Song Three

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"You mean. . . that was you?" I questioned before he span me again, me now looking at my feet to make sure I was dancing correctly.

"Indeed it was."

"Then. . . why did you race away? Why did you race away when you saw me?"

We danced for a few seconds more before he answered,
"Technically I wasn't suppose to see you until tonight. I wasn't going to risk someone seeing me with you because of. . . well. . . I already told you about the games my father likes to play. It would have ruined his plans if I had met you before now."

"I see." Now drawing my attention from my feet to his eyes peering through his midnight blue mask.

"Well nonetheless, I thought you did quiet well at your target practice this morning." I commented, as the song was soon to come to an end.

Storm smirk at my compliment and said,
"Is that so? So Princess Nashi was mighty impressed of my performance? That's good."

"Hey, don't over think it." I said pouting a bit.

Storm laugh and we continued to dance. We were now on our third song, we probably have danced for over fifteen minutes.

"I'm surprised you lasted this long." The raven haired prince said, looking into down into my chocolate brown eyes.

"Yeah, let's just say I had plenty of practice with dancing endurance." I said brushing a few of my hairs behind my ear.

It was true. When stuck in the castle, not able to go out and see the world, I had plenty of time to do things like ballroom dancing. I even had a special teacher who taught me all kinds of dance moves. But the thing we practiced most was how long I could hold up. I think the longest I've gone was about six song with non-stop ballroom dancing.

"That's good. I need to dance with you until the last second."

"What do you mean by 'last second'?" I asked, looking at Storm who again looked at something across the room.

"You'll see." He replied, still looking off into the distance.

The third song ending and the prince relaxed his posture. I guess he was done dancing.

"Thank you for this dance, Princess." Storm said with a elegant bow.

I bowed slowly, rising to once again get lost in his mysterious opaque eyes.
"I hope to see you again in the future."

"Oh I bet we will." He told me with a smirk, disappearing into the crowd.

I let out a tired sigh. Dancing really did take a lot more energy then one would think.

I eventually made my way through the sea of people to the edge of the glamorous ballroom.
I quickly snatched one of the sparkling waters off of one of the servers trays on my way to the outskirts of the room.

I stopped at one of the large walls, the opposite side of where I entered, and leaned against it as I drank my glittering clear beverage.

I closed my eyes and rested against that wall for a minute. I blocked out all the music and talking, just leaving me with my thoughts.

I pulled out the pale rose for my hair and looked at it. It's beauty was very outstanding but the only thing it reminded me of was Storm.

I mean. . . it was from him.
This simple flower reminded me for the mysterious boy's robin egg eyes. Eyes full of wonder yet understanding. It was hard to explain.

As I thought more about his eyes my mind wondered to the thought of his appearance. His  bicorne hat with a large blue feather extending out of it, complementing his nicely trimmed midnight blue mask.

"I've never seen his face before. . ."

"Who's face?"

I didn't realize I had said my last statement out loud until somebody responded.

I broke out of my previous thought and looked at a tall maiden with long silver hair in a elegant blue dress.

"Mira!" I called out hugging her, trying not to drop my glass.

"How has the night been, Miss Nashi?" She asked taking my empty glass and handing it to a server passing by.

"Thank you and it's been quite splendid."

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