Chapter 3: Wonwoo

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WARNING: Contains heavy language (curse/swear).


Wonwoo's POV:

Did you ever want to vanish from this world?

I did, and was so close too.

...Until that annoying girl stopped me that was. Damn her.

It's not like I haven't tried. Damn, I tried so f*cking hard but my bad luck has always been beyond ridiculous. First, I thought of drowning myself: The police didn't allow me to get on the bridge because they had some sort of investigation going on around that area. Next, I thought of jumping from a tall building: Those dumb*ss security guards stopped me from entering. Then I thought of drinking some sort of poison: too bad I couldn't afford any...
I never knew that suicide would be this hard. Or maybe life was just mocking me, expecting to see me suffer in this harsh and cold hell.


- "Fight me." - I told him, the one I sent the note to this afternoon. I heard rumours about him floating around the school and at that moment, I was desperate enough to think he might actually be my savior.

However, the guy simply dusted himself off and walked away.

- "What's wrong? Aren't you such a coward?" - I taunted, laughing like a maniac. - "Jeon Jungkook, devil king my a*s. More like chicken queen, don't you think?"
Instead of beating me up for insulting him like I expected, he just smirked.

- "Someone like you isn't worth my time."
There it was, the thing I despised the most.
I instantly dived in, wanted to punch Jungkook in the face, hard. I hate people like him, always disregard others as if they're trash. It reminded me so much of that sc*mbag who made my life became so miserable. If it weren't for him, mother wouldn't have..
- "DIE!!" - I was blinded by rage, desired nothing more than hurting the guy standing in front of me. However, he easily dodged and blocked my every move.
- "At least now you fight."
I wasn't given any time to reply as his kick sent me flying and hit the wall. A sharp pain coursed through my entire body as I heard something cracked. Probably either the old brick wall, my bone, or both - I didn't give a sh*t. After struggling to stand up, I tried to attack him once again. But one simple punch from him was all it took to render me useless. I laid there, in the middle of the ruin, covered by wounds and bruises. Every small movement made it felt like there're thousands of needles relentlessly stabbing me. I could taste blood in my mouth and surprisingly it gave me a sense of comfort, knowing that I might be able to meet my end soon.
'Mother, I'm coming. Please wait for me.'
I let out a crooked laughter, conciousness slowly drifted away.
"It's going to be okay..."
Everything faded into black in front of my eyes.


The first thing I noticed when I came to was the horrible headache and nauseous feeling in my stomach.
'Am I dead?'
I wondered why it still hurted so much even in death. Was I in hell? Considering I kinda killed myself, it wouldn't be a surprise.
I slowly got up and opened my eyes, ignoring the growing pain all over my body. It took awhile to adjust to the dim lighting but finally I was able to observe my surroundings. It was a room, a very luxurious room to be exact. There're red carpet, chandelier and all sort of expensive decorations. No doubt the owner of this house's pretty damn rich.
The noise of someone carefully opened the door startled me out of my thought. And there she stood, one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen in my entire life. Her face was angelic: porcelain skin, natural rosy cheeks, cherry pouty lips and sparkling eyes. She calmly made her way to the chair beside me and sat down, followed by a serious-looking long-haired guy. For a moment, I was confused if this was only a dream. Nothing made sense to me.
- "You woke up?" - Her voice was soft and full of concern, something I've never received from anyone beside my mother. - "How do you feel?"
I paid no mind to her questions. I wanted her to answer mine first.
- "What happened?"
Her smile was unwavering, which annoyed me quite a lot.
- "Well, you were injured, so I..."
- "Did you save my life?" - She hesitated. However, her expression clearly confirmed my suspicion.
- "...Why? Why did you do that?" - I grimaced. - "F*CK. YOU SHOULD HAVE MINDED YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS YOU STUPID...."
The guy behind her was quick to react. I was sure he'd have attacked me if it wasn't for her motioning him to back off.
- "It's okay, Jun." - She slightly shook her head. My scowl deepened, detested the fact the girl didn't seem to lose her composure at all.
- "Whatever, I'm leaving." - Despite my weak state, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. I couldn't careless if I'd die on my way. Hell, it's actually my goal to die.
- "Wait." - I heard her but my feet kept moving. There's no reason for me to listen to the words of a complete stranger anyway. - "You can stay, Jeon Wonwoo."
I immediately froze in my track. Millions of thoughts running through my brain all at once, yet one stood out the most.

'How did she know my name?'

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