Task 4: And the Shirt on Your Back Doesn't Keep Out the Chill :Males

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Ross Mauvis: Didnot Hand in

Anthony Hawks, District 3

Task 4: And the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chill

Part 1

Amelia Saunders, Terrus Skyes and Laelia Charstan. Three more dead tributes. Great, just great. I actually think that I might have a chance to survive another day. My allies are sleeping as I stand guard. It feels so cold suddenly that I walk up and down so I won't freeze in my place. No fire, no blankets, no nothing and that stupid shirt doesn't do anything. They won't let us freeze 'cause it's no fun for the games, but then I'm wondering, why all the cold?

My teeth chatter. I hate that. I decide to wake up the others. We'll all become icicles soon if we don't move.

“Hey Hunter, Ary, wake up guys”, I whisper and give both of them a light shake.

Hunter opens his eyes and rubs his palms together. “Why all that cold?”, he asks as Ariadne wakes up and tries to keep herself warm.

“I dunno, man, but we have to find shelter”, I say and offer my hand to help him rise.

Then I see it.

A snowflake lands on my open palm.

Really? I thought that killing everyone like that wasn't in “Capitol's favorite ways to kill a tribute” list, or at least, not that high.

Apparently, I was wrong.

“What's going on?”, Ariadne asks, but the answer comes right from the sky.

It's snowing.

I try to play brave and that I'm not afraid of a little snow, but my teeth just don't stop chatter. Without any conversation, we silently decide to leave the place. I pick up my Bō and the backpack from the ground and the others get their stuff.

But where should we go?

By the way, my backpack doesn't have anything that can help me, unless dry food, a bottle of water and duct tape can help against the cold.

I look to my left. Nothing but snow, snow, oh and I think I haven't said that before, snow. But wait, what's this?

A dim light appears a few miles away from us. It must be the cafe I saw the previous night.

“Follow me”, I say and the others nod their heads.

We move carefully towards the light. Suddenly, I hear a silent whoosh and Hunter, who is in front of me, falls down, with an arrow coming out of his chest.

Ary and I take cover behind a nearby wall. An arrow flies past my head and I duck to the point that my chin hovers above the ground.

We hear the cannon sound and we know that Hunter is dead. I lower my head, my heart heavy from the loss of my ally.

Ariadne is... well, she looks like nothing happened. She's really weird. Not expressing any emotions and stuff.

“Come out, come out wherever you are!”, I hear a girl's voice.

“Ross, where are you?”, I hear another girl saying.

I hear heavy footsteps. “This way”, a man, probably Ross, says.

OK, so there are three against the two of us. I slowly take a peak of our adversaries.

Hm, a bow, a sword and nothing else. I imagine my Bō cut in half by the sword. Not a chance. I must use the snow and the low visibility against them.

I glance at Ariadne. She is doing something with her hands... is she making snowballs?

“Sweetheart, what are you doing exactly?”, I whisper.

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