Bad boy vampire love story!

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I smiled walking through the leaf i was fat and not very good look but I still had a bf I was in love with he cared about what was on the inside not the outside I knocked she anwsered I grinned at her she smiled at me I bought tays old motorcycle I waved bye I walked in with my key I saw he had a girl on his kitchen counter making out with her "what about vivanne" she said "fuck her shes to fat" he said then he saw me his eyes widened I shook my head running out he shrugged not carring I was crying in my house when someone knocked I anwsered it it was my drunk sister and her boyfriend  I smelt weed on them I was shocked "elizabeth why were u smoking weed" I asked her she hit me I hit the wall with a thud I was stunned at her tears streamed down when someone else knockd i anwsered it a big mark on my face it was a anbu her eyes widened at the mark "what happened vivanne" she asked me "hm my sister hit me what is it" I asked she looked "kazekage wants to see u" she said I nodded I walked into the office looking down my bf was one of the kazekages sons "hm lets get down to it ur mother left a will" he said as my siblings walked in with anbu I stood there looking down in the middle of them "hm elizabeth u get ur mothers car and her belongings hn aven u get ur mothers wand and robe also the invisabilty cloak and wel u vivanne turns out ur a mikako and shenu meaning u will inherit alot of money and ur going off to train with my best also ur being adopted since them two is not up to take care of u as I ssee elizabeths hand print ur being adopted by a sannin u will join ur siblings after ur training in the leaf I have seen ur potential the one u showed when u sparred with temari my daughter and I want u to become the best so I am handing u over to the leaf u may come back if u like but u willl not live here and my son is lucky to be- "he cheated on me" I said quietly my siblings shaking in shock "okay ill kill him" temari said fuming pissed off "nah its fine mari-chan" I whispered she nodded "hm also ur the sister to the great kate meaning ur also ava kami and a bit of lena's siser u have much more stock then mckenzie and karina" he said I was shocked just like them "that twerp shes weak" elizabeth yelled "then u havent seen her spar she has won against alll three of my children so do not disrespect her" the kazekage snarled they were shocked I was looking down "when do i leave" I whispered "today u will be moving to the leaf to now go pack" he snarled I walked out I packed they walked in I was continueing to pack I looked at moms photo missing her badly "I wil make u proud mom" I thought "hm I stil dont believe ur a mikako or a shenu" big bro snarled my anger shot up "do u think I care about u then u beat on me every since mom died god I hate u guys have a good life cuz when I do return I wnt nothing to do with u" I roared at them walking out mad I walked to the gate i passed him with them mari caught my arm "haha Ill see ya when I see ya huh" she asked me I nodded "yeah u will I guess hm lates mari-chan emo-kun kankuro-kun kit-chan ami-chan asshole-kun" I said the last part they snickered he fumed "ur only mad cuz were through" he yelled at me I turned he flew through a glass I smirked walking off I walked alone big sis rode to the gate like big bro I walked to the gate a blonde stood there with the shenu girls kate to she looked at me "hm u have alot of power" lena said to me I looked down in the middle as usual them glaring down at me ava looked at aven he hit a tree kami looked at big sis she hit a tree i said nothing "lets go" my sensai snarled I nodded the villagers at the gate waving me off nani hugged me I hugged her back "bye masho-senpai" I said he smiled "hm im gonna miss u" he said hugging me I hugged him back I looked up my calling card came up in the sky elizabeth saw it she looked down remembering my words "when I do get back I want nothing to do with u guys" aven repeated in his mind he looked at elizabeth who was just as sad I was fed up with them a few years later I am now 14 my body was so curvy just like every shenu girls body but much more better my eyes are still those same beautiful purple with light blue man was I a beauty my hair to my waist I was asleep sensai woke me i looked "hm u know u inerhited right" she asked me I nodded tired from all the training "tommrow is ur final test then u will be completely made over so get ur rest" she said I nodded going back to sleep she woke me I stood up putting on the kimino she gave me we trained I looked and then my hands glowed something phased out it I blew two trees up I fliped and pushed my hands air cut up the other tree I got in a split fire came out my mouth i fliped up kicking my foot then earth wood everything I looked and then used grass and clouds and sensais shadow I was amazing I got in my last stance it al emmitted she was shocked at the new ones then she grinned I turned bowing in respect she nodded we took off the tent and left I had my backpack on she saw a tiny buldge she made me work it off and boy did I work my hair in a ponytail as I ran on the thing a guy watching me drooling like many others soon a gir recgonized me she shreiked "omg its VIVANNE SHENU!" she screamed every girl crowded around me I signed things I put up a peace sign I didnt show my teeth I had braces I was getting off many girls in awe I continued running sensai with