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Upon returning from Russia the next morning after hearing of an attack on the headquarters, we are not surprised to see the building in shambles. We leap from the car, dodging the debris and destroyed vehicles scattered about.

"Raven?" Charles calls out as I race towards Henry.

We each embrace our siblings, and my heart breaks at the sight of Alex and Sean sitting alone on the concrete bench. I quickly pull both of them into my arms in a quick hug, much to their dismay in fear of being seen as less manly. They eventually melt into my arms, accepting my loving embrace before I step away.

"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately." Charles says to Alex and Sean.

"We're not going home." Alex says as he and Sean sit back down.

"What?" Charles asks unbelievingly, not expecting to be talked back to.

"He's not going back to prison." Sean glances up at Charles through his round sunglasses.

"He killed Darwin!" Alex cries.

"All the more reason for you to leave!" Charles insists. "This is over."

"Darwin's dead, Charles," Raven says flatly. "And we can't even bury him."

"We can avenge him." Erik offers, making all of us look at him.

"Hasn't there been enough death?" I ask, Charles looking at me in agreement before turning to Erik.

"Erik, a word, please." He says before the two walk a few yards, talking briefly before Charles looks back at us.

"We'll have to train." Charles says to us. "All of us. Yes?"

"Yeah." Alex agrees as I look at Charles, locking eyes with him and trying to figure out exactly what he thinks he's doing.

"Well, we can't stay here," My brother speaks up. "Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got nowhere to go."

"Yes, we do." Charles nods at him and I shake my head in disappointment, walking away with no concrete destination.

I eventually find myself standing before the ruins of Cerebro: the invention that had taken Hank and I months to create. I sit down on a piece of the frame that had once held it up, tugging one knee to my chest as my other foot dangles towards the ground. I trace the area where my tight pants are tucked into my boot before fiddling with the laces, dejectedly gazing at the debris of one of the most amazing pieces of technology ever created.

"There you are," I hear Charles' voice ring out from behind me. "I was beginning to wonder where you'd gone off to."

When I remain silent, he leans against the metal that I am sitting on, looking up at me. I feel him attempting to probe into my thoughts, but I block him.

"Stop trying to do that," I insist, tugging once more at my bootlaces. "I don't like it."

"I'm just trying to figure you out, that's all," he shrugs with a small smile. "I was trying to figure out why you're angry at me."

"You think that I'm mad at you?" I arch an eyebrow, moving to focus on pulling a loose piece of rubber from the sole of my boot.

"Well, I did until you said that," Charles grabs my hand to stop me from destroying my shoe. "So if you aren't mad at me, what are you?"

I remain silent for a a moment, glancing at him and noticing that he hasn't released my hand from his gentle grip.

"I'm afraid," I admit, sliding down to the ground and causing his hand to leave my own. "I could have lost him last night. My brother could have died, and I wasn't there for him," I pause, shaking my head with a rueful smile. "He's all that I have in this world, and he would have been gone and I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it."

"But he's not dead." Charles points out.

"You're right. He's not dead," I look up at Charles. "I got back to him and he was safe and sound. And now, we're going to fight again! This is stupid, Charles, not to mention extremely dangerous," I look away. "I'm not afraid for my own life, but I fear for his."

"I understand that, Darling," Charles touches my shoulder, drawing my eyes back to his. "I feel that exact way about Raven, but this is something that has to be dealt with before it escalates."

"I'm sorry," I apologize. "I just consider myself a bit of a pacifist."

"And I admire that you prefer to take an intellectual approach to things. I have a lot of respect for you, Savannah, and I'm asking for you to trust me." Charles eyes gaze genuinely into my own.

"People could get seriously hurt or worse, Charles." I stare up at him, trying to read his expression.

"I know that," he insists, grasping onto my hand. "And I promise that I will do anything possible to prevent harm to both you and Hank. Trust me."

His pleading eyes dare me to do anything but agree, so I simply nod, squeezing his hand.

"I trust you."


"It was then that I knew I loved you," Charles says fondly, the wrinkles by his eyes framing their twinkling gaze. "I loved your protective selflessness and I loved your bravery. It was that day when I realized exactly how special you are."

I can only smile and blush at his loving words, the grin growing as he presses a kiss to the back of my hand.

1962 - charles xavierDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora