Guilty Conscious

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Chapter 2

Guilty Conscious .~. (Picture of Onika in Multimedia)

Kory POV

The bell rung an I looked up at Onika.

She immediately rushed outta class with a angry look on her face.

Ohh lord.

I walked up to Onika at her locker an she was grabbing her books.

Why you mad? " I said with a sincere face"

Why I'm mad? That's what you gotta say. "I said looking at him stupid"

Well damn you not telling me shit Onika I can't read yo fucking mind. u know I get mad when you play dumb.

An you know I get mad when you act clueless asf. "she said slamming her locker an walking to P.E"

Ion know where you going cause me an you got the same class.! "I shouted out to her"

She turned around an flicked me off.

Some people looked at me an her.


Khalob POV

I was now in second period an class was boring as hell.

The teacher was just talking I wasn't listening at all shit my headphones was in.

Then some girl tapped me.

I didn't look at her but I knew she was talking to me I wasn't paying attention then she tapped me again.

What?!? "I took off my headphones looking at the girl crazy"

She looked a bit hurt. I didn't mean to yell but damn she kept tapping me.

I'm new at this school an the teacher assigned me an you a project together.

Wait what are you talking about? "I said looking at her confused"

Well if you were listening you would've heard. Me an you have to do a science fair project. "she said with attitude in her voice"

I realized that this girl was FINEEE. her eyes were so fucking pretty an she had a head Full of curls an a bang covering her forhead. she was really skinny but you could tell she had body.
An she had really long black eyelashes.

She was a Carmel color. she looked like a human barbydoll but In a good way.

Ohh my bad. "I said to her blankly"

Well. "She said"

Why the fuck you gotta attitude girl "I said"

Who you cussing at? Boy don't get slap. I don't take that hard ass attitude from niggas.

Girl listen your new here you don't get how shit work down here in Oakland. If I gotta hard ass attitude then why don't you get up out my face . Matter of fact I'll do the honors. "I said getting up walking away from her"

That girl was annoying me. she had a little attitude problem so I had to tell her like it is. you see this is why I don't fuck with people. I swear sometime I wonder why I ain't pick juvenile instead of this ghetto ass school.

It's just me, myself an I In this world I'm telling you.

I went an say at the computer chairs putting my headphones back in my ear.

I looked up as I saw my teacher standing infront of me. I sighed an took off my headphones.

How may I help you? "I said irritated"

Khalob you've been in this class for almost half a year an you haven't talked to not one person in this class unless I made you. "She said folding her arms "

You didn't make me do anything. I talked to people outta the courtesy of my heart. These wack kids seemed like they needed a friend for a day.He said sarcasticly"

She sighed

Khalob it's here or juvenile it's your pick. why are you so stubborn? "she asked"

I'm not stubborn I just don't give a fuck about anyone but my brother an my day 1 gang members. "I said bluntly"

Why make friends When they just gone hop up an leave you. You see me I ain't as stupid as y'all. They're ain't no more ride or die friends. "he said"

So that's what your afraid of? you scared that people that you love will leave you. "she says"

That person already did but he coming back for me. And when he do I ain't gotta see nun of these fake ass rachet people no more. Till then I WILL NEVER associate with anyone beside my niggas for more then a day. I don't trust nobody.
*he said bluntly getting up from his seat walking outta the classroom*

As I walked threw the hallway I begin to think of the day my father left me.


My dad was drunk an really high.

I'm tired if you trish all you fucking do is sit on your ass all day you don't even clean, cook or do shit for me!!!

I was about 5 years old at the time, me an my brother

Daddy what's going on? "I asked sleepily"

Boy take yo ass back to sleep this grown folks business!! "He yelled angrily"

I gave him a fearful glare an walked back to my room. My brother was sitting on my bed crying

What's wrong Kory? "I asked"

They always fighting! I hate daddy I hate him!! "He cryed angry"

Don't say that!! They're just talking Kory it'll be okay. "I said as I rubbed my brothers back"

After a minute we heard a glass shatter.

Me an my brother both ran to the living room to see my mom on the floor an a broken vase on the kitchen floor.

Stoppp!!! "Kory screamed an yelled"

I'm done man I can't do this shit no more!!! Fuck you trish!! I'm gone!!!

Wait daddy where you going!?! "I screamed"

I'm gone!! Fuck this shit!!!

Please are you coming back!??

Boy I don't know! All I gotta tell you is keep the streets in your heart while I'm gone. Your next in line to run these niggas out here. "He said before leaving

*End of flashback*

I some time think, the way my dad spoke to me "is he really coming back?" "Did he really care for me an my brother?'

What am I thinking? Yes he is coming back an he loved me!!!

I snapped the thought out my head.

When the third period bell rang all the rachet kids came busting out the classrooms.

I shook my head. "What has this world become to"

Bitch you was talking all that shit on Facebook!!! Square up now hoe!!! "A girl yelled throwing her bookbag down"

I don't understand why they call other females hoes when they're the one that's really the hoes.

I glanced at them an everyone was making a big crowd. I saw my brother running towards the fight with a bunch of boys laughing an they was obviously turnt up cause they was yelling an shit.

Ohh shit some girls bout to fight bruhh leggo I wanna see!!"My brother yelled"

Hell yeah. Some nigga dapped him.

I shake my head. My brother just like these nigga always instigating shit. I ain't got no time to be looking at two ghetto girls fighting.

I continued to walk down the hall with my headphones in my ear as I watched teachers run out their classroom to the fight. They a little to late for that.

