"Mine." I replied without missing a beat, "for leaving you alone at a place full of drunk men."

"No it's mine Zayn," a tear escaped her eye, "for not being able to protect myself."

I noticed that she had set down all the medicines, so I took her hand in mine and picked some up.

"For putting both of us in danger," she continued. I dabbed some alcohol onto the cuts on her hands. She flinched, "for standing there and watching while you got hurt."

I finished wrapping a soft healing cloth around her hands. "For not being good enough," she said now, which caused me to immediately look up.

"Who said you're not good enough?" I asked.

"Just add up the numbers Zayn," she sniffed, picking up the first aid kit and walking to her dresser as I followed, "you have to sneak into my room just to see me. We can only be with each other at night. My dad hates you. You end up getting hurt almost every time you try to see me. I'm doing a job you don't like. I can't be there when you need me. We aren't allowed-"

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers, not caring weather or not she finished. I needed to feel her, and by her sudden response, I had a feeling that she needed me too. I pressed her gently against the wall, moving my lips down to her neck. Her hands traveled my chest, I felt her push me slightly as an attempt to make me stop but I couldn't.

"Zayn," she whispered, "why do you do this?"

"Do what?" I whispered against her neck, continuing to plant kisses along the way.

She didn't reply at first, instead just taking a moment to admire my lips. Her hands made their way up my chest slowly, and I smirked. My lips soon found their way to her sweet spot which I knew so well, I felt her moan quietly.

"Zayn," she spoke again, "I hate you."

I chuckled against her, pressing my body against hers, "why?"

"Because, you aren't letting me talk."

"It's okay," my lips found their way to her jaw, "you talk too much anyways."

She placed her fingers under my chin, lifting my gaze to meet hers. She didn't think before placing her lips onto mine. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around her tightly, embracing her scent, which had a hint of smoke mixed along today. Her soft lips now pressed to mine a bit roughly, but I didn't hesitate to kiss back. This was what we both longed for, a reminder that both of us needed. Her lips slowly separated from mine, and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad.

"Why do you do this, Zayn?" She sighed.

I took her hand, playing with her fingers, "do what?"

"This," she placed her fingers under my chin, making our gaze meet once again, "Why do act like nothing's wrong? Like our relationship is perfect."

"Because it is," I replied simply.

She breathed heavily, "no it's not. And it's not hurting me Zayn, it's hurting you."

"Nope," I looked back down at her fingers, "not hurting me."

She sighed, freeing her hand from my grasp, "forget it, you're not even listening to me. Goodnight, Zayn." She walked away, storming into the bathroom, grabbing her pajamas from her closet on her way there.

I smiled at her actions, even though I knew I shouldn't. She was so adorable, even when she was mad at me. I made my way over to her bed, falling back onto it quietly. What did she want me to tell her? That our relationship isn't perfect? Because it is to me. But she won't believe me.

She walked out of the bathroom, wearing her superman pajamas and a tanktop, in the middle of tying her hair into a ponytail. She saw me laying on her bed, but she ignored me, walking over to her dresser.

"Oh c'mon babe," I said to her, "you can't really be mad at me for saying that our relationship is perfect."

She finished tying up her hair, continuing to ignore me. So I got up off the bed and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, her back pressing to my chest. I rested my head on the crook of her neck. "Nice PJs," I commented.

She sighed, "I'm sleepy Zayn."

"So am I," I replied, obviously messing with her.

"I want to go to bed."

"Then why aren't you?"

She sighed once again, "you aren't leaving."

I didn't reply, instead just looking in front of us at the mirror that hung over the dresser. Both of us were here, together. My arms around her, holding her so close to me. I would've never thought I would be standing here with her, ever. I was holding everything I had ever wanted in my arms. She looked tired, and so did I, it had been a long day, but I didn't want to leave her knowing she was worried. But she wanted me to leave, so that's what I needed to do.
I placed a kiss on her cheek, my arms let go of her waist, "Goodnight Kat," I turned around and began to leave. Before I could make my way out, I felt her grab my arm.

"Wait," I heard her whisper, "I didn't mean it literally."

I smiled and turned around, "you didn't?"

"No," she laughed, "can you stay with me tonight?"

I picked her up and walked over and shut the light off, then stumbled on to the bed, setting her down as she giggled. I fell on her side, drawing the blanket over both of us. She cuddled into me, "I'll take that as a yes."

She brought her fingers up to my chest, tracing the tattoo on it. I noticed she wasn't looking at me, meaning something was wrong. "Anything bothering you?"

"No," she replied, continuing to trace my tattoo.

I tilted her head up so she was looking at my eyes, "something's bothering you."

"Zayn," she sighed, "is our relationship really perfect?"

I brought my hand to her face, tucking a piece of falling hair behind her ear, "of course it is."

"How come you can see it, and I can't?"

Instead of answering her question, I said, "what do you think is a perfect relationship?"

"Two people, who are allowed to meet eachother whenever they want. Everyone approves of their relationship. They spend more time with eachother than they do alone. They both care about eachother more than they care about themselves. And they don't have any problems with their relationship."

"Impossible," I replied simply, "every good relationship has problems."

She stared at me, "but how come we have more problems than everyone else?"

"That means we're stronger than everyone else."


I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me, "we're unbreakable."

"Unbreakable," she repeated as if it was a word she had never heard before.

"Sure, our relationship isn't perfect," I continued, "but that doesn't mean we don't care about eachother, right?"

She smiled, "right."

I pressed my lips to her forehead, breathing in her scent. I felt her take in a breath, as if she were relieved.

"I'm sorry for making a big deal about this," she whispered.

"It's nothing," I rested my chin on her head, "besides, atleast we're together. That's all I care about."

She bent up and kissed me softly,then rested her head on top of my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tightly, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight, beautiful."

She yawned quietly, "goodnight Zayn."


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