me working out I lifted some weights did it all soon I was in the yoga room u heard several pops from my body I was in this flexable position with sensai soon we left "oh u got ufc training come on" sensai said we hopped on our motorcycles taking off we pulled up I walked in and then did it I took her out I was sitting there next to sensai "okay come on lets go to julios" she said I Nodded we left we walked in they gasped at me "ur like a supermodel gone wrong honey" julio said to me "oh I know plz plz" I said "u know I lways got a seat for my favorite super model" he said they gave me a beth as they riped my braces off and m little head thing I hid when I was out I sighed it was al dirty my skin was so beautiful oi I walked in they got the little mustache off I held in my scream sensai nodded we continued soon enough they brung in a clothing rack as I was getting my nails cleaned and painted I chose this epic outfit that really showed my body off I was going back to the leaf haha Im gonna show them the new vivanne mikako shenu! I looked they did my hair gave me all kinds of things man  It looked amazinggggggg they brung out my purple blue eyes u saw this beautiful blue in the purple ones "ah I love ur eyes their so unqiue" the women said I smiled at her nodding she did it all soon I put on the outfit I slipped on the heels already hiding my weapons on my body I smiled soon I walked out she grinned nodding we left I got it all a new wardrobe my other clothes were burned by sensai except the kimino I walked into a shop guys starring at me the whole time I looked at a phone I was a tech kinda girl a guy saw me looking around he starrred at me I clicked it on easily he was stunned I smiled at sensai she grirnned we bought it "hm many girls dont know how to handle this baby" the guy saidd I smiled "well I guess im not many girls huh" I said smiling at him kindly he nodded speechless I looked "come on viv" she yelled I walked out and to her as I passed many guys stopped to stare fans recgonized me I took pictures signed things it all I waved bye walking off smiling I had on a leather jacket to so my style I see why ava them love wearing it speaking of i put their numbers in grinning I was amazed at al of it i was always in the village never out into a mall like elizabeth and aven speaking of I wondered how they were I sighed "thinking about them again" she asked me I nodded "I wonder what they do these days" I said she smiled at me "wel ur gonna know soon huh why dont u go and get something and meet me at this cafe okay" she said I nodded I put on this amazing outfit I wore it out guys eyes went wide I looked my new cel rang I anwsered it "hello" I said "um hey its aven" he said my eyse hardened "what do u want" I asked him coldly "hm we miss u okay were sorry for how we treated u" he said we talked I sighed "how is ur training going" elizabeth yelled "good I guess" I said "thats good" aven said "yeah it is I gotta go" I said "umm okay when do u think ur gonna be back" aven asked me I smiled "soon" I said "oh okay" they both said "bye I missed u guys" I said being truthful "we missed u to" elizabeth said I hung up putting it away I walked into a tat shop ooooo I got a stomach peircing and a very showable tat I walked out it made the outfit look complete just like the peircing I smiled soon I walked to the shop shoping bags in the limo I got out texting kami I walked in and sat down sensai grinned "ooo nice outfit change wait is that a tattoo" she asked me "uhhh" I said loking around like busted I chewed my lip "and a peircing?!?!?!?!" she yellled "kinda" i said "cool" she said I laughed she joined in "uh I got this one" the hot emo boy said walking to our table" what can we get u" he asked I looked up "damn" i thought sensai had her mind reading jutsu she heard it "hm a salad" I said kindly he grinned at me I blushed lokoing away "nice peircing" he said to me "nice snakebites" i said he chuckled "uh ill just have some fries" she said "okay coming right up stay right here" he said "kay" I said she grinned "haha kay" she said I rolled my eyes he set down the salad I smiled at him he grinned at me walking off I cheked his ass out sensai hit me I shrugged giggling I ate my salad he walked over I gave him a tip he grinned at me "got a number" he asked me as I leaned here waiting on sensai "hm do u" I asked he chuckled "mabe" he said "then thats my anwser" ii said he smirked at me I looked reaching over slipping his cell out I put my number in "cal me sometime" I said "definately" he said I smiled putting my shades on "come on viv" sensai said we left he grinned he walked back into the kitchen she eyed me I was twirling my hair on my finger he texted me I texted him back in the limo "so whats his name" she asked me "aiden" I said she giggled "so hot" she said 'right" I said she llaughed with me "haha he seemed pretty interested" she said "u think so" I asked her "yup honey u know what i would do" she said "what" I said "make that asshole of a ex jealous u said he moved to the leaf right" she asked me "yeah" I said "then do itttt" she said I grinned hugely nodding we pulled up we sunk we came up we walked through the leaf gate a sand nin stood there with a leaf nin his eyes widened at me I smiled talking to sensai "name rank- "I got this one" he said walking over "vivanne" he asked "omg jack" I said he laughed hugging me I hugged him back "how u been" I asked him "good wow u have changed for the beter" he