By this time

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"At 8:24 "

December 8th

It's currently 8:24

By this time we would

Be cuddling on the couch

In our usual, indented area

Watching your favorite movie

Eating take out that you brought home

Your arm would be draped against my waist

My head laying on your lap

You would brush stray hairs from my forehead

And leave angel kisses

Every now



But now it's different

By this time at 8:24

I'm eating dinner alone

While writing these messages

That will maybe never reach you

I do it to cope.

With my loneliness

My head would be lying not on your lap anymore

But on the toilet lid after I threw up

What little food I ate.

Your arm wouldn't be draped against my waist

But instead I would clench it myself

Feeling as my internal organs

Screamed, and hoped to explode.

And the angel kisses that you once left

Were now replaced by cold beads of sweat

That left me shaking.




I just wish you were here..

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