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Erik carefully climbs out with my powers steadying him until he can cling to the jet. He raises his hand towards the sea, struggling to manipulate the massive sub as Charles and I watch. Without warning, I slide out of the plane as well with Charles calling out after me. I grab onto Erik, who pulls me in between himself and the wheel support that he is holding onto. I find the sub as well, mentally feeling the weight of it pressing against my hand despite the fact that it is far below the surface of the water.

As the two of us focus our energy on the submarine, we begin to see it break the surface of the water with a splash. We pull it through the air alongside the jet, carrying it towards a nearby island to make an emergency landing. We glance over to see Riptide - one of Shaw's team - making a tornado of water, trying to take the submarine out of our grasp.

"Savannah!" Charles yells down to us from the plane. "Erik! Take my hands!"

Erik lets out a loud grunt as he struggles to keep his grip on the machine, a small gasp escaping my lips as the jet begins to twirl wildly again.

"Hank!" I scream as I lose my grip on the sub, the water spraying against Erik and I both.

Erik loses his focus as the water makes the tire slick, grabbing onto the back of my shirt with one hand and tightly latching onto the metal column with the other. The submarine crashes into the very shallow water at the edge of the island as the jet sharply prepares to crash onto the beach.

"Take my hand!" Charles repeats frantically as the sub rolls up into the tree line and I scream when one of the jet's turbines busts off in a puff of fire, debris whizzing near Erik and I.

I look up at Charles, making a split-second decision as to what I had to do.

"Savannah, NO!" He shouts, his desperate blue eyes locking onto my own, his pupils blown wide in panic as I slip out of Erik's grasp and begin to fall through the air.

I try to take a deep breath despite my heart pounding in my throat, first telekinetically tossing Erik into the jet, where Charles is knocked backwards by the weight of his friend. Erik uses his power to form a sort of seatbelt around Charles, latching onto the metal roof of the jet to keep both of them stable through the crash.

When I know both of them are secure, I raise my hands to the jet, trying to see if I could make the crash-landing any less severe. I quickly begin to panic, flailing my legs as I fly towards the ground alongside the jet. A desperate scream forms deep in my chest as I grit my teeth, guiding the jet to the ground the best as I could until it lands and begins to roll on the sandy shore. As soon as it hits the beach, I know that I have only a matter of seconds to telekinetically lessen my own fall, the ground approaching faster than anything I've seen in my life.

I manage to slow down enough that I don't die on impact, but believe me when I say that I wish I would have. The air is shoved from my lungs as I absorb most of the impact with my side, sand spraying up all around me as I begin to roll. I clench my eyes shut and hold my breath to avoid sand getting in my eyes or mouth, letting out loud grunts of pain as I flip from side to side, finally skidding to a stop about 20 yards from the fallen jet.

Everything around me is quiet other than the sound of the waves lapping at the shore and the roaring flames of debris scattered around the beach. I hear frantic voices in the jet, making me sigh in relief at the sound.

"Savannah!" I hear Charles' voice crack from inside the jet, the sound of his heavy boots slamming against the metal floor echoing through my head. "Savannah, Darling!"

"I'm okay," I manage to whisper, feeling a trail of hot blood seeping from the corner of my mouth as well as a gash on my cheek. "Over here."

My words come out in a pathetic wheeze of breath, one that he can't hear at all from his distance.

"My God! Please!" I hear him cry out, the sound of his panicked sobs pulling at my heartstrings.

"There!" I hear what sounds like Erik cry out, and I soon hear footsteps sprinting through the sand.

Charles slides to a stop on his knees next to me, spraying sand over my legs as he buries his face into my neck.

"Savannah," he cries out, my name being the only word he could form as his hot tears splashed against my neck. "Savannah, Savannah, Savannah."

I let out a breath, raising my hand and weakly clutching at his hair, holding him close as my own tears of relief drip into my hair.


"I thought I'd lost you," Charles says, running his hand against his wrinkled forehead. "You always were too brave for your own good."

"I had it under control." I wink slyly, making him roll his eyes and chuckle under his breath.

"Sure you did, Darling," he plays along for my sake, trying to keep a lighthearted tone despite the limited time we have together until I slip into my eternity. "Sure you did."

1962 - charles xavierWhere stories live. Discover now