The Pond (Laito + Reader, Diabolik Lovers)

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Have I ever mentioned that Diabolik Lovers is one of my favorite animes?! Ayato would be my twin, Shuu would be my music buddy, Reiji would be my tea and lab partner, Laito would help me pull pranks on everyone, Kanato and I would play tea party, Subaru would be my rock and shield, Yuma would be that brotherly figure that'd would watch over me, Ruki would be my study buddy, Kou would be my best friend, and Azusa is my lil cinnamon roll. I don't like Yui much cuz she's sometimes weak but then again: all the guys are crazy vampires..., and I don't know much about Shin or Carla. I'd hate Karlheinz as well.


"LAITOOOOOO!!!!" A drunk (Y/n) has appeared.

Dear god, why... You just had to, huh.

"YESSSS (Y/N)-CHAN?!" A surprisingly sober Laito has appeared.

Honestly, out of everyone in the house, you thought Laito was one of the better brothers when he wasn't being all touchy. Surprise surprise! Laito can be chill.

"THE WORLD IS DIZZY..." You had a case of major dizziness, since you had a little bit too much...

"That's supposed to be expected, (Y/n)-chan. Come on let's get you to the couch." Laito chuckled.

So basically, no you're not an alcoholic. This was actually your first time trying alcohol. All thanks to Ayato of course.

"Ayato told me you tried to drink more shots than him." He slightly laughed. "Yahhhhh! And I was supposed to win too!" You grumbled and hit your face into the pillow, hoping the world would stop spinning.

"Did you know, (Y/n)-chan, that vampires don't get as easily drunk as humans?" You looked up into his eyes.

"What." You had a look of shock and betrayal on your face. "That bastard lied to me?!" You slurred and got up, stumbling over your feet.

"Ima kill em!" Sighing, Laito got up and led you back to the couch. "Just rest for now. We can prank the hell out of him later." Your cheeks went red.


"Yeah, I'll be your pranking buddy for now on." He wore a cheery smile.

"Oh, that sounds fun!" You grinned devilishly. "Let's go now!" You jumped off the couch and ran off.

Laito's POV

Ah, fufu. There she goes. I got up off the couch and chased after drunk (Y/n)-chan.

"(Y/n)-chan!" I called out down the dark hallway.

She's gone?! "(Y/n)...?" I walked slowly down the hallway, opening doors to see if she was in one of the rooms.

"KYYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I jumped when (Y/n) yelled and jumped on my back. "Oh... Laito-kun... you're not Ayato..."

She hopped off of me and was about to take off again when I grabbed her wrist. "(Y/n)-chan, you should really go rest.. you seem out of it."

(Y/n) pouted. "But I want revennnngggeeeee!!!" I shook my head. "Tomorrow?" Putting a finger to her chin, she thought about it. "Fine." She smirked. "Meet me at the pond!"

And she was gone again.

And then! (Sorry I'm not Happy... I can't match his fabulousness.) Next Day Later:

(Y/n)-chan's POV!

Ohohoho! Ayato's so gonna get it today! I wrote quickly on a piece of notebook paper.

Dear Ayato,
I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time... please meet me at the pond near the mansion after school.
-Your Secret Admirer

Snickering, I placed the note on his notebook. He knows what my handwriting looks like, so I hope he doesn't actually get his hopes up.

Ayato went to his desk and was about to pick up his notebook when he saw the blue note. He picked it up, and instantly pink dusted his cheeks. I quickly rushed out of the classroom so he wouldn't look for me and ruin the plan.

-The Pond-

"A-Ayato..." I shyly looked at my feet. We were standing on the docks of the pond. "(Y/n)? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Y-yes... Ayato... I..." I put my hands on his chest, and looked up at him- my face a blushing mess. "I like you Ayato!"

I stepped back, and suddenly, a bucket of water was poured over Ayato's head. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOT YOU!!!" I cried while laughing. Laito stepped out from behind Ayato holding a bucket, smirking.


"Run!!!" Laito grabbed my hand and started sprinting at full speed to the mansion.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD!" Ayato screamed from behind us. Laito ran to the front door and opened it, letting me in, and running in- locking it behind us.

"Holy crap he's pissed." I breathed out. "Well knowing him, he'd also try to get us back before the end of the day." Laito grabbed my hand again and led me down one of the hallways. "Laito! Your shirt is wet."

"Oh," he looked down. "Fufu, give me a second." He unbuttoned the top part of his shirt and pushed his hair back. 'Holy mother of lord on a Mercedes Benz... he's hot.' He smirked, teasing me slightly. "You know, (Y/n)-chan... I don't appreciate you confessing your love to other guys... it makes me jealous." Laito's green eyes never left my (e/c) orbs.

"L-Laito?!" I backed up with every step the teasing vampire took towards me. "Yes, (Y/n)...?" He called my name softly without using 'chan' at the end.

"I could just suck the life out of you right now," he mumbled, his green eyes still bore into mine. "Laito..." Courage gained, I started stepping forward till our bodies touched. "Yes (Y/n)?" I pulled my hair back and smiled, "Go ahead."

He genuinely smiled, and his head dipped down into my neck. Laito sniffed my neck, "You smell absolutely amazing." He kissed my neck and trailed his fangs down teasingly.

"I love you~" I felt a prick in my neck and I knew. I held back a soft moan. "Mmm..." Laito smiled against my neck. He retracted himself and licked my new wound. "Did you mean it?" I looked at Laito, curious. "Did I mean what?"

"That you love me?"

"No, (Y/n), I don't love you."

I felt a small pang in my heart. "I absolutely love and adore you." He laughed. I hugged him and snuggled into his chest. "I absolutely love and adore you as well, Laito!" He kissed my forehead.

"Wanna stay the night in my room?" He winked. "Do I!" I dragged him off to his room in the mansion.

And this all happened, because of the prank we decided to pull on Ayato. At the pond.

(Very unedited. I apologize for any horrible mistakes!) Please request!! I'm running out of ideas! I hope you liked it! :3


Anime Oneshots (Wattys2017) [CLOSED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin