Chapter Twelve

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Boyd chuckled to himself and Erica looked over at him, almost surprised with herself for spouting out so much in one go.

“Oh god, did I really just say all of that?”

“Yeah, you really did.” He smiled.

She sighed. “Please just ignore me… I’m probably getting my period or something.”

“Do I have to tell you every month that I really don’t need to know that?”

She rolled her eyes with a smile. “Obviously. Look, I’ll try to get over it but Derek is not the easiest person to settle something with.”

“You know you’re still doing it wrong.” Derek said to Isaac as he read his essay over his shoulder.

“Oh my god would you stop doing that? It’s my essay and it’s fine.” He said, trying to cover his words from Derek’s prying eyes.

“I’ve read that book, and you’re interpretation is wrong.”

“It’s my interpretation, how can that be wrong?”

“Trust me it is, I wrote that exact essay when I was a senior and you’re going to do about as well as I did if you keep going down that path.” He walked away, taking a bite out of his apple and picking up a book as he headed to the couch.

“Do you realise how impossible you are to live with?” Isaac said, looking over at him.

Derek gave him a blank stare. “Do you realise there’s a reason for that?”

“Yeah, yeah I’m a burden I know, now get your nose out of my essay so I can finish.” He turned back to his page and Derek shrugged.

After a few moments of silence Derek looked up. “Why aren’t you doing this at Scott’s place anyway?”

Isaac sighed. “He’s got some stuff to do.” He mumbled.

Derek raised an eyebrow but he didn’t need to know, and it sounded like Isaac didn’t want to think about it.

“Why are you still pissed at Erica?” That one caught him off guard and he gave Isaac a strange look.

“Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know, I’ve just been wondering I suppose.”

“Well stop it.” He shut his book and began to head upstairs.

“Stiles said he was coming over after he finished his calculus!” Isaac called up the stairs, only to be responded to with a grunt and a slamming door. “Yep, love you too Derek.” He muttered.

Treacherous Affairs [Scisaac] Wattys2015 WinnerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant