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we chose our rooms we unpacked few weeks later they had gotten rich bfs and left me all alone I said I was okay with it wait im alone that means i can do anything wear anything i want I shopped not holding back on the style little did I know my life would change forever after my heart got broken but some douche bag anyway Ill start from there I was at the club with him a girl walked in he looked over thinking it was his brothers I smiled and saw he was looking at one of the girls with her hat tilted in a way he never looked at me that way I instantly knew he imprinted on her I looked breaking the bond his eyes widened he felt it he knew I knew instantly I stood up shaking my head "wait vivanne" he yelled I took off out the door I ran off I was crying I walked on the docks tears streaming down my face I had spent nearly half my break with that jerk and he did this to me I looked the tattoo the made me his disappeared "im sorry" I heard his voice before it faded away tears streamed down my face i sat there crying hard he found me on the docks "vivanne" he whispered i looked and took off he ran after me he looked around I hid in a tree he didnt know I could fend for myself he took off as my clone turned and ran off I droped tears streaming down when something opened its eyes it was red I backed up slowly in shock he walked out he was a newborn there were several I was shocked a guy saw me in a tree I looked around for an escape but they were closing in he saw my beauty his eyes widened he imprinted on me he felt something in his heart he couldnt let me die when he had just found me he droped taking out his sword I felt this sorta connection he took them all out with one slash i was shocked he turned my breath caught he he was so so sexy I looked up in his eyes they softened at the sight of me he looked at me how troy looked at that girl as troy darted in he smiled down at me his eyes widened he saw the newborns dead he felt jealousy take over him he had his cloak on he stepped to me his hand out stretched I took a step forward meeting him half way his hand touched my cheek and I felt safe so so safe I looked at him troy had left already pissed off mad he looked down into my real eyes his breath caught at them "hm shes my soulmate" he thought instantly knowing my eyes he smiled at me i smiled back when something landed we boh turned he took his sword out more surrounded us he pushed me behind him I looked around whas whats going on some guys landed by him he smirked "what took u guys so long" he aske his voice husky I was amazed by it I wanted to melt but I knew this wasnt the time I looked around  in shock more came out "uh were goners" his friend said he eyed me I had fear in my eyes he looked "ill protect u" he whispered to me My eyes widened I hid behind him in fear they attacked I looked one lunged he took him out he looked he saw one tiny scratch he got realy mad he was more dangerous then raven he took them all out I looked they loked at him he nodded away like leave they did instantly I looked up at him "hn im sorry this wil hurt a tiny bit" he whispered biting me as troys sister showed up she was shocked I shreiked in pain this pain was so bad i droped the moon shined on me I changed my hair this beautiful breathtaking snowy white as it went down it turned to this beautiful red color he was in awe he stroked my cheek kissing it she landed he smirked "nothing can stop us from being togeether" he snarled "leave her alone freak" she snarled "hm am I u should watch ur tongue" he snarled taking his cloak hood down her eyes widend she droped bowing he smiled before he took off going to those guys "vivanne vivanne vivanne why did he choose u" she whispeed picking me up she always had a soft sidde for me she hated her brother when she found out we werent together anymore she layed me on my bed "hm il check on u dont worry" she whispered taking off I looked around it was amazing it was black as night fire flys everywhere I caught one with a smile I opened my hands it flew out he smiled watching me he landed I turned swiftly he smiled at me I looked at him he walkedd to me I wasnt scared "why arent u scared" he whispered to me I turned "u wont hurt me wil u" I asked him softly he smiled shaking his head "never ever wil I hurt u" he said his eyes softening "thank u" I said he raised his eyebrow 'for saving me" I said he smiled "Ill protect u i just found u I cant lose u" he said I was shocked he stroked my cheek my head nuzzled closer into his head he smiled kindly down at me never wanting to let his hand go away from my face my hand went up touching his looking up in his eyes they glittered with love and protection he smiled we spent our time together I had my head nuzzled into his chest him holding me "hm u must go soon" he whispered "but i dont wanna go" I whispered he smiled "I dont want u to either but this cant last forever vivanne hm I wish it could but ill see u soon okay" he said I nodded snuggling closer my hands going around his neck he was shocked he smiled his hands going to my waist "I must tell u something" he whispered I looked up "im not sharing u with anyone I will always love u and be by ur side til u order me away vivanne I cant live without u I cant live to see a guy by ur side a guy that isnt me if if anyone trys anything I dont care ill kill them" he whispered to me I was shocked "ur mine vivanne ur mine" he whispered in my ear i was shocked I layed my head near "and I never wanna elt u go ur mine and im urs I wont share u ill rip someone to shreds- he went into vioent details I stroked his cheek he opened his eyes realizing it "im sorry" he whispered i smiled "its okay" I whispered he hugged me into him I smiled he bit into me I gasped soon a tattoo formed on my leg I was shocked it was us my true look when the moon shined on me it showed me that way he looked at it slowly his fangs retracted I gasped in pain he looked holding me his arrms like restricting bows as I changed she watched outside "whats going on" she whispered to herself she caled troy "get over here something isnt right with vivanne" she yelled "what the fuck do u mean" he yelled son he took off leaving her asleep in his bed he hoped in he was shocked "someones changing her" he yelled "what the fuck do u mean someones hanging her nobody is here unless- "vivanne wake up" she sccreamed I didnt hear it hurt "it hurts" I got out his eyes flashed pain soon i stopped he kissed my cheek and soon enough it all stoped I looked fading away "whats going on lein-kun" I yelled he sighed it was hard I woke up they stood there I looked "whats going on" I asked "hm vivanne are u okay" his sister asked "yeah if he leaves" I said pointing to him "just leaving" he snarled at me "asshole" I muttered she laughed "bitch" he said "dickwad" I yelled he fumed leaving "okay I need u to tell me what haened in the woods vivanne" she said I looked nodding to the sketchpad she handed it to me I drew the things I colored it in setting it down "they came" I whispere dher eyes widened "get dressed wait umm never mind" she said I looked walking off they gae me it incase I became some type of vampire unlimited i sighed taking an outift I loved I put it on I got out "u look beautifful" I looked up "lein-kun" I thought "hm im glad ur okay" he thought his eyes closed as he leaned there as his brothers sparred "hm im fine lein-kun" I thought he smiled his brother was shocked "I gotta go" he thought "okay bye" I thought sadness he felt it he sighed leaving he sat down a harem girl tried sitting on his lap his favorite harem girl "get off my lap" he snarled coldly she looked stunned "but lein" she said "no get of" he roared she ran off inside he was shocked he looked off deep