It has been about 800 years since then, and I am happily working in and out of this world, for I am the Seeker of course. I look like a middle aged woman with dark brunette hair, shoulder length. I also have a couple wrinkles which I can deal with, but to many people, I seem as though my spirit is as young as an 80 year old, which is great.

I am a Time Machine tester! I take the prototypes of different models of time machines, and test them out. I even sometimes bring a companion with me. We search the universe together and go through time and space, but by stict rules though, because I have a dumb command center watching me wherever I go, when I am on the job.

My companion's name is Ariana. I call her Ari for short. She is like my best friend and I take her on many of my adventures. One day, I even took her here, to Gallifrey and showed her my family and friends....

"Where are we going this time Seek?" Ari asks.

"Somewhere new, of course! We are going to my home!" I say joyfully.

"Oh so am I going to meet your boyfriend then?" She chuckles.

"I don't have one. Why would you say that?" I ask.

"I'm talking about that one guy you always talk about... isn't he called Doctor or something?" She smiles widely.

"He is NOT my boyfriend! We are just friends, and plus, I don't even talk about him that much", I say.

"Sure you don't" she says rolling her eyes.

Finally the machine has landed, and I look at her in excitement.

"So are you finally going to get me out of this trash can, or what?" She crosses her arms and looks at me waiting for a response.

"Yah, Lets go!" I say while grabbing her hand, and running out the door.

"So we are in Gallifrey, huh? It looks kind of grey and boring", she says with a discusted look on her face.

"This is just the room where we put the time machines, silly!" I walked out of the room and she followed.

I took a peice of paper out and put it in a time slot, meaning I am off the clock. I walked away and Ari followed and we walk outside of the building. Ari looked around in amazement.

"Woah! it is sooooo shiny!" She looks in awe.

The world around us is quite golden and it is shiny I guess.

"So, how about you take me to your Doctor now!" She says jumping for joy.

"We'll I don't know if he is available-"

"Call him. Now!" She demanded

So then I took her, and we walked to a building which to humans looked like and apartment building. We walked inside, and I went to the front desk.

"Hello there, may I please see the doctor?" I asked.

"Certainly", the woman said handing me a pass meaning we can go visit.

Ari an I walked down the hall in front of us and stopped at room 63. I knocked on the door and it opened just as fast as I knocked it. I saw a smile on an old mans face, and I ran to hug him. He smiled ear to ear and let go.

"Seeker! Very nice to see you!" He said.

"Same to you my doctor. I want to introduce my friend here from planet earth. Her name is Ariana", I said, while pointing at her.

He looked at her and put his hand out, "hello. I'm the doctor".

"Hi" she said shaking his hand, but looked at me with the 'you didn't tell me he is and old guy' face.

"I have a meeting to attend, so I am sorry ladies, but I need to leave", he said kindly.

"Oh, that's alright. Maybe we will meet up another time. Nice seeing you doctor", I said.

"Bye", said Ari.

"Good day", he said walking away from us.

"So a good friend I guess describes your relationship, since he is obviously older than you", Ari said.

"Oh no, he is the same age as me, but yes only good friends. We have known each other for quite some time now", I say as she looks at me weirdly.

"How can you be the same age?"

"It's complicated. We regenerate when we are close to death in some way, and change faces".

She just looks at me with a confused look as says, "whatever. Lets go! I want to eat some gallifreyan food!" She yells, and off we go.


Dear readers,

Hoped you liked it. Next chapter will be amazing, and will bring up some suspicions!!! Please vote.

Sincerely, Kelsie (kalo296)

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