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"Oh, and remember the first day I came here?" I inquire, looking out the window.

"How could I forget?" Charles smiles. "That was a good day for all of us. Erik, especially."

"It was, wasn't it?" I laugh, bringing to mind all of our antics that day.


A few hours after our conversation, Charles and I are standing outside his estate alongside Sean, Moira, Hank, Alex, Erik, and Raven.

"This is yours?" Sean asks as we gaze up at the large building.

"No," Charles turns to him. "It's ours."

"Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship." Erik drawls out sarcastically.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me," Raven is pulled into a side-hug by Charles, who presses a kiss to her hair. "Come on. Time for the tour."

We walk in, being greeted by the sight of beautifully crafted wooden floors, walls, and stairs. After the tour, Charles spends time training individually with Alex, Sean, and Hank. Later that afternoon, Hank and I were set about the task of designing a suit for Sean that will allow him to glide using his voice to keep himself afloat. Henry and I both decided that it would be best to imitate the skin of a flying squirrel, with wing-like bits of fabric spanning from Sean's arms to his torso as we help him into it.

"And you're sure that this will work?" Sean questions as we adjust everything for maximum safety.

"Anything is possible," Henry chuckles. "We based the design-"

"Hank, stop talking," Charles instructs. "Come on," He pats Sean's shoulder. I dart over to look out of another window with Erik, Raven, and Alex. "Now, remember. Scream as hard as you can." Charles instructs to Sean, who is now seated on the windowsill with his feet on the ledge.

"You need the sound waves to be supersonic," Hank says. "Catch them at the right angle and they should carry you."

"They should carry me," Sean scoffs slightly. "That's reassuring."

"Sean, if you fall, I'm right here to catch you." I call out, which makes him relax a bit.

"Good luck," Charles smile at him before ducking back inside. "And don't forget to scream."

Sean lifts his arms and begins to fall forward, releasing a yelp of fear as he falls rather than a supersonic scream. As I knew that I probably would have to, I raise my hand and catch him before he could hit the ground. I lift him back up, where Charles and Hank grab him and pull him through the window. We decide to try once more, this time climbing atop the massive satellite dish near the estate.

"And you truly believe I'll fly this time?" Sean questions.

"Unreservedly." Charles says.

"I trust you," Sean says to Charles.

"I'm touched." Charles replies.

"And I trust you," Sean says to me, at which I smile. "I don't trust him." He points to Hank.

"Say nothing." Charles instructs Hank.

"I'm gonna die!" Sean cries exasperatedly after looking down.

"Alright, look, we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel comfortable-" Charles starts to say until Erik moves forward, pressing his palm against Sean's shoulder.

"Here, let me help." Erik says before shoving the teen over the ledge.

"Erik!" Charles scolds the man before looking over the edge where Sean had fallen.

I am prepared to catch him until he lets out a loud scream, rising above the treeline and into the sky. We watch him laugh and holler as he darts past us before I elbow Erik in the side, making Charles laugh.

"What?" Erik defends himself with a chuckle, batting my arm away. "You know you were thinking the same."

Soon enough, we were all back inside just in time to watch the President make his address regarding the missile situations going on with Cuba.

"It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union." President Kennedy says, and Charles and I share a worried glance.

"That's where we're going to find Shaw." Erik says, gesturing to the television set.

"How do you know?" Alex asks.

"Two superpowers facing off and he wants to start World War 3. He won't leave anything to chance." Charles shakes his head.

"So much for diplomacy. I suggest you all get a good nights sleep." Erik says before turning and walking out.

1962 - charles xavierWhere stories live. Discover now