into space "whats up lein" his brother asked he looked up "nothing im just thinking about umm things" he said I put on the necklace slipping on my heels i let my hair down changing it to a red color I walked out she was stunned "hm whats that necklacce" she asked "something that can keep me protected from the sunlight illl tel u on the way how I got it" I said she nodded we got in "I know ur vampire" I said to her she was shocked "how" she asked "hm I know alot about vampires freaky supernatural things" I said she was shocked "how- "I know more then u think I do I know u drink animall blood and I was tempting u and troy I know u guys are form down there I know alot" I said she was shocked "how" she asked "hm well its the first thing u learn when ur a shenu there are several shenu girls who wear these necklaces meaning their vampire theirs alot of types that we know about one sparkles in the sunlight- "that sounds gay" she said i laughed at that nodding a bit "hm one burns from it oe doesnt like it at all and wel theres u guys u burn if u dont hae that ring but u need to recharge it when ur in the dark" I said bluntly she was shocked "hm and those shenu girls are all three like me Im human werewolf and I guess now vampire since it hurt to be in the sunlight it burned me a tiny bit but anyway theres also things that u guys need to learn about here" I said she was stunned "like" she asked "ill tell u guys when we get there maybe then u wont die from well anyway il tel u when we get there cuz ur family needs to know the rules also" I said she nodded soon we pulled up I got out walking in shades on hands in back pocket we walked into the livng room they turned he was shocked i was here "whats up" his dad asked her "she says she saw something u guys might wanna look at" she said "what the hell do u mean saw something" the oldest brother said I leaned there shades on "hm vivanne" she said I threw it down they were shocked "where did they come from" he asked me liek I was a baby "im not stupid" I saidd bluntly one of the girls laughed "I see why u like her" she said "u guys need to learn the rules" I said they looked "as I said im not stupid she isnt either" i said pointing to her she loooked shocked she smiled "kaley" she said "hm vivanne" I said she smiled at me "do u know the rules kaley" I asked she shook her head "my family doesnt either" she said "u should learn them" I said eyeing her like call em she did they walked in "i know u guys are vampires as I said im not stupid" I said bluntly troy eyed her she shook her head "what the hell vam- "hm u guys need to learn the rules im not gonna hear that were not vampires shit cuz i Been around alot my whole life" I said bluntly they shut up then "what is these rules" kaley asked me "up here there are ppl called the volturi" I said bluntly they raised their eyebrow "hm theirs rules if u reveal urself to the humans they will kill u but if u have  special power they wont killl u theres a girl with them that breaks the ties and ties them to the volturi once thats done u will serve them no matter what u think they wil kil u guys if they need to their unfair the vampires I been around is a big coven so they want to take them out along with another one the second coven is one short they kiled her cuz she didnt have good information they wanted that coven to attack but they stoped her if u get revealed ur gonna die no matter what u say or think their gonna kil u guys in cold blood I know these things cuz as I said I witnessed it theirs also other supernatural things werewolfs theirss diffirent kind just like vampires the volturi sparkle in the sunlight the cullens and tanyas clan theirs also rogue vamps that dont like to listen hm the other ones are the salvortore boys I know about them cuz my cousin is with one the other one likes to drink from chicks without a care in the world hm the other ones I know cuz I help them out at times hm if u break the rules ur gonna die mystic falls isnt their turf so they dont care but this is I know these things becuz wel im a shenu that the first thing u learn when u find out ur a shenu first thing theres rare ones with the shenu girls al three human vampire and werewolf u wanna die go ahead reveal urself but anyway if they do have mercy they will tel alec to make sure u cant feel anything if that happens u wont fele them chop ur fucking insides off and out u wont feel them burning u at all theres another one her names jane she messes with ur mind to where u think ur in pain the cullens their was one singled out aka not with someone then he met bells shes human and well now shes not and they have a half vampire daughter" I said bluntly they were shocked at how much I knew "theres werewolfs" kaley asked "mmm my brother is one but anyway id watch out their not to kind to vampires they wil rip ur head off if the alppha says so" I said they were stunned "how much do u know vivanne" troy said I snickered "alot" I said as kat called "Were headed there the pack wants to see us we need to pick u up viv" she said they heard "whatevs" I said bluntly I waved two fingers "wait viv" she yeled I turned throwing em some necklaces "u dont have to charge em" I said bluntly as kat pulled up I smirked "theres my ride" I said smilin "where u going" kaley yelled "gotta go see my  brother unless u wanna come meet some wolfys" I said "sweet im in" kaley said he looked protective of her so he stood up she grinned "so in" she said I snickered walking out "whats up viv" lena asked me we did our handshake "nothing we gotta wait some uh friends wanna come" I said "hm whatevs but when we get there ur training some things have come up lina them needs us there" lena said "whatevs is it them again" I asked "yeah they need to make that prison good but they have a need power house on their side kaitos back also attacked me" kat said I fumed at that "I realy hate that prick" I said they were listening "what the hel do u mean their back" troy asked we turned I looked at him turning away "how long" I asked her "long time speaking of why u wearing that ur only wolf viv" kami said "yeah things change" I said remembering lein-kun I smiled I had hid the tat with skinny jeans I needed to tel them soon though I wish I didnt have to their gonna ffreak I wonder if raven knows something about lein I sighed "is the band- "yeppppp" kat tssaid I grinned hugely they laughed harrd "haha so is liz them" lena said I grinned they walked out with bags they put it in the trunk I just leaned there shades on my foot crossed "are u sure its safe" she asked me "yeah I know them" i said she nodded we got in I got in my car "wow shes got a badass car" kaylies sister said she got in with her other sister and a buff guy like emmett I looked at the seatbelts they laughed I roled my eyes zooming forward I id an epic drifting move as hey held on I lauughed and zoomed forward we drifted around I was badass I zoomed in doing a circle move dodging kats car i parked smiling "haha wow" his oher sister said I snickered at him shaking in fear "whats wrong not that used ot that kidna speed" I asked "U BOOOSTED IT WTF!" he yeled i snickered "ye yes I did" I said we got on lenas jet I was looking outside talking t lein he chuckled "smartass" he thought I giggled silently "I cal that a compliment lein" I said he chuckled we continued talking I had my eyes closed like him "what is she doing" troy asked eyeing me like kaylie "who knows its vivanne" kami said I threw a kunai she caught it i smirked at her she smirked back "nice speed viv" lena said I caught it easily I threw it she smirked dodging it by ducking it went boom they were stunned "what the fuck are u guys doing" troy yelled "things vampeehhh" kat said I laughed loking at em "u think im weak dont tu troy" i asked "u couldnt defend urself" he said I snickered "I didnt awnt to I was to lazy lele" i whined as she raised her eyebrow she laughed "hm u wil see her true power soon vamp boy" kami snarled sitting down I snicckered "so u guys see the vid" i asked em they laughed so hard "of course we saw it u guys are so fucking dumb" lena said i laughed hard I hummed Ilike it like that kayllie nodded to it she mouthed the words I saw it I grinned at her she grinned we leaned over fistbumping like yeahhhh they rock "wtf was that" the buff guy asked "hey buff guy whats ur nae" I asked he raised his eyebrow "what u r" I said he chuckled "my names kai" he said "uh huh u browneeehh" I asked she laughed "my names evangline angie for short" she said I nodded "crimson" a guy said I snickered eyeing the chick "hm frost" she said I smiled "like jack frost" I asked she laughed "no just frost" she said eyeing me "my real name is icey but I go by vivanne" i said "why dont u use it its pretty" kaley asked me I looked shrugging "I dont use it every since it happened" i said they looked curious I looked outside with a yawn "im bored hey angie frost kaley miku wanna go do something stupid with kami kat ava and I" I asked they shrugged nodding the guys chibi fell we did alot of things stupid I took his hat I put it on acting liek i was the pilot when gena called "hey hey hey" she said we repeated it together they watched lughing "okay okay gena okayyyy hey hey tel them to be ready" I said in a kickass outfit as we landed "yeah yeah I know" tamera yelled "haha tamy" I said "whos that gena" she asked "ur lead singer" she said "HEY VIVANNE" her and anna yelled i laughed he chuckled in my head "hey how long have u been listening" i thought "when u said hey buff guy" he thought chuckling at that "if u were here id glare at u" I thought he chuckled showing up I felt his presence behind me hot breath hit my neck I was stunned his arms around me I smiled shutting my eyes leaning into him he smiled "ill be up soon I promise" he whispered "who was that viv" gena asked I looked at him noding he smiled leaving "uh no one ooo we landed" I said I hung up walking out "wow why dont u take ur cloak off" frost asked me "cuz I dont realy like showing my face" I said when paprazzi showed up Igot in like its the usual they did to "wasnt that paprazzi" kaley asked "yeah kinda figured theyd be waiting on us" lena said i nodded "huh" miku said I took out my magazine from the fornt I handed it to them they were shocked "hey thats u" kaley said angie was in awe "ur so beautiful" angie whispered I blushed t that "u truly are" he thought I blushed and turned away "haha why u so excited" frost asked "cuz I wanna show troy what a true singer looks like" I said "how so" miku asked "oh she wil show u" ava said as we pulled up they got out in awe "whos house" troy asked "hey this urs" kami asked me "yeah e took lenas jet why not stay at mine" i said "kk cool" kat said like usual "wait this is ur house" crimson asked me I nodded they were stunned we ran in I unpacked in my room kaley them leaned there I smiled getting my leather jacket "come on their at mays" i said they eyed me I giggled we all left the guys following we walked in "may may" I caled they ran down and hugged me squealing I giggled 'wow she seems so popular" troy thought about me kaley ran up with us he followed protectivly she was in awe "omg this place is amazing" frost said "yeah may may" I said she giggled shrugging "omg omg omg EPIC STAGE" I yelled running over i saw my baby I smiled hugely they giggled jumping on I played guitar they joined in they wondered what I could do I screamed into the mic the girls head banging kami grinned hugely "whoa" crimson said I sang tears dont fal their favorite gena nodded to it "whoa her voice is amazing" kaley said to troy he was shocked i continued singing it anna got better just like tamera so did I screamed it liz them heard it I screamed they ran in I winked at em he turned they grinned hugely he listened in the shadows raven and troy felt his presence like I did he smiled I sang it "haha watch a true band troy" miku said he glared at her she headbanged with kaley they laughed I grinned I continued screaming it anna smiled I screamed it lizs eyes lit up her new bf hugged on her "my baby sister is the lead singer" she said I smiled "oo watch" kami said to him I screamed itt we played he raised his eyebrow she threw me it I caught it twirling around singing it kaley swung her hair around aven grinned with his bestys I smiled and di the guitar solo I was spinning around continueing his jaw was a bit open "okay thats a true guitarist sorry big bro but shes epic" she said I continued he was mad at that his band listening to they looked at us as compeitition I continued singing it our schoosl had caled we had more time whoop whoop!!!! i continued singing it we played I smiled gena them whooping "u go viv" she yelled I winkd ather back to back with anna pplaying us grinning at each other we played we ended they cheered loudly I jumped down grirnning at em I hugged liz she hugged me back "stil can rock huh baby sis" aven said "u know I never lose my uh touch" I said with a wink he laughed at that "wait as in thats vivanne" one of em asked he nodded I chibi blinked then walked over to them "epicccc" miku said I laughed "omg that was more epic then troy them omg chicka" she said "thats how we won band slam whoop whoop" I said highfiving gena on that "no way" his bass player said "way" liz said we grinned at each other "I wonder what other songs u can do" frost said "guess we will see tonight huh" lena said eyeing me "who said what now" I asked they laughed I giggled we had fun me and kaley were playing guitr hero when troy walked in he was stunned I was geting along with kaley we ended we highfived giggling we had so much fun then night hit we got ready I smiled looking in the mirror i looked epic I sighed looking at it "lein-kun" I thought he instantly connected it hearing me call him "yes my dear" he said I blushed "can u somehow cover it up" i thought "hm okay" he thought he did i smiled "thank u lein-kun" I thought he chuckled "I gottta go now" he said "oh okay" I thought he left sitting there in a meeting I walked out "I gotta go u guys" raven said "lates have fun with ur girl" lein said "will do" he said with a peace sign up I sighed he sunk yuka with him I walked around the corner they grinned "damn girl" gena said I laughed walking down kaley looked amazing to I smiled we got in leaving we zoomed in the guys leaning outside having trouble we parked I got out shutting it highfiving her I had my hat tilted my hair al did up "vip" I said coldly he let us in "their with us" lena said I walked in it was jumping "yall come to places like this every saturday" aven asked "your baby sister to" lena said eyeing me they were shocked "realy" liz asked me I snickered nodding we had fun my ex walked in he had gotten more sexy but he wasnt as hot as lein-kun I turned away raven walked in lein came into my mind "what u doingggg" he asked me "about to go out and preforrrm" I said he chuckled coming in his arms around me I leaned back into him his head on my shoulder "ur turn" gena said throwing me the ic I caught it he didnt wanan let me go I giggled "lemme go" I thought he chuckled "fine fine fine" he said I smiled mouthing ill go later i ran down chickening out as raven got a cal "what the hell do u mean lein is up here" he asked my head shot up they looked over att me "whats up girl" kenie asked me "uh nothing" I said he caled lein "hm ugh no rampaging come to the karoke club u idiot" he snarled "aww but im ur beta man" he said I heard it I looked down "get here or else lein" he snarled hanging up he walked in with his ccrew he looked around his gaze landed on me i laughed kaley hit me "im sorry but its trueee" I yelled they laughed "sup maaan" he said I looked over like the girls "what the hel are u doing up here u hate earth" he said "hm I got my reasons" he said eyeing me he looked over i was talking to the girls "u chickened out!" lena yelled "im sorry but thats not my kinda style I dont do songs without a band im not that confident" I said raven yanked him off "what does this has to do with vivanne" he whispered "hm while u were off with ur girl I imprinted on vivanne u idiot" he snarled he was shocked "what the hell do u mean imprinted on vivanne shes untouchable dude many pl wil kill u if u try plus her ex is already eyeing her" he said he turned crushing his hand he gasped in pain "lein-kun dont make so much trouble" I thought he chuckled I looked down "get ur ass up there or else" lena said "lele u cant threaten ppl its so not ur style" I said she laughed "smartass" she said "thanks" I said "dude what the hell dont do anything to stupid" he snarled grining at the idiot in pain he eyed me as party rock anthem came on I grinned nodding to it with frost she giggled I grinned grabbing her hand he watched me have fun ppl danced I watched a guy do the robot I laughed at him frost grinned we danced having fun he smiled his eyes lighting up as I looked over at him I smiled at him turning away and dancing ava walked over laughing at me i giggled we shuffled on the bar counter kami pointed to me and ava shuffling they laughed at us then joined in liz jumped on we stopped then continued dancing the guys grinned watching us "omg omg do it" lena yelled at me I shook my head "do ittttttt" kami called i laughed "I have no chice do I" I asked they shook their heads I grinned gena grinned liek il d it with u we got onstage we stumbled out starting to shake ppl turned we continued I grinned we got so fast lena them howling for us I continued with her we fliped off ppl cheered loudly we laughed I continued dancing shuffling on the table we continued dancing on a table we did the snake giggling we continued dancing "man shes so loose aven" his friend said about me "mmm never seen her atually have fun" aven said I giggled we had so much fun him smiling and wathing me I smiled rain over me came on the girls grabbed their guys I jumped down walking over to him his friend elbowed him he looked he nodded to me standing there he turned he smirked i smirked right back fingering him out he grinned walking over to me we danced on each other on a table liz's best friend saw us she elbowed her she looked "check out ur baby sis" she said she looked she grined hugely "shes got swagger" her other friend said our hands paying as we danced "haha raven shes quite taken with him" his friend said he looked he nodded to us he looked over "wow" he said "whooo get some iceeeey" liz yelled I mouthed shut up she laughed he chuckled we continued dancing "why not give them a show" he whispered in my ear "cuz then they wil tease the fuck outta me" I said "who cares" he said I laughed my arms going around his neck I continued let loose we gave em show "omg" liz's best friend said as I shook it on him his hands on my hips liz looked "loook" she said we continued giving em a show she turned her jaw droped "haha I think shes giving us a show" ravens friend saaid "haha they both are" raven said it ended I smiled "nice dancing" I said walking off he chuckled biting his lip sitting down "get ur ass up there" lena said "nope" I said "hey I chalenge u to a rap off" a chick said to me I looked "who now" I asked looking around she fumed calling me out ppl ohed alright Ill get up there she ended with her friend "gege" I said "got ur back" she said we got on I looked taking a mic I took the long part off throwing my top fans screamed going for it I did n.i.g.g.a.s I was gonna show her how to rap i continued walking out she was stunned i actually got up there I continued gege grinned standing there working her body I continued "dude" avens friend said "what" he said he nodded to me as liz looked on their jaws droped "shes killing it" tay said I continued I was kiling her I continued I was on the edge the lights on me "damn u go viv" may yelled I continued soon enough anna sat down her bf sat down to she sang it I was in the backround roling my body around I was on my own runway nodding to it hat tilted on I mouthed now im calling u out they Ohed she fumed at that "U aint gonna win" she yelled "watch me" I yelled ppl ohed like shes burning u I did the next one she sang it he watched to smiling I walked back I turned mouthing heres the mic she raised her eyebrow I droped it as gena ended they really Ohed like burned i walked back she walked back glaring me down I glared right back "u do know u chalenged the champ right" a girl asked me "f her" I said she insulted me in one alright u wanna go lets go I got on they ohed as she droped it I fumed at that picking it up my music started i did stupid hoe I continued ppl wathed me I continued i did the would in her face she fumed at that ppl were stunned I did it tossing her hoe doing the stupid hoe part they Ohed I continued in her ear she got highly ppissed off I got on continuing I pointed to her friend with pigtails she fumed I continued "wow" liz said aven was cracking up laughing the guys tryed not to but joined in the girls shook their heds laughing to "whos gassing this oe bp" I continued "and I dont want custody" i continued I continued I did it I pointed to her doing it I sang it in herr  ear i backed up continueing onstage aven laughed pointing to her I continued I got down dropping it at her feet she glared as I walked backstage she got on doing a song I walked out dilly dally started I nodded to it I did dilly dally "im bringing S.E.X.Y.  B.A.C.K. if icey aint the best then suck a D.I.C.K." I continued "shes kiling it" raven said he smiled I pointed to the dj and said bring the next verse he nodded I idd he next part "bitchs must be blind cuz these bitchs cant see me do it al for GP tel em to suck a pee pee monday LA tuesday in in dc" I continued lena them nodded to it I smiled ending they cheered she got on she killed it she walked off smirking I walked out I sighed a tiny bit scared aven and liz looked at each other i did it in a shaky voice liz took a mic getting on "whoa whoa whoa" she said tthis wasnt part of it I turned she walked out aven raised his eyebrow "whats liz doing" his friend whisperedd I got it she nodded like u got this kill it she was right im not chikening out now pfft f that! I did it not in a shaky voice at all I continued "haha this is the same" she yelled laughing I continued I was killing it ppl loved it "fumble" I said I continued I was on the edge continueing I got low whispering it kinda I continued aven grinned like damn shes kiling it I continued lein grinned hugely I walked down continueing I took out fake money a shopping bag I di the ninja lena laughed at that "give it up its me i win u lose" I laughed in her face "oh shit" I said I continued ppl cheered for me I smiled taking out her hand she fumed I opened it setting fake money and a shoping bag in it I did it aven and lena them laughing I laughed "ayoo" I said I  droped it on the floor but it was real epic how I did it they ohed she sighed "this goes to! this chick right here" he yelled pointing to her ppl booed "im kidding that bitch is long gone haha it goes to her" he yelled they cheered loudly I put up a peaace sign walking back she eyed me "nice" she said to me I grinned thanking her "u were good to" I said lena them ran back "u kiled that' liz yeled I laughed "guess I got something else to do" I said at the table standing up walking on i smiled aking a mic I sang marry the night "wheres viv" liz asked I continued to sing lena