed.

"Well you're not getting any! We haven't even auditioned yet, how is Jodie so sure we're going to win?" I wondered.

"I don't know..." Kacie shook her head, "All I know is that I'm sticking with you... AND the other boys," Kacie quickly finished.

"Stick with us and you'll be fine," I said reassuringly.

"Thank you," She leant in and gave me a small hug. Her head fit just below my chin. She was perfect. She pulled apart and we walked back to the group. We were just about to reach them when Kacie stopped me.

"Wait! Do we tell Len?" She asked worried.

"I'll tell everyone... dont worry," She gave me a weak smile and we sat back down with the boys.

"How was Jodie? Her friends are nice hey?" Len looked over at Kacie.

"Look, there's something you need to know about Jodie," Kacie looked over at me.

"Kacie just told me that Jodies just using you for money. She wants to steal the prize money if we win AGT." I broke the news to Len and everything went silent.

"And her friends Malika, Courtney and Jessyca want in too... so you guys better watch your back," I added.

"No, that's not something Jodie would do! Not my JoJo!" Len stood up.

"It's true!" Kacie stood up as well.

"You're just... you're just jealous of her aren't you?!" Len erupted.

"No Len! I'm telling the truth! I swear!" Kacie was getting really upset.

"Well I'll go ask her myself!" Len stormed off.

"She won't tell you the truth! Your her boyfriend!" Kacie yelled. Len just kept on walking.

"I knew public school was a bad idea..." Kacie sat down and buried her head in her hands.

"Kacie it's okay..." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I just need to be alone..." She picked up her bag and walked towards the main office.

"What are we gonna do?" Paulie asked.

"Well what do you guys think about the whole situation?" I asked the boys.

"Well I'm gonna go with Solo... We better watch our backs," Paulie smiled.

"Yeah, I think it's better to be safe then sorry," Samson added.

"So we need to watch out for Malika, Courtney and Jessyca... John, keep away from Jodie when she comes over..." I looked at John. He nodded his head.

The bell rang and we went to class. I had 6th period with Kacie... I just hope she'd be there.

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