Private Talk

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I quickly got dressed and entered the main room where everyone else was seated.

The table was set with our breakfast, plates still empty and waiting to be used.

"Glad you could make it." Reiki said jokingly.

I sat down at my seat and looked at everyone seated.
It seemed by now that everyone just sat in the same spot every meal. Storm, Rosemary, and Nova on one side and Gale, Reiki, and I on the other.

"How did everyone sleep?" Nova asked as we all nibbled on her very well made breakfast.

Thumbs up or 'goods' were passed to Nova in response. But me....I didn't say anything.
I guess Storm noticed my silence and asked,
"What about you Nashi?"

I paused to think about my answer. I really didn't know how I slept last night. My dream was weird yet frightening. I didn't understand it.

"I slept well." I murmured in response.

Storm looked into my eyes, nodded, and went back to eating. From the look in his eyes I could tell he didn't believe me.
If only I could tell him that I didn't really know the true answer for myself.

I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't get a lot of things to eat for breakfast. Leading to me being one of the first people to finish along with Storm who was...surprisingly nervous about something.

"Nashi?" Storm said, getting my full attention.

"Yes." I chirped, looking into his light blue eyes.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"


Storm stood up and walked past me. I got up and followed him.
I turned to look at everyone at the table. They had saw that we left but stayed and continue their own conversations.

I watched as the Raven haired Prince walked up to the guys bedroom and opened the door.

I entered the room, followed by Storm, and stood waiting for what was going to happen next.

Storm sat down on his bed and I on Reiki who's was right across, making Storm and I face one another.

"I wanted to fill you in on...a few things." Storm said hesitantly.


"Well before we discuss the plan with everyone together I wanted to fill you in on some information that you might not know and..."

"Everyone else does." I said, finishing his sentence.

I understood that everyone knew stuff that I didn't. Things we're passed on through the group that would never reached me. I don't know if it was on purpose or accident but either way I didn't care about it too much.
It never really crossed my mind until now.

"Yes." Storm said in a almost shameful tone.
"The really question is though, how do I begin?"

After a few seconds of letting Storm get his thoughts together he finally said,
"Well I might as well bite the bullet and say that the thing the Thieves back at the ball wanted was..."

"Was what?" I asked, very interested in his answer.


"Me...but..? How could it be me?"

"Well it's...kinda....complicated in its own way. I'll tell you why and you tell me if you don't understand, ok?"

I nodded in response.

Storm went on to tell me that the thieves at the ball that night were actually citizens of the providence in the Ice Realm. This providence was run by Lord Romeo, brother of Lord Gray, Storm's uncle.
The reason of their uproar was so;
About six years ago Lord Romeo was murdered from an unfair trial done by my kingdom.
Apparently Lord Romeo was accused of the kidnapping of....the princess of the Fire Kingdom.

I put together the pieces.

My adventure I went on when I was 10 years old was still effecting me to this day.

Lord Romeo was in the Fire Realm for our annual fire festival, having a late evening at a saloon with a few of his colleague.
A young girl with cherry blossom hair walks up to him and asks him for directions home. He recognized this girl as the princess, her hair color, like the girl's father's, and her clothing.

Knowing that she was royalty much like him, Lord Romeo wants to help this Princess.
He even said he would take her home himself.

Him, the Princess, and his colleagues got into a cart and road off...but in the wrong direction. The Lord told the friend driving the wagon to go back to the Ice Kingdom, thinking he was going home.

Going out with your friends, getting drunk, does not help ones mind set in this situation.

As they all headed in the wrong direction, the Princess was not made aware of this action. But what she did know was that the men around her were talking about 'the king' and 'ransom' in a jokingly way.

But she didn't know they were joking.

The Princess became antsy, ready to leave this unstable situation.
But the drunk colleagues disagreed, holding down the young girl.

Though the Princess was sound and stable at last, everything changed.
The royal soldiers came in with the King himself. Immediately arresting all the men with the Princess.

Lord Romeo and his partners were not trailed out of the great offense the men did, unconsciously.

All were put to death the next morning.

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