shrugged i walked out continueing to sing "found her" may said they looked she nodded on they turned I sang it I looked sighing here I go I sang it the music started it was one of my own I sang it ppl nodding to it I continued singing it gena jumped on we did the dance routine anna and tamera with us I smiled singing it lena nodded to it they all did I walked down the runway singing I continued singing I was rocking it the club jumping again "wow her voice is amazing" crimson said "shes cute though" kai saidd about me lein broke his glass lokoing ready to kill him I jumped down grinning I sang it gettiing on their table I sang it he smiled distracted "no killing ppl" I thought "awwy why not" he thought I sang it getting on a bar counter smiling I sang it I sang it walking down it everybody dancing to it a girl asked him to dance a guy was all up on me I backed away he thought i wanted that so he said yes I looked heartbroken I looked away continueing to sing it I shoved my ex down his friends caught hm I was onstage I sang it the beat started i Jumped down showing em how to dance I continued pl joiend in I sang it On a table lena them in it to gena dancing with her bf I was mega hurt as she danced on him I looked away sighing I continued to sing raven saw it he shook his head like that was dirty wrong I ended they cheered loudly I went back in the bathroom sad he would do that I mean I looked away sighing raven told karina to go check on me she knocked "hey u okay chicka" she asked me I unlocked it she tepped in "why do guys aim to hurt u" I whispered "oh its okay" she said hugging me I sighed they chanted encore I looked away I sighed walking off  I changed walking out "imma slow it down a bit as usual this is one of my own I wrote it backstage i guess" i said shrugging I sat down playing I sang because of you "wow she has such an amazing voice" kaley said I sang because of you he looked I sang it I continued to play he unmarked me I looked away continueing to sing raen smacked him "ow" he yelled "u did that she wasnt aiming for any guys but ur stupid to let that go" he snarled walking off to her he asked her to dance she smiled taking it they slow danced I continued singing it gena looked hurt I eyed her like guys hurt u alot she agreed I continued singing it I stood up continueing to sing I sang my sadest part gena looked down her bf roled his eyes sitting next to lein he was eyeing me I held it amazingly lena them turned in shock I sang it I was sitting on the piano gena playing us looking so beautiful I stood up singing it "omg wow" anna said to liz I continued singing my ex knew it was also about him i sighed I sang it I ended they cheered looudlry I took genas hand "lets ditch" she said to me we got our stuff setting a note down we took off lein's friend saw us leave "lets go for miami or hawaii" she said "how about" I said her eyes wet wide "floridaaa" we said highfiving we took off in our cars we packed so fast leaving a note we drove off into the night else where we wondered where gena and icey was "uh are u looking for the black haired chick and the red haired girl" the waitress asked lein was checking her out he imprinted on her on purpose just to hurt vivanne "yeah" i said "wel I saw them grab their stuff and leave they set that note down" she said "thanks" he said she giggled nodding raven smacked him we al did I smaacked him so hard he yelled ow we smirked they picked it up "it says their at home come on" lena said we took off we parked walking in "viv gege" may yelled we saw a note on geges bed just like we saw one on vivs bed "gege left" may yelled "hm so did viv they said their not gonna stay some place with those two heartbreaking jackasses" kami said we caled em "sup" viv said gena in the backround breaking stuff her laughing about it "where are u" lein asked "why do u care" she snarled at him "where are u" he asked through gritted teeth she hung up "haha shes pissed" aven said "nice going jackass" liz said he fumed "its not my fault she wanted guys all up on her" he roared "she didnt like anyone hell she wasnt even dating!" lena yelled he was stunned we caled again on liz's phone she anwsered "hey liz sup" she said "where are u" she asked "were heading for florida" she said "why" she asked her "we dont wanna be near em" they both said "so thats a do not tel the others" liz asked "yep" gege said she hung up "where is she" lein asked "she told me but im not teling" she said he tried but then it reflected "haha she protected my mind idiot" she snarled running upstairs she told the other girls back to them we landed I made all my appointments here we had fun we got in our biknnis and tanned guys checking us out gena went out on a date she caled me "im heading for italy ofr our date umm we might stay" she said I sighed like really! "fine" i said hanging up she knew i was mad at her how could she leave me I mean come on! I sighed I walked around in the woods loking for my kunai I was shoved I looked around a guy chuckled kaito came up I fliped back "what the fuck do u wawnt kaito" I said "ooooo wheres ur friends maid" he snarled I ran at him blowing out fire he hit the tree my hand raised he gasped for air "whats wrong kaito" I snarled circling him he looked getting air "who r u" he snarled I looked my swords sliding out my sleeve "nothing just a loley maid as u called me" I roared running at him we fought i was better I kicked him he hit a wall I called kenzie "kenzie" I said "sup" she said "kaito" I said then I was yanked back "WHAT WHAT DID U SAY VIV!" she yeled the girls shot in "whats up" may asked "I think kaitos got viv" she said they shot out the guys stoped em lein there to "whats up" tay said "kaitos got vivanne" ava said i looked fighting him I caled her again "im good u guys" I said "oh thank god where are u" lena asked "not telling" I said bluntly hanging up "liz" they asked "she moved" kat yelled "damn it viv" lena yelled I grabbed him throwing him in a tree those things came u "shit" I whispered a guy stoped in a tree I backed up by back hit it I gasped it stabbed me damn it they must have updated I eyed em pissed off he landed looking back at me his eyes widened this imprint was more stronger then raven and karinas I looked up in his eyes he turned he got severly injured I looked and took em out I helped him up helping him in the house I healed easily I healed him he woke when I was upstairs asleep he walked around wondering where he was he saw me asleep he watched me in awe of me the moonlight shined on me brightly so there i Was he smiled sitting down by my bed I woke up to see him starring at me I jumped back in shock he smiled "thank u" he said in a husky voice I nodded lena caled "im fine lele" I said he was playing with my hair I giggled shoving his hand away he chuckled lein heard it he got mega pissed off he slammed the door shut "whats his problem" lena asked "lemme go see" raven said jogging out "whats ur deal dude" he asked "I dont know man im just so angry she probably has a guy there with her" he said "hm dude its not ur worry anymore member u unimprinted on her hurt her" he snarled "but- "but nothing dude go find a chick" he snarled walking inside he walked through thinking about me he left as a girl called him I leaned there my hair blew stole my number from lenas phone he caled me I picked it up and knew it was lein I hung up he sighed leaning there "im sorry" he whispered looking away walking off his sister never seen him this way he caled again I anwsered it "hello I asked sitting on my couch "uh its umm lein" he said next thing u know he heard the dial tone he looked down so hurt he saw a girl riding her bike he imprinted on her she felt someone starring he looked away quickly she giggled at that else where I layed my head bakc