Chapter 20

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**7 years later**
**Dan's POV**

It was the day. It was officially the day.
I fixed my jacket one last time, and looked in the mirror. Today is the day I've been waiting for, for seven years. I gulped nervously, and glanced over at my mum, Staci. Since Phil had been disowned, my other mum was helping him get ready.

There were a few of my guy friends in the room that I've never been really close with, they were the only people that I could find besides Pj and Chris. Chris was my best man, and Phil and I agreed he would pick the bridesmaids (since we had more girlfriends than guys.)

Tears slipped down mums face.

"You look so handsome."

"Thank you, mum, you do too," I responded, she then pulled me into a hug.

"You know, me and your mom liked Phil right from the start. We knew there was something special, and I'm glad you found such an amazing boy," she informed me.

"I've loved Phil from the start," I chuckled, wiping away tears, "and now I finally had the courage to ask him to be mine for the rest of our lives."

"I'm proud of you Danny," my mum said kissing my forehead,  "we have to head down now though," my mom smiled. We headed downstairs to the room where the wedding was taking place, and I chatted with people around me and the groomsmen as we waited for Phil. It was 1:54pm, it was almost time.
Today I get to marry my best friend.

The priest prepared herself as we waited. Phil and I weren't very religious, but my mums were friends with the priest so she insisted.

The room started to hush as if they all knew, as quiet music started to play.

I got slightly nervous standing in front of all these people, but once I was with Phil I knew I would be okay when Phil was in my presence.

I looked down at the ground, wiping tears from my eyes. I hadn't seen my angel all day, and I missed his like hell.

When I glanced back up, all the bridesmaids had entered, followed by my mum, and the absolute love of my life.

He looked beautiful.

My hand immediately went to my mouth and tears filled my eyes once again, just seeing his beauty. This boy was mine, silent awes filled the guests.

Phil looked nervous, and when he saw me his eyes filled with tears and his cheeks blushed red. Almost like the red whenever I told him he was cute; he always thought I would never notice. But I did, and it drove me absolutely crazy.

Phil let go of my mums arm and slowly walked up to me. He was very shaky and I could tell he was loosing his balance. He was only a few steps away, so I caught him and helped him rebalance.

I stared into Phil's bright blue eyes. Those eyes never got old, and I got lost in them everytime.

The priest said the priesty things priests said at weddings. I feel kinda bad because I wasn't paying alot of attention to her; I was staring into Phil's beautiful eyed,  and he was staring back into mine.

Then it was time to say the 'small' speeches we put together, and of course, I was first.

"Wow, I still can't believe this is happening, I'm literally the luckiest man in the world," I laughed, wiping my eyes and returned my hands to Phil's.
"Honestly, from day one when I met you, I remember falling in love with you, every single bit. When you were laying on the ground, covered in the worst bruises and scars," I tried to hold back completely sobbing, but my voice was a bit shaky.
"Wow who brought the onions," i laughed wiping my face again and the crowd quietly laughed.
"I remember how I almost lost you, and I lost myself. And you helped me find me again. When I learned everything about you, I only began to love you even more. When you moved in, I thought I was at my happiest point, and I was wrong. Every time I see you, I'm at my happiest point. And that's been for 7 years. We obviously have our stupid little fights, but they never last long without me feeling regret and Phil Lester.. for the past 7 years I've loved you, and I'll love you till the day we die." I finished, tears still leaking down my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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