Chapter 76- Surprise

Start from the beginning

Of course he forgot. Why the hell would he even remember Molly thought as she walked towards Ana's front door. "Oh maybe because everyone else remembered" she muttered out loud. "Stupid stupid stupid" she muttered. She let her self believe that he was only pretending to forget. When he had suggested they just stay in, Molly actually thought that had been his plan all along. But of course he wasn't cos he forgot. But everyone else remembered. Heck even her parents did. Jorge had phoned on Friday to inform Molly that there was a letter at the office for her. He assumed what it was and knew she would like to know about it. Molly had being surprised and sad. She hadn't spoken to either of her parents in so long.

"There you are" Ana said as the door swung open. "Sorry I'm late" Molly said. "What's the matter?" Ana asked. "Nothing" Molly replied walking into the house. "Mols" Ana said concerned. "Molly you're here. Brilliant we can start to have fun now" Anderia said coming to hug Molly. "Sounds like you've already started to have some fun" Molly joked. "I have the night off mama duty and I intend to make the most of it" Ana giggled. "Remind me to get some food in her when we get there" Ana said. "Well since we are going to Nagnore's for dinner I think she'll get some" Molly said. "Dinner ya" Anderia winked at Ana. "Ahm-

"So did you have a nice day? Did you get split rotten?" Ana asked linking her arm with Molly and ushering her towards the living room. "Ya it was lovely. Rodrigo woke me up with a card he made. He was sweet. We watched cartoons with Dinis and Junior in my bed" Molly smiled remembering how nice it was to spend time with the kids. "And you had a nice lunch. I don't know how ye managed with the kids though" Anderia said taking a seat across from Molly and Ana on the couch. "How did you know I went for lunch?" Molly asked. She hadn't spoken to Anderia since she phoned early in the morning. And Molly hadn't known she was going out for lunch until she was told five minutes before they all left.

"I bumped into Dolores" Ana said. "Oh right. Ya lunch was fine. The kids are easy. Katia, Elma and Dolores really insisted on taking me out. They didn't have to" Molly said. "But they wanted to. And now you can celebrate with us" Anderia said. "I told you I didn't want a fuss" Molly groaned. "And we aren't making one" Ana said. "So it's a consequence that you choose tonight to have dinner out" Molly said rolling her eyes. "I wanted company while Pepe was at his poker night. It just happens to be happening tonight" Ana smirked. "You girls are so annoying" Molly said. "We know" Anderia said raising her glass towards Molly making her laugh. "Ah she laughs. I was beginning to think someone had stolen all your money going by your mood when you first came in" Anderia said. "The only one who will be losing money are your fellas tonight" Molly said. "I'm sure it won't be too bad a night for them" Anderia smirked.

"Well at least they don't have to worry about Ronaldo beating them" Molly mumbled. "Why not?" Ana asked. She figured something was up as the footballer hadn't replied to any of her calls or messages. She didn't want anything to ruin Molly's night out and she kept reminding Cristiano. "He's going to Sergio's tonight. Andre...I mean Dolores is babysitting" Anderia said. "He got a better offer" Molly said. "Irina is in Madrid" Molly sighed. "Brilliant" Ana said in a voice that was anything but. "Be nice" Molly said knowing how much Ana and Anderia weren't the model's biggest fans. And to be fair Molly could see why. Irina hadn't made much of an effort to get to know the women even though they were the partners of Cristiano's best friends.

"I don't know how you can be around her with all her snide comments" Anderia said. "I'm not around her much. And she's got nothing to do with me. She's Cristiano's girlfriend" Molly shrugged. "Well if she's a bitch to me again, I'm going to knock her out" Anderia said and Molly and Ana burst out laughing. "I will" Anderia said. "Oh I believe you" Ana laughed. "Maybe Cris will tell her off again. I know Pepe and Fabio would love to see it happen in person" Anderia said. "Maybe Cris should take a look in the mirror" Ana muttered. "What's going on between the two of ye? You've being acting strange around each other for days" Molly said. "No we haven't. Now are we going or what" Ana said standing as she replied to a text.

"Wait if Irina is here, then Cris isn't going to Sergio's then" Anderia asked. "He can play poker anytime. Plus I doubt Irina would be happy if he left her to go to Sergio's" Molly said. "But after all his" Anderia stopped. "All what?" Molly asked. "All his talk about beating everyone. Now the car should be open. I'll just grab my purse and coat. I'll follow you girls out" Ana said. "But" Anderia said. "I'm sure everyone will be fine without Cristiano. In fact I doubt he'll be missed" Ana said heading to the stairs. In fact she was going to make sure he wouldn't be missed.

"I feel way too over dressed for dinner" Molly said as she walked towards Ana's car with Anderia. "Does that mean you listened to Ana and wore the dress" Anderia asked. "Yes. I still can't believe you both brought it for me" Molly said. She had been shocked when she opened the box that had been left on her bed. Ana had dropped it over while Molly was out for lunch. "But you love it?" Anderia asked. "Of course I do" Molly smiled. "Who loves what?" Ana asked as she came towards them. "Molly's wearing the dress" Anderia said. "Aww she listened to me. Brilliant. I hoped you would" Ana smiled. "It's too much though" Molly said. "You looked gorgeous in it the day you tried it on. And I'm sure you look even better tonight" Ana said. "I don't know why you wanted me to get so dressed up" Molly said as they hopped into the car. "You'll thank us later" Anderia giggled. "OK why do I feel like I'm missing something" Molly said looking between the women. "The only person who is missing something is Pepe. I have to drop his phone off to him. So we are making a detour ladies" Ana said putting the car into drive.

"Why does it take the three of to give Pepe his phone?" Molly asked stepping out of the car. "It would be rude not to say hello" Ana said. "Come on" Ana said waving for Molly to follow her towards the front door. "Why are there so many cars here? And why is the place in darkness?" Molly asked. "I told them not to all drive" Anderia muttered. "Told who?" Molly asked.

"Ok show me your coat" Ana said pausing suddenly when they reached the door. "Here" Molly said dropping her hands to allow Ana a better look. "I meant take it off" Ana said. "Excuse me" Molly said. "I want to see the dress. Trust me. Now off" Ana said. "And everyone calls me bossy" Molly muttered as she untied the belt and shrugged the coat off. "You can knock on the door Mols" Ana smiled. "I'm glad today is almost over cos I swear everyone is acting strange today" Molly said moving further towards the door.

"We should wait in case Cris comes" Anderia whispered to Ana. "For once things aren't all about the great Ronaldo" Ana snapped as Molly twisted the doorknob open.

"Why is it so quiet?" Molly asked looking over her shoulder at the women. "Walk further in and you'll find out I guess" Ana said. "Hello. Anyone in here. Or are ye all crying over getting yer buts beating by Sergio in poker" Molly laughed as the lights came on.

"Surprise" the room filled of people shouted and Molly jumped backwards in surprise.

"Happy birthday Molly" Ana whispered into her ear as people rushed forward to great her.  

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