watching through the shadow cloud he felt my presence I disappeared shutting my eyes tears streaming down I stood up walking out I walked through the town my handds in my pocket I sighed I had to move on I looked walking in shutting the door I leaned watching couples have fun I  packed gena caled "im moving from florida" I said "uh okay hey u umm okay" she heard the dial tone she sighed "man viv why wont u let anyone in" she whispered to herself he jumped on the bed she laughed smiling at him "so whats up with ur friend" he asked "nothing vivs having a hard time" she said "wonder why from what i hear she seems cool" he said she smiled nodding I was walking to the airport I passed thte beach I walked in buying a ticket to miami I went to miami with a grin I landed I went to my mansion it as my fav I unpacked my maids smiling at the sight of me I sighed they had left one night I was training outside the moon on me I flipedd and landed I stood back up as a guy darted by he stoped I fliped back up his breath caught as I turned continueing he watched me he punched away a werewolf they instantly left after that he was so bad I continued I fliped landing on my back i sighed standing up he wattched me I got it I dragged my foot around blowing fire out I cntinued with my elements making em all their animal elements I did the last one in the perfect pose I panted walking inside getting a shower going to bed he watched me I woke up to see those things around me I jumped back in shock why the hell are they always after me!!!!! I looked backing away my chakra was so low and I was tired "whats wrong" one of em asked "hm u can fight back" another one snarled "no she cant her energy is to low poor baby say hi to mommy and daddy for us" another one snarled going for me something slashed it he stood infront of me he took em all down more came he just took em all down he turned to look at me I was stunned I stood up he looked at me I walked to him he was shockedd "arent u- my towl went to his cheek he was shocked "are u okay" I asked him his eyes widened he didnt see any girl in his future any girl but me he imprinted on me I felt this connection to him once I looked in his eyes his hand drifted  up it touched my hand on his cheek I blushed looking down his finger drifted up going under my chin gently pulling my head up "dont look down" he said i was shocked he smiled "there" he whispered in my ear I was shocked he smiled down at me I returned it a red tint on my cheeks he chuckled stroking my ceek gently he looked then he grunted I noticed it I looked helping him to my couch I took it out I looked at it konan sent those things but how hm it wasnt natural she must have copied it hn I whispered he looked at me starred is more like it I looked cleaning it I healed it he was shocked it didnt hurt anymore he smiled at me I at beside him he scooted closer to me looking away I giggled at that his hand went on mine I smiled scooted closer to him being bold he smiled at me soon he went down "im sorry" he whispered he bit into me I gasped it hurt badly I looked my body rigid I shreiked in pain he looked away he caught me he kissed my lips softly he layed me down taking off he darted off my legs it was in the strongest spot but it wasnt us it entranced around omg it was beautiful i was out for two months nobody knew "im worried about her she hasnt called at all" liz said "hm kat can u- "I been known where she was u guys her guard let down 2 months ago" she said "lets go 2 months she woulda caled or something" kate said they took off going for me else where 2 months ago I woke in this beautiful place he turned and smiled I blushed walking to him he smiled I sat down we spent our time together I fel for him hard I smiled snuggled into his chest he hugged me into him "ur friends are coming" he whispered I was shocked "hm what do u mean jay-kun" I asked he stroked my cheek we walked on the beach he stroked my cheek "I must go also but theres something I want to tell u and i need to do something" he said I looked up in his eyes smiling he smiled back "I love u icey I truly do Im not gonna share  u its not that other guy kinda siuation its umm well its this Ill kill them icey I dont wanna share u ur mine andd u will always be mine for many years to come and welll I love u im sorry u must go I dont want u to go either but u must" he whispered I looked at him hugging him he was shocked soon his finger went under my chin like when we first met "ill always be urs icey" he whispered "and ill always be urs jay" I said he bent down doing what he need to I shreiked in pain as they ran into my room "vivanne" ava kami and kate screamed soon I floated up I changed I droped on the bed my skin this beautiful color I looked diffirent my body so curvy and beautiful they were shocked i had more power he caught me I looked up in his eyes he smiled "ill see u as soon as I can" he whispered "promise" i whispered "I promise" he said leaning down kissing me I kissed back my arms going around his neck his around my waist we continued kissing soon I pulled away he chuckled soon i faded he looked in pain I had to go I woke up they were shocked "hm vivanne" kate asked I looked over my eyes much more beautiful soon they left going for the guys I looked calling kat she anwsered "viv omg ur okay" she said "im fine kat umm u guys dont need to come truly im fine I just had a long nap after I lost my chakra" I said "stop lieing viv" kat said "im not" I said I got through it they believed me thank god I skated near the beach lein called me I ignored it miku caled me "sup miku" I said "hm im in miammeeeh" I yelled she laughed with frost them "hm who u talking to" lein asked "oh were talkign to viv now shut up" his big sis said he fumed "u guys like viv but not my imprint" he yelled "yeah" angie said like duhhh his sisters to they fumed I smiled talking to em I dodged a girl yeed nice I grinned thumb up "who was that" miku asked "nothing im skating a dodged a chick" I said we talked whille I skated some guards watching me incase something hapened I missed jay alot I sighed "I miss u to" he thought i was shocked I smiled we talked through the bond I sighed "I gotta go" I said to em "kk chicka come to la soon" miku said "wil do" I said "laterrrr" they all said I laughed "later chickas" I said hanging up we talked they looked giving em dirty looks "sup hoe" angie said passing her he fumed "angie" he roared 'wha" she snarled "apologize" he yelled "im so not sorry" she said they laughed running upstairs "what is their deal" crimson asked liking her "I think their hung up on the chick they call now vivy" kai said "vivy" lein said "probably short for vivanne I dont see why" crimson said "who knows all they do all day is try calling her talk about her eat go to bed wake up andd talk more about her" kai said lein scoffed I continued skating I decided to go back soon man I missed those chicks I skated home I packed putting on shades in a limo "jay-kun" I thought "yes" he asked I smiled at his voice "nothing" I thought he chuckled "why did u cal me then" he said "things" I thought he laughed smiling "I gotta go babe" he said i blushed at that "bye" I thought he smiled leaving he took out his brother smiling he waalked off leaving a chill behind him I sat there soon we puled up I got out cameras wailed in I took pictures signed things and got on we landed I got off cameras flashed "icey icey over here" they said I smiled waving I took pictures I got in my fans chased it for a while I smiled we puled up I texted miku they said they were at some cliffs I put on a biknni after unpacking I shovedd miku in she whooped she looked I grinnedd waving her eyes lit up she landed in laughing "guess whos back" she said on shoe they looked "who" his girlfriend asked "vivy is back look on the cliffs" kaley yeled running over they did I grinned waving I was cheesing they laughed taking off "vivy is it that girrl their always talking about" leins imprint asked he fumed at the sight of me they hugged me "why couldnt she just stay gone its not helping the progress" crimson said they laughed I smirked "hey crimson got u something" i saidd he turned I threw it to him he caught it he grinned hugely "nice to have u back vivy" he said I grinned nodding I handing them gifts "uh I dont got anything for u two but come by sometime" I said smiling at em lein fumed "they dont want to" he said "okayy" I said hands up I walked off lele them shot up at the sight of me I grinned they ran over hugging me tightly I laughed "hey we wnna challenge u guys" a girl snarled at us I smirked "were gme" I said ava them grinned "soccer" she snarled I smirked slyly "u sure I mean u dont wanna be embrassed do u" kenzie snarled I stood there hand on my hip "whatever ur gonna lose" the captain snarled "temper temper" kami said I giggled "lets play" she snarled I tossed the ball them turning lein them did to blah blah blah came on i fliped throwing it I played amazingly kami kicked it high casually walking off I jumped up doing this epic move I landed and smirked it flew in I highfived lena them "hey isnt that vivanne" liz's friend asked she turned she nodded in shock I continued playing I was tricking them all I kicked it high kenie got a shot we highfived grinning "whoa look itts vivy" miku said pointing to me lein raised his eyebrow "she doesnt play sockerr" kai said "oh she does shes also famous for that shes so cool" a girl said "mm I heard she has this hot boyfriend" her ffriend said I continued playing lein sat up watching me I looked I got in shots kami kicked it high they gave me I boost i did my signature move it flew in instantly she was shocked as it rolled out from under her I smiled pointing to the captain she fumed at that "break" she yelled we smirked I drank water they ran over "omg vivy u were awesome" frost said I grinned at her thanking her "what ur her pupys now" he snarled I looked over "uh no their not their just complimenting me whats ur deal" i asked him he fumed "whatever" lein snarled I looked at them like wtf their imprints saw em acting like asshole they walked over to me I got them to get along I looked "kami" lena said kciking it over they eyed me I eyed em like I got this they kicked it up I did it it flew in we won it I grinned hand on my hip "next time"  she snarled walking off I sighed they highfived me i laughed we hadd fun at the beach I was teaching her how to skate "dude id watch my imprint u never know what she can do" ravens asshole friend said he turned fuming "come on" i said she smiled then skated I grinned hugely he stormed over "are u okay" he asked I just stood there he glared at me she was stunned "she didnt do anything she was teaching me how to skate lein" she said hugging on him he nodded parnoid I skated backwards humming I dodged a guy easily I looked at em "Imma go u guys ill see u tonight" I called they noddedd with their bfs I walked off liz eyed me I walked home I was outside training on the water I looked and did it it was hardcore I fliped back landing in a split fans out I used em as weapons i used em al as miku showed up she was stunned she watched me I looked using it perfectly she watched she saw her moms power in me she smiled trying I watched she fell I smiled helping her up "act like its an entation to ur body" I said she did she fliped blowing fire out I gues that was her element she grinned I smiled "so how did u do that" she asked me "theres more things in the world miku" I said slamming my foot down the earth ran I used al the elements her eyes widened I did it using anything nd everything I ended in the pose she grinned hugely running over "omg u were amazing u should see lein them's training" his big sister said beside miku they nodded "their training right now come on" miku said I got a shower changing they walked outside dragging me I watched em lena them to I was beside them he spotted me first "why is she here" he snarled nodding to me "uh I gotta go anyway I need to meet sensai train some more" I whispered "train what the hell do u know about training" a guy snarled lena laughed "come on girls we gotta join her hm I been wanting to fight u for a while now iceeeehhh" kami said "u gonna be the annoucer though kami dearest" I said "ur so not fiar" she whined I laughed miku stood up "come on I seen her training" she said to frost they left even his and leins imprints we zoomed off as they both ran out "what the hell come bak here" lein yelled u heard us laugh they looked he nodded like ur off they took off after us we changed "come on u guys they wouldnt touch em" tay said "I still dont trus icey" lein said "pfft thats not iceys style if she was gonna kick someones ass she would do it infront of ppl" nate said dante laughed "yeah member that one chick" raven said laughing about it "yeah all u heard was a boom then lenas like what did u do shes like stuff then next thing u know shes being taken to the hospital and shes just leaning there eating popcorn and making comments about her being a faker turns out she was a faker" dante said they all laughed "uh no thats not her" he said thinking he knew me "no its not" lein said "come on then" tay said I was training on the water with kat frost them in awe watching us we didnt care we were the meaning of hardcore blow came on as they walked out I looked using a water whip she fliped out the way we continued soon kenzie and ayame slid in we continued I took kat down I looked smiling I looked and blew fire ayame hit the tree I smiled continueing to fight them the shenu girls watching kate smiling in awe I continued fighting em kat got out I twirled around kicking her she hit the wall by leins head he turned they saw me standing there kami pointed to me like she gets this one I helped kat them up they grinned I fistbumped em waiting talking to frost them "how did u use two elements thats unheard of" frost said I smiled a shadow bal came up they were shocked "I can use anything I can get my hands on I have used the oppnents blood at times to make em give thats why im the best of the best" I said smiling lena grinned "she truly is" kami called soon kami eyed me I stood up "ur gonna lose" kai yeled at me I looked at lena "hn karina ur up" she said they whooped "haha i stil think shes got this I mean shes beaten kate and kat barely even trying" gena said "that is true" anna said they placed bets the guys sat down for once letting my maids serve em they clicked n my first kiss I threw my eapons to the side she did to we got in our stances we ran at each other as kami nodded we did taijutsu not holding back our blows hitting each others I went to kick her she caught em both I looked and then fire came out I fliped back i nmy stance she ran at me we continued "whoa" kai said about me sensai watching leaning on a tree "hm shes got soem epic moves" crimson said about me frost them were in awe I punched the ground she went up I was in the air I slammed  my elbow in her i was on her she roled it around I looked and landed "not that good apprantly" lein said I was on her they were shocked I twisted i fliped back a lightning wire throwing her I ran at her I got blows I slammed my elbow in her she hit the ground I did signs kicking the earth whiped her up the bricks didnt open then it did she went through a shadow vortex I grabbed her by her hair blasting her I smiled standing there "get up crystal" I snarled at her coldly she stood up "guess no more holdin back" she snarled i smirked "lets go then" I said we r who we r came on she got in her stance I got in mine she used