50th Follower Special: Meeting (Favorite Character)

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"(Y/NNNNNNN)!" One of your friends, also know as author-chan, ran into the room and flipped over the couch just to get to you. She's lazy, so this must be important.

"WHAT IF I TOLD YOU I HAVE TICKETS TO THE ANIME CONVENTION AND (FAVORITE CHARACTER) WILL BE THERE?!" You gasped, holding back a squeal just in case it was one of her infamous pranks. "I WOULD LOVE YOU SO MUCH." You responded, making author-chan giggle.

"WELL GUESS WHERE WE ARE GOING ON SATURDAY!!" She yelled triumphantly, holding two shiny tickets in the air. "YASSS AUTHOR-CHAN I LOVE YOU!"

=Le time skip, brought to you by a happy (Y/n)-chan squeezing (Favorite character).=

"Where to first?!" It was finally that eventful day, and you were out of your mind excited. "Oh no what should I wear?!" You pulled at your hair. "Calm down, (Y/n)!" Author-chan spoke wisely, sipping a cup of tea, because I'm just so magical like that.

"I think you should wear something cute with (Favorite character)'s colors!" She gave you a toothy grin, making her look like a little kid. "Good idea... Hmm.." You hummed, pulling out black leggings, a (character's favorite color) skirt, and a white t-shirt with a flannel.

"Besides, take after me (Y/n)!" Author jumped up, snapping her fingers, she was automatically in Subaru's favorite colors. She grinned, "Now Tsunbaru shall love me and not that Yui bitch!"

"I thought you loved all of the Sakamakis..." You thought out loud. Light blush tinted her cheeks, "YES, but that's not the point. I would get along more with Subaru anyway." She huffed adding, "JUST GET READY SO WE CAN LEAVE FASTER. I WANNA GET STARBUCKS BEFORE WE LEAVE." Typical white girl.

=At the Anime Convention... Brought to you by Gryffindor winning the house cup. TAKE THAT SLYTHERIN. Crap, this is not real advertising, don't get me in trouble... ;-; =

"Look at how pretty it is!" You marveled looking at a mini action figure of (Favorite character). "Ohhhh that's hot, (Y/n)." Author sniggered. "Maybe you should try to ask him out since you love him so much!" She suggested smirking. "Only if you ask Subaru!" She laughed, "Challenge accepted!"

"ATTENTION EVERYONE: CHARACTER MEETING IS STARTING IN TWO MINUTES." The feminine voice on the loudspeaker informed us.

"Let's go get to our seats!" She dragged you by the hand to the auditorium. "IM SO EXCITED!!"

We finally found our seats and sat down, I was literally hanging off my seat when I heard the starting bell.

"HELLLOOOOO and WELCOME ANIME FANS, to the 2016 anime convention!" The host yelled enthusiastically. You and author cheered out loud. "For our first anime character.... We have...."

It was already TWO FLIPPING HOURS into the convention, and (favorite character) still hasn't been called!

"THE SAKAMAKIS FROM DIABOLIK LOVERS!" Author-chan squealed like a school girl and raised her hand. "Oi! You! Flat chest! Come up here!" Ayato pointed directly at Author. Her face went bright red, as she stood up and shuffled on stage.

"Say... Shuu, doesn't she smell better than Bitch-chan?" Laito sniffed her pevertedly, and Shuu opened one eye to look at her. "Mm... Hai..." He confirmed pulling author-chan to him and butting his face into her neck. He then whispered something to her, which made her blush increase.

"Oi! Hands off her, lazy ass!" A familiar white haired boy came and pulled her away from the boys. "H-h-hello... I'm Subaru..." He introduced himself, making author flip and slightly fangirl.

The boys went backstage with author, while you sat waiting for this to end.

"Finally, save the best for last... (FAVORITE CHARACTER)!"

Time suddenly slowed down...

(Favorite character) came out on stage, waving to the crowd. Your eyes met, making you blush slightly. He gave you a smirk, and winked. Your blush increased by a million, and you looked away.

"So, (F/C), which lucky fan will get to come up first?" Obviously (F/C) was popular. He's just... (F/C). If that makes sense. His eyes met mine again, and he spoke into the mic.

"Why not that lovely lady over there?" He seemed to be pointing at you. You pointed to yourself. "Yes you, the one with the (h/l), (h/c) hair."

Three words.




You nervously stood up and walked to the stage. He motioned you to come up the stairs. Suddenly, being in your nervous state, your left foot caught onto the stairs, and you flew forward.

You shut your eyes quickly, expecting to land straight on your face, embarrassing yourself. But that never did come.

You opened you (e/c) hues and met the eyes of (F/c). He smiled to you, "My, my... Falling for me already?" Blushing, you stood up straight.

"N-no!" You stuttered in protest. Dammit (Y/n)... He chuckled. "You're cute, maybe we should hang out sometime." Blushing, you agreed by nodding your head. "S-sure!"

"Awesome, stay here for a second." He went backstage. A few moments later, he reappeared holding something behind his back. "Close your eyes!"

And you did.

A soft, plush figure was pushed into one of your hands. You opened your eyes. It was a small, adorable (F/C) plushie! Nearly fangirling, you smiled brightly. "Thank you!" He smiled in return. "Of course, cutie. By the way, read the note when you get back to your seat." You nodded and turned around, heading towards the stairs again.

"Wait-" you were pulled back, and a small kiss was planted on your forehead. "See you around." He smiled warmly, and your face heated up once more. "O-okay... See you." And you walked off stage.

A few other fangirls got to meet him as well, but they only got autographs and side hugs. (HAH, FRIENDZONED.)

You sat in your chair and looked at the plush. Attached to it was a small note.

Dear (Y/n),

It was quite lovely getting the chance to meet such a beautiful girl. Call me sometime, and maybe we could catch a movie. Hope you liked the plushie!

(Oh and your friend said that you owed her big time.)

(Favorite character).
(insert random phone number here)

Wow, I really love author-chan right now, you thought happily. "(Y/n)!" Author squealed, rushing up to you. "Did you like your surprise? I saw it from backstage!!" You smiled and gave her a quick hug. "That was amazing, thank you!"

You looked at her neck. Multiple bite marks were shown. Smirking you pointed to her neck. "Had fun back there?" She blushed like one of Yuma's tomatoes. "S-shut up!"

DUNNN DAH DUNNNNN!!! Haha did you like it? I hope you did. CX GOAL ACHIEVED! LEVEL UP! I can't believe we made it to 51 followers already! That's so awesome!! So since I wanna shoot for the moon, can we reach 1K views on any of my books by the end of this year?! That would be AMAZING guys!!! You've made me feel so special and accomplished!! Thanks to all of you who voted, commented, requested, read, and followed! That's truly awesome!


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