★ Ideal date

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Yoosung: He dreams of going to the park during daytime and sharing a picnic with you. It's either that or spending the afternoon in an arcade and trying to make you impressed with his amazing "arcade skills". He then wants to to take you to the top of a mountain or someplace high above to enjoy the panoramic scenery and just hold your hand and shower you with kisses.

Jumin: Everything about his ideal date always seems to involve something expensive. Five star hotels, a trip to an exotic island or fine dining. Anything that's exquisite and breathtaking (that obviously costs more than what you can afford) are his cup of tea.

Zen: Plain, simple and yet beautiful sceneries are what he loves the most (they remind him of you). An escape to a forest full of unknown species, a tour around forgotten landmarks or just a drive on his motorcycle with you. Anything that makes you happy and it'll make him happy as well. (And probably have the day end with him unable to control the beast inside him)

Jaehee: She would prefer you making the choice actually. She doesn't want to decide things for you since she's worried that you wouldn't like it. But she does have all these fantasies of taking you to a quiet resort and spend the day with you there before ending it with a bountiful dinner while watching the sun set and paint the sky the colors of a day ending.

Seven: He loves taking you to somewhere where you'll never expect you'd end up in. Ruined monuments, a scuba dive in the middle of nowhere, abandoned castles and even trips to the main NASA centre. He's often talking about how he has been secretly saving up so he can make his dream of marrying you in a space centre come true. (Although he jokingly adds that if you're impatient and want to marry him, he'd just have the venue decorated to imitate a space centre lololol)

V: Dates with V are always such a great treat. He'd choose all these exotic places so he can spend his time taking pictures of you (candid or not). He says that dates with you are the best thing since not only can he do what he does best, he can do it with the woman he loves the most and that, for him, is better than anything else.

Unknown: Surprisingly, he likes taking you to places where it's common to see people dating. "I just...want to experience what a normal date is like with the one I love." He says, hiding his face that was obviously painted red and putting on that tsuntsun face that you are so familiar with. You don't mind though, it's his childish and innocent side that you love the most. Heck, even those light up sneakers amuse him and you can't help but laugh at how adorable he looks.

Author's Note: Which one is your favorite? ^-^


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