When I got to the end of the hallway I turned to the left an opened my locker. I threw all my books an bookbag In it. I had a free period so I was not gonna waste no time.

I grabbed my keys outta my locker an walked outta the building. I was planning on going to McDonalds.

As I road threw the streets of Oakland many niggas waved. Im cool with everybody on my street I told you we all like family.

I looked At all the graffiti letters spray painted all over the walls. Many people think that's ghetto but I think it's "Art". You see other people don't understand us they don't get us.

When I got to Mcdonalds I seen that same girl that was in my class in there. I rolled my eyes. You see when I first saw her I thought damn she was fine but her annoyance over powered all of that so fuck her.

I got in line behind her.

I was just messing around on my phone when suddenly it fell to the floor.

My bad. I didn't mean to. She said picking it up for me.

Uhuh. I replied nonchantly

Damn all you ever do is give simple answers do you ever talk. She said annoyed

Not to people like you. I said brushing my shoulder past her ordering my food.

After I grabbed my food I sat down an started eating.

In the corner of my eyes I could tell that girl was burning holes in my face. Tf she looking at yo?

I grabbed my shit to go cause i didn't feel like being stared at like a fucking piece of meat.

Wait!! She yelled

I turned around

So how we gonna do that project. she said

I work alone. I replied walking out before she could say anything else.

I decided to stop by the corner store right before I headed back to school.

Ayo wassup "I greeted my nigga "Big Homie" that was playing a dice game on the side of the corner store"

Ayy nothing much OG. Ain't you suppose to be in school youngin?

Nigga this free period. An you stay calling me youngin but who run the streets out here. Me.

Whatever Khalob."he said"

Alright catch you later in traffic Big Homie. "I dapped "

iight OG holla at me later. "He smiled an got back to his game with his other friends"

(A/N: Definition of OG: Original Gangsta )

As I walked into the corner store you already know I went to the back of the store.

I got my regular peach ciroc an my grey goose vodka.

I walked up to the cashier an it wasn't the regular Indian man up there it was some beefy ass white man.

Ayy ring my stuff up "I said blankly"

Sir may I have your I.D first?

For what.

Well you look under age To buy any alcohol beverages.

Mann I'm 22 ring up my shit.

Sorry sir you can't get any alcohol beverages if you don't let me see your I.D first

Nigga I'm leaving with or without your permission with my shit in my hand.

You can't sir an I'll make sure of it

I chuckled at his attempt to act hard.

I grabbed a 20 out my pocket an put it on the counter.

I paid for my stuff so you can't call the police on me. I believe Im holding up the line so lemme go.

I got outta line heading towards the door.

Sir stop before I call the manager of the store!!!

Ohh call him. Make sure you tell him Khalob stopped by an to get a knew employee yo fat ass might be eating all the snacks from the customers. I smiled as I left the store.

I checked my phone to see the time.

Shit "I groaned to myself"

I had to get back to school.

Kory POV

Ughhh Onika didn't talk to me all second period And third.

but on the bright side boy that fight was FUNNY AS HELL!!!

That girl swung that other girl like a damn doll I mean her head hit that locker mad hard.

I was walking to lunch as I seen that same girl I saw asked me am I a twin.

Her sexy ass was walking in the lunch like to get her food. I couldn't help but yo stare that ass was colassal.

I chuckled as I got in the boy line talking to my niggas.

Ayy Kory did you see that fine ass new girl! "My friend Isaiah said"

Naw who you talking about.

Ohh my gawd man she got a killer body like a nigga would pay a rack to hit that. Her name Aaleece. She look like a Barbiedoll like she got a perfect face an everything.

Ohh okay. I never seen her around but ion really go for this'd perfect looking type girls "I said "

Maaan bruh you sleep asf. Wake up where you gone find a fine ass chick like that. "he said laughing dapping my other friend chris"

I already found one. "I looked up at the girl in the line"

Yeah whatever man. Isaiah said grabbing his tray walking to our lunch table.

I grabbed my tray an say down along with them an Waited for Onika to come. She always sat with me an my friends .

I got my phone out my pocket an scrolled down Twitter when I seen a familiar tweet.

Nicki'sYoungSisterOnika🚬 ; I'm home early guys someone pissed me off!! Also got fucking lunch duty today for em I was not up for it so I left. #HeKnowWhoHeIs

I sighed so she's mad at me because she got lunch duty. I forgot that shit started today anyways.

Wow. She be acting so petty sometime I don't understand it.

I texted her on Kik

So yuu mad at me, for what'? Cause you got lunch duty with me #Petty

Nicki'sYoungSisterOnika🚬 Is typing

That's not even half of it. Im always sticking up for your ass trying to be the good bestfriend I am but it always backfire in the end. If ud just stop with the "I'm the shit" attitude an get to class on time like everyone else WE wouldn't have lunch duty!!! You never think about what you do you just do it an get US BOTH introuble!!


Wait wait wait a minute, I never asked Yuur ass to stick up for me you decided to but in on your own. So you can't blame this shit on me.

It doesn't matter if you didn't ask or not Kory I was just trying to help YOU get outta of trouble!! But yet you wanna open your mouth an say some slick shit to me when you caused us to have lunch duty !! I was being a bestfriend you were being an Bitch!

Nicki'sYoungSisterOnika🚬 has left the conversation.

I groaned as I shoved my phone back in my pocket. Do I cause my bestfriend to be mad at me? Was I the cause of her getting Introuble? I felt guilty as hell.

Author POV

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