My Little Secret,Chapter 15

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I sat on the private jet thinking of how exactly Egypt looks in the spring.I looked out the window and wondered what life would be like now.I looked over at Ryder and how peaceful his face looked when he was in 'vampire sleep'.Vamp sleep is sorta like this trance state we go into to build up our energy.I haven't done it yet but I know you have to have someone there to help you with waking up.

I slowly closed my eyes and thought back to how my mother reacted when I told I was going back to my birth parents in Egypt.Even now I still don't know where exactly we stand in our relationship


"Mom,before we tell you you have to promise that you won't overreact again.Please mom,promise me that." I pleading as the wrinkles in her face relaxed and she nodded her head.

"I'm going back to Egypt to my birth parents." I stated slowly trying to let it all sink in.

"No," She replied stubbornly. "You are not going back to those people.By law I am still your mother and you can't go out of the country without my permission."  I turned to Ryder for the answer and he nodded his head telling me she was right.


"Ms.Swale,I never married."

"Ma'am,your daughter has important business to attend to.She is needed to continue on her family line."

"What !" My mother and I shouted. I turned to Ryder trying to probe his thoughts,but he just returned my look with a blank stare.

"Her family is slowl dying out and they need an heir to their throne. Annabella is the only living functional relative they have left."

"Hold on, so your telling me that my daughter basicall is the only living incubator to left to continue you satanal line." I looked at my mother as well not understaning anything.

"Ryder, I didn't sign up to be Princess of the vampire community. All I wanted was to meet my biological parents,to have a father for once." I whispered the last part not wanting my mother to feel any guilter than she already was.

" I know Annabelle but whats done is done."


And that was the end of that situation. Ryder stirred next to me finally deciding to wake up from his vamp nap.

"Hey," He yawned  " What time is it?" I shrugged just wanting to forget even meeting him. This whole experince is so spent and emotionally strained that at this point I'm not even sure I want him.

"Still icing me out?"

"What do you think?" Shooting daggers at him through my eyes.

"Look,your parents really want to meet you, Annabella. But they really need this one favor from you." Ryder reiterated pissing me off even more. I ignored him and looked back at the puffy clouds. I dug in my bag searching for my i-pod hoping maybe some Adele will calm me down a bit.I hit my playlist and cranked the volume drowing my sorrows at the same time.

Two hours later after getting up from my Adele induced coma,I notice that Ryder was gone. I jumped from my seat trying to listen in on where he was. Since we were riding in first class he was pretty easy to find. He was sitting under an alcove near coach with a phone glued to his.

" I had to tell her." he whispered into the phone. The person on the other end shouted frantically at him questioning his logic.

"It's not like I could just kidnap her and haul her on the plane. This is a different millenium,sir.Things don't work as they did in the age of the bronze.Everyone here is very protective and questioning. But don't worry my liege, I'll get her back home in no time." He quickly shut off the phone not even waiting for a reply.

"Well, look what we have here. The smartest crimanal on the freaking planet." He looked up and stayed silent not even denying his own misgivings.I stormed back to my seat feeling so powerless. I sank lower focusing on something less complicated. Something that wouldn't make me think or feel.

The only thing I could think of made me sick. I swallowed wanting to tune out the sound of their hearts beating. The blood flowing slowly through their veins.Everyone so different and unique in their own way. I brought my knees to my chest wanting to fight myself. My mind reeled back to the day I almost drank Emmanuel's blood. So sweet, so warm. Mmhm, I knew what I had to do.

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