her elements I looked doing it I attacked her from all sides I used em all I looked doing signs sensai grinning hugely "u cant fight it" she said laughing lena turned I looked raising my hand she thought she couldnt breathe I stood there I tilted my head chuckling she got out in shock I snickered grabbing her throwing her lena them got out the way I looked "lets go girls lets give her a challenge" lena said they changed breezing forward I sliped on mmy gloves chuckling born this way played I got in my stance we ran at each other I took em all on by myself I looked fliping out the way I took out my gun throwing bullets up like it i slid my foot and caught it shooting one it went through taking alot of em out I smiled lena ran at me we did taijutsu I dodged kats attack she took lena out for me "thanks kitty kat" I said flipping grabing her I threw her into the wall she hit it she turned a kunai I smirked ccontinueing to take em on by myself our kicks hit each others I used all my training with sensai  I put up to 3 percent they didnt see me I eyed em fliping back I got in my stance they ran at me kickiing me back they got in so mny blows they used earth coffin I tryed lein smirked "told u guys shes a weak loser" lein snarled rave saw somethng emmiting from me sensai fumed "get up" sensai roared at me "I I cant" I said only 11 "hm ur weak ur mother would be disappointed" she said my eyes went wide "shut up" I snarled "no she would ur weak ur nothing" she roared at me "shut up" I screamed running taking her down I looked I sumoned that anger i broke out they were stunned I ran at em throwing several kunai I fliped taking kat out smiling i twirled around mouthing boom their eyes widened "get away from it" lena yelled in the sidelines they tryed it wet boom I smirked the fire blew around me I smirked standing there "how did she get out" kai said he turned in shock "dont count me out so quick" I said they fumed and did al their most powerful jutsus they played I like it like that I smiled standing there shadow clones all over I looked they blew out fire their dragons in he air they merged it was one big ass dragon damn it when did they grow this strong "take that on" lena snarled sensai fumed "I give u permission do it already" she roared I grinned hugely and ran u barely saw me I dodged alot and fliped off a tree it was like another karina but this time it was badass I slammed my foot in it it fell with a sccreech i fliped back and cut myself I did mega signs "wha is she up to" raven whispered I did this epic air attack a huge dragon spread its wings I smiled at them their eyes widened "do it" I said coldly it wraped around itself they made it some things come up they went to blast me I dodged each attack I fliped back it poofed like al their jutsus as I did a lightning attack I ccontinued kiling it  I kicked ayame flipoing back slamming lina in the ground crytal ran at me after recovering I fliped in the tree kicking em all down it swallowed em they shreiked "no no" crystal yeled I watched leaning there twirling my hair on my finger I was cold and cruel when I sparred thatss what won me it "hm we give up" she yelled I let em out with a smirk "have a good lesson" I whispered as I passed lein he fumed at that I laughed I was texting sanny I went outside and threw them waters "thanks" they said I nodded with a smile I healed em all with one touch then they floated a sparkle on em they landed on their feats their chakra energy restored to they grinned "whoa" lena said I grinned "mikako thing I guess" i said shrugging they grinned hugely "and that match again goes to vivanne" kami yelled pointing to me I won against al of em on solos I smiled leaning there "how is she that strong she never showed that strength" he said raven them wanted jay to join them becuz of how dangerous he was he would imditely make another leader but he didnt want to he said that wasnt his style "whatchaaa doingggg" he asked me I smiled at tht "nothing about to get a shooowwwer" I thought he chuckled I got a shower I got out sighing I got dressed I walked into the stageroom to see the guys in there already I walked out walking into the other one I wrote songs sitting there I made the beats i walked down the guys turned the girls there to "never mind I guess" I said walking upstairs lein roled his eyes I walked into the music room I stood onstage it playing I noded to it I sang booty call I continued singing it "whats that singing" lein asked "hm maybe thats what she was trying to show us" lena said they wandered in I continued singing it I was into it they nodded to it I continued singing it i continued singing it I did the next verse I sang it they nodded miku them dancing to it I continued singing it lena them daning to lein them walked down they roleld their eyes "blew us off cuz of that" he snarled "man ur really being harsh to her" raven said I sighed I did my fav part I was bold as hell I didnt know they were in here "eww" i sang it I held it in the backroound continueing to sing "so what shes a real biatch I mean I see what u guys were talking about" he said "she didnt do anything wrong she just came back and u guys started beng realy cruel to her" kai said agreeing "booottyy" I sang ending they cheered I looked up I blushed "uh hey guys" I said "oh yeah why not act shy now ur not shy at al" he snarled at me I raised my eyebrows "okaaayy ill be in my room" I said she hit his arm "what" he said "u guys are treating her relaly cruelly" kaley said "so what she only used us" lein said "uh we known her siince she was 10 she doesnt use anyone shes not the type she will tell u straight to ur face but shes trying to be nice to u guys and ur ating like assholes this is her house u idiots" lena snarled running after me I was in my room writing songs when I felt hs presence I smiled and felt arms around me his hand went down my cheek adoringly we spent our time talking through the bond snuggled up to each other I sighed wanting to get a cat nap he stroked my cheek "u tired" he askedd I nodded rubbing my eyes he made me go to sleep he came up "i want the best watching her nothing but the best shes y imprint and if i mprinted on her that means I wont llike a tiny tiny little scratch on her and if I find one tiny little scratch then im gonna rip ur fucking heads off and If I do that then u guys will be dead shes mine and im not gonna risk anything so guar her with ur lifes" he snarled at em they kneeled "yes my lord" they said he stroked my cheek my head nuzzled closer into his hand so much warmth hit my cheek he looked down at me like I was the only thing that mattered "dismissed I want time alone" he snarled they left he got in bed with me when my eyes opened he ddisappeared I sat up with a yawn and brushed my hair I wrote new songs soon they walked in after i created the beats "hn hey" kami yelled i turned they grinned waving i laughed at tht "so whatchaaa doinggg" lena said "wrote a few songs" I said "lets hear it then" kaley said we stood up passing the guys they glared at me but I could careless I jumped onstage I sighed it started I sang give your heart a break I continued singing it they nodded to it as val walked down she listened nodding to it I was rocking it I sang my fav part playing piano the guys watching as the girls smiled I held it so long "whoa" kai mouthed they nodded I continued singing it I shoved the chair I continued singing it I held it in the backround I continued singing the girls clapping alon to with beat I sang the next one I ended they grinned "that was amazzzinngggg" miku said I grinned nodding soon they alll left it was apprantly their couples night someone knocked I anwsered it texting santana soon I looked up my breath caught 

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