Chapter 2: Signs

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       She was never one to believe in paranormal activities but lately...things have been weird. Like how she opened the fridge and left the orange juice on the counter but when she came back it was right back in the fridge. She knew damn well she wasn't seeing things heck she wore glasses. But then again her bangs were always covering her face...but that's not the point! Oh! And that time the TV acted up, it was making those scratchy noises you only hear in horror movie. 'It wasn't even windy...' She thought to herself.

       She was going over all of the recent incidents until her thoughts drifted back to that dream she had a few weeks ago. She shook her head convincing herself it was just a dream. Yup. Just a dream. That's what she thought for now.

       Right now she was studying for her upcoming exams in college, it's her third year at Lazueli University (A/N: Made that up. Lol.) and so far she was doing ok in most classes. Except physics, ugh how she hated physics! It was just so....Rhafsjkbdjmdrkxbdjskks! (A/N: Windows has shut down. :³ ). She sighed sadly at the thought of failing one class, that would literally make her curl into a ball and never return outside.

       "I need some hot chocolate..." Mumbling softly she ran a corse hand through her disastrous curls before getting up to trudge down the halls and into the kitchen. She got some milk from the fridge and turned around to turn the stove on only to be met with a inky black figure in front of her. She blinked and...the figure was gone. 'I must not be getting enough sleep' her eyes were wide behind her lens and curls as she poured the right amount of milk into the small kettle she owned and placed it on the stove. She was about to take down a mug and the shredded pack of cocoa bits she kept up from the cupboard only to find the cup and shredded cocoa bits on the counter already. A uneasy feeling settled down in the pit of her stomach as she poured the cocoa in the mug.

       She knew downright that she didn't take the mug or cocoa down who or what put it there? She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice the kettle whistling and the milk trying to escape. Not until the pot moved off the stove by itself and poured the milk into the mug not even spilling one single drop. She took a couple steps back but didn't get far as something was behind her. Slowly she turned around and nearly lost it. Right in front of her was the monster from her dream. It opened its mouth and although the noise was the same strange cloudy symbols danced in the air. And you know what they spelled?

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H- u- m - A-  n .     .    .

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