Chapter 3: Guess Who Is Awake

Start from the beginning

"Okay." Amelia smiled. "Dr. Edwards give me the same you did earlier please" Amelia said and placed her hand over Olivia's and this time the girl let it so Amelia smiled at her.

"Here. can you drink this for me? It will just make you a little sleepy later okay?" Amelia asked the little girl , who nodded and drank. Olivia made a face of disgust and Amelia laughed.

"It doesn't taste very good?" She asked and the girl shook her head no. "How about some water?" Amelia asked and Olivia nodded.

Dr. Edwards poured some and took to the child who drank slowly and laid back down.

"Oh! Susan ask me to give you this" Stephanie said getting the blanket on the couch and handing it to the girl.

Olivia grabbed and hugged it tight.

"Do you sleep with that?" Amelia asked, always smiling, and Olivia nodded.

"Wanna try to get some sleep then?" Shepherd asked and the girl shook her head no. Amelia noticed she didn't talk much and she also didn't ask for her parents. Not once.

Olivia laid back down and Dr. Edwards turned the tv on and put on a cartoon. The small child placed the blanket close to her ear and face and started sucking her thumb and trying to hide it on the blanket. She was silently crying now.

"Hey. You don't have to hide" Amelia said smiling and Olivia got a little embarrassed.

"Can you lay with me?" Olivia asked with a voice so sweet that Amelia's heart melted.

"Of course I can" Amelia said happily and laid on the bed snuggling the little girl who hid her face on Amelia's belly. Amelia soothed Olivia's hair till the little girl was fast asleep again.




Olivia slept for almost two hours. She had glucagon injections 3 times and only woke up once. She wasn't really awake though. She threatened to cry but Amelia hugged her tight and she went back to sleep.

When she woke up again it was from a nightmare.

"No please no" the little cry cried in her sleep. Amelia's heart sank at the sound of fear coming out of that little child. She hugged the girl tighter and Olivia pulled away waking up.

"No" she screamed out and tried pulling Amelia away with all the strength she had.

"It's okay. It's me Amelia. It's alright" Amelia said trying to hug the crying child again.

"Don't hurt me" Olivia cried.

"I won't hurt you Liv I promise" Amelia said. "Come here" She said and picked the girl up.

Olivia laid her head on Amelia's shoulder and started sucking her thumb again and the doctor kept moving trying to rock the girl a little in order for her to calm down. Amelia picked the blanket up and handed to Olivia who covered her face with it.

"Let's sit down a little" Amelia said and sat on the couch wheeling the IV bag with her. She placed the girl on her lap and Olivia just kept starting at her with tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked and the girl nodded yes.

"Do you wanna go for a walk with me?" She asked the child who shyly shook her head no.

"You don't have to walk I'll carry you." Amelia said. "How about that huh?"

Olivia nodded yes and Amelia got up with the girl in her arms. Olivia hid her face on Amelia's neck and kept sucking her thumb as they walked around the hospital. She was shy and didn't know how she felt about Amelia but she was also scared. She didn't want to be alone and she thought Amelia was nice.




Dr. Edwards had left Olivia's room about 20 minutes after the girl fell asleep. She could noticed Dr Shepherd cared a lot about the girl. She knew Amelia always cared about her patients but she could see with Olivia it was different.

Stephanie was working on a patient's chart when Owen appeared.

"Is Dr. Wilson with the girl?" Owen asked. He had been specific about who he wanted to stay with the child.

"Dr. Shepherd is Sir" dr. Edwards said and he looked a bit surprised.

"Well you can come with me. I got some news from Susan" Owen said and they started walking to Olivia's room.

When they got there the woman and the girl was gone. Owen got a nurse that was outside and asked where they were and she told him Amelia took the girl for a walk. He looked surprise Amelia was doing that.

"So?" Edwards asked.

"She took Olivia for a walk" he said and Stephanie looked surprised too.

"Is it only me or she's somehow so attached to this girl?" Stephanie asked.

"It's not only you" Owen said smiling but unable to hide he was worried too and they walked out to look for them.


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