Let's Go

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"Well, to find out your key skill and see if we can involve it in our plan." Rosemary said with eyes full of confidence.

"Oh." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

I was worried.
What If I'm not good at anything? What if I don't have a skill that could contribute to the group and the plan?
The plan that would make the difference between Storm seeing his mother again.

We then ended with that, starting to eat once again. Not only did everything look amazing but in tasted amazing too!

"Nova this is delicious, thank you." Gale said almost finished with his plate.
The table nodded in agreement.

Nova smiled as her cheeks turned a light rosy color.
Did she have feelings for Gale?

"Ok, now, I assume everyone is finished?" The Raven haired prince ask us as a whole.

All of us nodded, turning our attention from our empty plates and full bellies to him.

"I've decided that for today, Nashi and Rosemary are going to the field while the rest for us stay here and draw up a plan."

"What? Why does it have to be Rosemary that goes to the field? Why can't I?" Reiki asked in a
querulous way.

"It's because I believe Rosemary would be an appropriate start in helping Nashi." Storm answered, standing up from the table.

"Fine, whatever you say." The red haired teen said with a sigh.

"Good. Gather what you would need to be productive and meet about here in five minutes."

Standing up from our seats, everyone departed in different direction.

"Ready Nashi?" Rosemary asked moving until she was standing next to me.

"I think so."

Rosemary laughed and smiled.
"I guess that's a start."


Rosemary and I gathered some stuff she thought me might need and left the house.

Out in the cool morning, we walked down the side of the snowy road to 'the field'.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest to keep in as much heat as I could.

"The field." Rosemary said a few steps ahead of me.

"Yes but. . . what is the field?"

"You'll see."

The streets were silent. In this down town area. . . I guess no one was out much. The weather wasn't the best but. . . weren't people use to it?
It was cold outside. The wind whipped my clothes around as well as bit at my nose. My cheeks became raw and cold as we pressed forward.
My feet were thankfully warm because the snow couldn't go through the leather of my shoes. . . well, except for the occasional bit of snow that came in for the top.
That's what really made me shiver.

We were now near the end of the street. It was more open, with buildings more spaced out.

"Here it is." Rosemary spoke, walking into a section on land boxing in by three buildings.

For the plot being boxed in like this it sure did have plenty of room to it.
The land was probably twenty feet by thirty feet, all covered in crystal white snow.

In the far left corner there was a old wooden shed which Rosemary happened to be walking towards.

"What's in there?" I piped up, catch up to her.

"It's full of supplies we might need." She said taking a good sized key out of her pocket.

When we reacted the door she placed the key in the lock and opened the shed door.
The shed was not too big, probably only enough to fit five people in it, if everything was taken out.

In the shed, there was an assortment of things. Everything from targets to dummies.

"Let's start with these." The vibrant ginger said picking up two long sticks from the back wall of the shed.

"What are we going to do with these?"

"I'll show you. Follow me."

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