Two can play that Game

Start from the beginning

"I have a conscience that I listen to frequently for your information."

"Is that right?"

"Of course, and its voice is reminiscent of Jefferson, Franklin, and Washington. Quite insightful if I say so myself." Detrick smirked at her and showed off those irresistible dimples. Taylour looked away shaking her head.

"Contrary to what you think Ms. Davis I do have a heart."

"I'm sure you do. One that beats for the love of money."

"It doesn't just beat for the money. I can prove it if you let me." She felt flushed as he licked his lips. She was unsure if he was sending a message with his tongue or if his lips were dry and he licked them out of habit. At that moment, she got cotton mouth and reached for a bottle of water to cool her insides. What the hell was going on with her? Having only been around him twice and she was an uncontrolled mess. Although it irritated her to not have control the possibilities were exciting. Wait, she thought. There is a possibility of nothing happening. You're pregnant and still married. Although the latter was unclear for how much longer. Taylour cleared her throat. Detrick laughed and switched back to business mode.

"I like your style, Ms. Davis. We have a deal."

"Don't you want to discuss this with your father first?"

"My father doesn't hold my hand in business. He is aware that I am more than capable of making decisions to benefit the growth of our company. In laymen's terms, I'm a grown Man". They both laughed.

"Okay, well I'll have my Secretary draw up the papers and send them over to you for the necessary signatures." They both rose to their feet. Taylour tried to steady herself.

"That sounds like a plan."

"Let me walk you out."

"No that won't be necessary. Besides, I'm sure you want to get back to work."

"Well Detrick, welcome aboard." He reached out his hand to her.

"Thank you, Ms. Davis. I'm sure this will be interesting." She looked into his eyes and felt herself being drawn into him yet again with a rush through her veins. All of her senses were on complete alert. They shook hands entranced by one another. The sound of her phone grabbed their attention.

"I think you want to get that," he said nodding towards the cell sitting on her desk. She released his hand and went to her phone quickly answering. With her back to him, she could feel his eyes tracing her skin.

"HELLO?" She answered annoyed.

"Why are you answering the phone like that?"


"Duh, who else would it be?" Taylour rolled her eyes. Detrick mouthed a goodbye and she waved to him watching as he walked out the door.

"Don't roll your eyes at me! "Her mother said pulling her attention back to the conversation.

"Mom I'm not rolling my eyes."

"Chile don't lie to me. I can hear you rolling them."

"Ma, I'm not..."

"You really want to argue with me about this?" Delois asked in a threatening tone.

" ma'am."

"That's what I thought. Now baby when are you coming to get these beauties of yours?" Taylour looked at the time and it was approaching 4 o'clock. She needed to finish up some work.

"Mom, I'll be there by 7 pm."

"Okay, I'll bathe them and help with homework. By the time you get here, they'll be ready. Oh and Sean is here." Taylour huffed.

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