I nodded, "Yes please," I said gently.

Austin nodded and didn't fully let go of me, he kept one arm around me and lead me back into his small but sweet farm house.

He lead me into his living room and the two of us sat on his couch, I curled up into his side. Happily taking in his sent, ah his cologne and the smell of his farm. I let my eyes close quietly. We sat there for a while in the silence just enjoying one another's company and closeness.

"You smell like smoke," Austin whispered to me quietly.

I opened my eyes and looked up to him, "Sorry, we had a quick fire before my shift was over and never got a chance to shower." I told him quietly.

"You could go have a shower now if you want," he offered gently.

I looked up at him quietly, and gave a small smile. "Only if you come," I said gently.

He smiled down at me and leaned down giving me a quick kiss, "Alright."

I smiled up at him before I pulled myself away from him and stood, offering him my hand.

He returned my smile and took my hand standing up before he led me out of the living room and down the hall to his bathroom.

He pulled me into the bathroom and I used my foot to close the door. The two of us starting to strip down, Austin turned the water on to heat up. I pulled my clothes off and folded them up before putting them in a neat pile.

Austin looked at me and gave a soft laugh, "Really?" he asked.

I looked at him, confused, "What?" I asked.

He shook his head with an amused look on his face, "You folded your clothes." He said eyeing the pile.

I looked at the pile, "I always fold my work clothes," I said quietly. Whenever I was at the station and was about to have a shower I took my clothes off and folded them before they went into a neat little pile.

He shook his head with a small smile, before he took his hat off his head and put it on a hook beside the shower. He stepped over the side of his tub and got in the back waiting for me.

I smiled at him, his brunette shaggy hair was hanging loose. God, he looked so well with his hat on but it got in the way when we wanted something. But the way his hair was when his hat was off. Oh, it was so drool worthy!

"Ya comin' or ya gonna stand there and gawk at me?" Austin questioned.

I blinked, shit I was staring at him, "Well you know it is a good view from here." I said with a smile.

He shook his head with an amused look on his face, "Get in here before I go get a rope and pull you in here." Austin threatened teasingly.

I smiled and went ahead and got in the tub with him shutting the plastic curtain. The warm water ran over my feet before I turned the shower on. I turned quickly so the water hit my back instead of my front.

I looked up at my lover and smiled. I waited until the water was hot again. I hate how when you warm the water up before getting in then you get in and turn the shower on and it pours cold water at you for a few minutes before it returns to hot.

Once it was hot water hitting my back I turned around and took a step forwards, closing my eyes as the hot water ran over my face.

I stood there for a few moments before feeling hands running over my back. I smiled and just stood there letting the water run over me. I can feel Austin's chest against my back and lean back against him. His hands moved around to my chest, his hands just sat there but I could feel his breath get closer to my neck.

I kept my eyes closed leaned back into him as his lips started to caress my neck. His hands moved to run over my front his fingers tracing my abs well his lips worked the side of my neck.

A moan was building in my throat, but it wasn't going quick enough to come out.

A single hand slipped down and started stroking me silently while his lips moved from my neck to my collarbone. His lips carefully getting every little bit of skin there, his strokes getting faster.

A single moan slipped out through my lips before I even realized it. I bit down on my lip to hold more in as his strokes got faster yet and his lips pulled back from my collarbone.

I fought back the next moan that wanted to come out, I wasn't going to let it come out, not yet.

Teeth nibbles on my earlobe and I couldn't hold the moan back anymore. It broke through my lips and filled the steamy room.

His teeth moved to my left ear and nibbled on the lob there for a moment before he licked down my neck. He pulled back half way and his stroke stopped.

"What's that?" he asked before his free hand came up and poked the side of my neck.

I blinked at the sudden pain, I was about to say I didn't know, like I had my mouth open and everything. But then I remembered. I bit my lip quietly.

"Darryl, what is it?" Austin questioned, poking it again.

"Austin, you know what it is," I whispered looking down, my hand going up to cup the side of my neck. Shit it hurt now that he'd poked it.

"Whys it there then?" He questioned.

"Because Kali must have put it there last night." I answered quietly.

"I don't like," he stated, I could tell he was frowning.

"I'm sorry Aust," I apologized.

He was quite for a moment before he reached up and pulled my hand away before I could feel his lips on my neck again. I relaxed and just let him kiss it.

A gasp broke from me when he bit the side of my neck. I pulled away from him, spinning to look back at him, "What the hell was that!"

He smirked, "What?" he questioned.

"Why would you do that!" I snapped, my hand reaching up and cupping my neck, damn it hurt a lot more now.

"Oh come on Dar, it's not that bad, she won't notice," He said.

"Yes she will! It probably twice the size now!" I snapped at him.

He reached up grabbing my hand, "Let me see it and I'll tell you." I sighed and let him pull my hand away, I watched him quietly.

He stared at my neck silently, "It's not that bad, it's just darker now."

I gave a groan, "You're kidding, right? She'll know what it looked lik!"

"Did she you before you went to work?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "No she didn't."

"Well then how in the hell will she know what it looks like?" he questioned.

I just looked at him. "I don't know." I admitted after a moment.

He squeezed my hand that he still held, "Relax Darryl." he said softly.

I gave a sigh and closed my eyes trying to relax. His strong -yet gentle- hands turned me around so my back was to him again. His hands starting to message my shoulders. I leaned back into his hands silently.

I closed my eyes and released a relaxed sigh. His hands moved to rub my chest, his chest pressing against my back.

A shiver ripped through me and I realized that the water had gone cold. "Austin," I whispered.

"Hm?" he purred into my ear.

"The waters cold," I complained.

He gave a little chuckle before nibbling on my earlobe his hands still working my chest. "Do you wanna get out babe?" he asked gently.

I nodded, "Yeah," I said.

His hands slowly pulled away from my chest, "Alright," he said gently.

Fireful Love (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now