Who's That Girl?

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"Hey bro what's up?!" Paulie came up to me and we exchanged a man hug. Paulie's been my best friend since kindergarten.

It all started when we were fighting over a dinosaur picture to colour in. I wanted to colour in the dinosaur but so did Paulie. The teacher told us to colour in together. From then, we've been best mates ever since.

"Hey dude! How was your summer?" I asked him walking into the corridors.

"So good man, got myself a girl! Laureese... she's amazing..." We stopped at our lockers. Mine was right next to Paulies.

"Paulie? Girlfriend? Man that doesnt mix," I joked around. He slapped me on my arm. I just laughed and put my books into my locker.

"Just think... one more year and we're out of this hellhole," Paulie rested against the lockers.

"I know ayy... hey we better get our new timetables," I pointed towards the bulletin board. We walked over to the board and I grabbed my timetable. I looked under T and picked out mine. Tohi, Solo

"Hey Solo!" Paulie called from a bench. We sat down and looked at each others timetables. We had every class together except our electives. We hi-fived each other and went to the courtyard to meet up with some of our friends. I knew a nice bunch of boys. There was Emmanuel, Samson, Lukas and the twins, Len and John. Paulie and I were in the same class as them in Year 7 and we hit it off. We were considered to be the coolest dudes in school.

After a good chat with them the bell rang.

"You know Paulie snagged himself a girl?" I yelled to Samson.

"Paulie and a girl? That just doesn't mix!" He laughed.

"That's what I said!" I laughed back.

"Hey! Don't underestimate my boyfriend powers," Paulie stomped off to homeroom. Luckily all of us were in the same homeroom.

"Alright roll call!" Our homeroom teacher Mrs Wilks came in. She was also my English teacher. She is super old man, I always think to myself that she should be retired already...

"John Pearce?"

"Here!" Len snickered. The twins were up to no good again.

"Len Pearce?"

"Here!" John laughed.

"Is there something wrong boys?" Mrs Wilks looked up and folded her arms.

"No Miss," We tried to stifle our laughs.

"Alright... Emmanuel Rodriguez?" She finished marking the roll and she clapped her hands together.

"Alright kids! We have a new student. Solo you'll be showing the new student around," Mrs Wilks looked at me.

"What? Why me?!" I protested.

"Because you're a very nice boy, now go on off to the office!" I grabbed my bag and made my way down to the head office.

"I'm supposed to be showing this new kid around?" I told the office lady.

"Ahh yes, hold on," I looked to one of the kids sitting on the chair and he was this nerdy kid wiping snot from his nose. I shuddered and hoped that wasn't the kid I was showing around.

"Alright Kasie, we're ready for you,"

"Hi, I'm Kasie," This beautiful girl walked up to me. She had beautiful, long black hair with gold/blonde highlights in them. Her skin was tan, she looked like a goddess.

"Hey, I'm Solo," I managed to say. I couldn't believe my luck. I was showing now the most hottest girl in school around!

"Well let's get going then, we've got a lot of school to cover!" I smiled. She smiled and she flashed her perfect white teeth. This girl is perfect.

"Have you got your timetable yet?" I asked her. She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her bag.

"Yeah, apparently I don't start classes until tomorrow though... Gotta do some weirdo paperwork first," She breathed in. I could listen to her talk all day.

"You take elective woodwork?" I was surprised. A girl that beautiful can't be doing woodwork!

"Yeah, its fun," She shrugged. Could this girl be any more perfect?

"So what school did you come from?" I asked her.

"I was home-schooled actually, this is my first time at a proper school," I showed her all the classrooms and we sat down in the courtyard.

"Well Kacie, these are some things you need to know about Mounties High... If Mr Nickson offers you some of his banana bread, just say no," I warned her.

"Why?" She laughed. Even her laugh was perfect!

"Just say no!" I told her. She nodded.

"You have English in 707. There's always traffic on the way there from recess. Take the stairs on block 6 to block 7. Don't take the stairs block 8 to 7, if you do you'll be late to class," I told her shortcuts and pretty much all you need to know to survive.

"Welp, that's Mounties for you," I stood up and held out my hand to help her up.

"Wait, walk me back to the office? I'm sure you'd love to skip more class," She smiled at me.

"We're going to get along just fine," I laughed.

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