Great. Just great.

The little wolf doesn't back down. Instead it growls back lowly and hesitantly, looking at me for direction. Eaton isn't its Alpha, I am, and unless Eaton defeats me the little wolf will listen to me and only more.

More greatness. My life is just wonderfully great. Don't you think?

"He's not going to hurt me." I snap out at both of them. It's the rain's fault that I feel grumpy.

Eaton huffs and the little wolf turns a slight glare my way. I can read that look.

"Fine." I huff. I gesture at Eaton. "He's not going to hurt me." Looking pointedly at Eaton, I jab a finger toward the little Lýkos. "She's not going to hurt me." Well, I hope she won't.

Eaton snaps his jaw, threatening pain, but backs off just as Tempest tumbles through the bright plants. Her horse isn't with her.

She mumbles about dumb animals and how she misses Rash and I realize that Tempest is still here. I mean, I've know she's around, but she's still here... with me. She hasn't gone home – even though I wish she would. She's still three weeks fresh out of the hospital. Although her wounds don't seem to be causing her any trouble, I wish she'd relax a moment, at least for me.

Instead of saying anything I sit down with a yawn. We might as well take a break. It'll help me mentally and we can plan what to do next on our venture toward Elven Village.

The little Lýkos approaches me slowly, under the watchful gaze of Eaton, the curious cock of Tempest's head, and Anakin's sudden interest, until she's within arm reach. I just watch her. Having Cai is bad enough, having Cai and Clain is horrible, having Cai, Clain and this squirt is going to be a pain in my backside. Maybe I should have killed her.

"What do you want?" I snap.

She whines at my tone and takes half a step back, lowering her head. She can't help being submissive. It's how packs work and the only thing she understands. I flex my hand, my fingers twirling into my palm. I'm not a wolf, let alone a Werewolf. I can't be the leader that she needs for any chance of survival. Eaton would be a better choice, but he seems to be considering eating her and that doesn't sit well with me.

"Okay..." Tempest draws out, looking between us three. "What's with the pup?"

The Lýkos doesn't like being called that. She snarls aggressively but whines when I snap my fingers across her nose. She's going to have to deal with being seen as small. Although, she is intelligent compared to the other Lýkos who tried to eat Clain and I. She's not set on hunger either, no matter how malnourished she is. Does that mean I not only attract the strange ones, but also the intelligent? Just what I needed. More sass in this weird family.

"We're very glad you love us." Cai says, huffing with laughter.

"Are you still flying around above us?"


"What about... whatever that was?"

"Oh, Juniper. She wasn't after you, in fact she was trying to get the Lýkos out of her territory."

"Juniper? Isn't that a kind of tree?"

"Well, yes. But it's also the name of a dragon. She's lived in this canon for a very long time, protecting the animals and Elves. She would love to meet you, but understands how busy we are trying to save the world and all."

"So, what, you guys sat down and had to tea while talking about politics?"

"Not... exactly. Well, we didn't have tea."

A Fifth Daughter [Book 2: The Dragon Warrior]Where stories live. Discover now