said checking me out I laughed nodding "yeah" I said he chukled "name rank and village" he said rolling his eyes at the leaf nin  "hm vivanne genin naturally he sand village' I said he smiled nodding eyeing sensai she took her cloak off he bowed instantly realizing we were both like royailty "so whos the new hokage' I asked the leaf nin "tsunade" he said "hey she adopted me" I said smiling he kneeled instantly "wlel ill see u around jack" I said as I got a text we left he sent word to the sand nin I walked in to see my ex there with ava them and mari them I kneeled "u know u dont have to kneel smartass" lady hokage said to me "aww wwhy notttt its so fun" I said she laughed "hm how was her training" mom asked she smirked "a success right vivanne" she said I took my cloak hood down opening my eyes "yep" I said he had left already they grinned we left soon we walked in I had my cloak of the guys sat around throwing a football "so viv I love the tat" lena said to me "right" I said his head shot up "viv as in vivanne" he asked "yeah" lena said curious "thats her ex" ava mouthed she eyed me "help me u guys I wanna make him jealous" I thought sending it to them they grinned "so any hot guys" ava asked me on purpose "many but this one caught my eye" I said "ooooo tel" kat said as we sat down he looked over I told em when he called me I grinned picking up "hey" he said "hey" I said biting my lip we flirted i flirted right in his face he got more and more pissed off "so when do u think we can meet" he asked "maybe tommrow" I said twirling my hair on my finger "hm ill see u then" he said in a husky voice "i guess u will" I said hanging up "was that him" lena asked I nodded "he wants to meet tommrow" I said they giggled "ooo what am I gonna wear" I asked he roled his eyes at that "ddue whats ur deal" dante asked him "hn I used to date her" he said "haha wat broke u up cuz she is fine as hell" tays friend said "she was ugly and fat"  he said I fumed at that "imma go out u guys" i said as aiden texted me "kay" they said he texted me something stupid and ocky wtf I texted him back I roled my eyes deleting his number I put my cell away walking around the leaf it was diffiren from the sand it was beautiful I sighed I had came back stil fat and i made alot of friends naruto passed me with spraycans "hey naruto" i called he turned I waved to him he grinned "hey whats ur- "its me vivanne" I said he smiled at me "hey viv-chan" he said as he passed "hey what u up to" I asked my hands in my backpocket "come on il show u" he said "cool" I said then I twirled passed him he was shocked I followed him we walked onto the hokage moutain I grinned he threw me a spraycan "do u wanna be hokage someday" he asked me i nodded he grinned hugely spray painting his face on I did to I grinned doing my hair up I sprayed my eyes purple smiling I did the blue ring we jumped down as a anbu ran up "hey naruto u cant do that" he said I looked "run" he yelled we were chased lal around I fliped over mom she was shocked I ran off laughing as the nin chased us I slid under mari "sory temari" I called she looked aking off I yanked naruto into the woods I smiled "followme" I said to him he nodded we came to this hideout I built I walked in we layed low there laughing about it "haha I think we should go back now" I said he laughed nodding we walked off we walked through the training feildsd we walked into the ramen shop we passed gaara kankuro and him he fumed at naruto beside me laughing with me we sat down "haha I cant believe we did that" I said he laughed nodding "it was so fun" he said "right" I said he fumed at that "when did u turn into such a jailbird" he snarled at me I looked at him "uh I just said it was fun I didnt know it was ur business" I said coldly he fumed at that "what is ur deal" he yelled at me "whats urs" naruto yelled at him 'sit down monster" he snarled he looked down hurt I looked punching him he flew through the glass "sorry bout that ayame" I said to her she giggled "its fine he deserved it" she said I sat down paying for all his ramens he grinned patting his stomacch i laughed "come on u gotta meet sakura" he said dragging me off we found her at the feild training with a guy with the uchiha syombel (sasuke didnt go with orochimaru in this one) I looked walking over with naruto "hey u guys" he yelled they turned "hey naruto whos this" sakura asked looking at me I looked up smiling that uchiha guy starred at me "this is vivanne-chan" he said I waved a bit smiling "hm its nice to meet u hey u might be that girl that the sand nin talked about being back" she said I looked "hm probably i used to live in the sand" I said smiling "oh cool" I said "hn" that uchiha guy said "another emo huh ur jut like gaara all u say is hn" I said he glared I giggled he grew a tiny smile a shy girl sat there lokking at me I recgonized her I walked over to her sitting down "hi hinata-chan" i said she was stunned "viv-chan how have u been" she asked recgonizing me "Im good im surprised u actually reccgonize me" I said she giggled "its hard not to ur stil so peppy and well hyper" she said I giggled "am i' I asked she nodded smiling I grinned at her we talked about what we missed out on "I wondder how strong she is" sakura said looking at me "hm I do to" sasuke said naruto nodded "hey vivanne wanna spar" rina-chan asked me i nodded like sure I coulld use it

Bad boy vampire love story!(on hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя