Eight: Where She Climbs Some Mountains

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'So show me family/All the blood that I will bleed'-Ho Hey, The Lumineers

Charlie's P.O.V:-

"Shit!" I swore. "Shit. Shit!"

Darius braked the car, letting out a series of curses when the sound of police sirens came closer.

He ran a hand through his hair, his jaw clenched and his gaze settled on me, dark and dangerous. "This is all your fault." He gritted his teeth.

"My fault?!" I was aware of the police officer making his way towards us but I couldn't bring myself to care. "I'm not the one who was being an insensitive jerk."

"I wasn't the one-"

"Shut up."

"You can't tell me-"

Darius was interrupted when a middle-aged man sharply rapped his knuckles against the window. Darius winced at the noise then plastered a falsely sweet innocent smile on his face before turning around to greet the cop.

He rolled the window down and cleared his throat-my own was starting to feel a bit dry as I regarded the formidable man standing ahead of us: he was about six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders, a heavy build and a cleanly shaven head.

"Evening, officer." Darius offered a nervous smile, "Does there...um...seem to be a problem?"

I mentally cringed at Darius' choice greeting, resisting the urge to facepalm myself. Cliche much? Definitely. Makes us sound guilty as fuck? Hell yes.

The officer ignored him, instead choosing to lower his mouth to the walkie talkie in his hand and speak, eyes trained on us the entire time. "Foxtrot? Do you hear me, Foxtrot?" There's some crackling on the other end and I made out an affirmative. Officer Scary Face continued talking, "We have a Code 505A in Sector 3F. I have them on standby. Report."

"505A?" Darius dared to ask when the man was done filling his partner in.

"Reckless driving." The officer and I answered him at the same time.

Darius nodded, still a little unsure. I didn't miss the impressed look the uniformed man sent my way. Growing up with the local Sheriff had its advantages. Knowledge of basic police codes wasn't even half of it.

Officer Scary Face shifted his attention back to Darius. "Sir, could you show me your driver's license." He asked.

Darius was all too willing too escape the policeman's intense scrutiny as he searched for his wallet and pulled out a card.

The man regarded it carefully, his eyebrows raised in suspicion as he looked it over. Darius and I observed him, the tense silence overtaking us, my heart was drumming a wild beat against my chest, threatening to leap out at any second. I realized too late that I had been clasping my hands, way too tight for healthy circulation.

Finally, Officer Scary Face sighed and handed Darius back his license. "Since this is your first offense, I'll let you off with a warning." The officer said. I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding, I visibly relaxed and saw Darius do the same. "But don't let it happen again."

"Of course, Officer. Never again"

"Thank you so much. This won't happen again."

Darius and I were quick to offer our thanks. The man simply shrugged in response, offering a small smile before returning back to his vehicle.

As soon as he was out of sight, Darius and I, both, fell back in our seats, groaning at the close call.

Darius lazily tilted his head towards me and smirked in relief, his jawline faintly illuminated from the moonlight making its way through the window. He looked devastatingly handsome like this, and the way he took his lip between his teeth, his jaw pronounced, made my heart almost catch in my throat.

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