Chapter 1: A task

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Other Such Stuff

Note: Nadu and Arie always speak in Parthian to each other and whatever other language to other characters

Chapter One

 The amphitheater was roaring when they left through the main gates. Arie's stomach was still churning and her ears were ringing. The sound, however, did not mask the heavy beating of her heart. Nadu decided not to stay longer and Arie could almost not contain her joy. Their host, Junius Brutus, remained behind as he wagered a large sum of money on some of the gladiators. Arie felt a sudden distaste for the man and she could tell Nadu did as well. Half the afternoon, he was seated on the edge of his seat. If he ever won, he would jump up from the bench in a maddened frenzy, his toga slipping off. His slave, a man in his late thirties with dark brown skin and eyes and calm temperance would fix it back on him after his master had calmed down.

  Arie led them to a group of vendors who had their stalls set under a large tree. The weather had been uncommonly hot, a sharp contrast with the afternoon before, coupled with Junius' spilling all the wine they had bought made both of them thirsty. One of the stalls had an assortment of snacks including, if Arie’s eyes were not deceiving her, fried mice with a coating of curry.  While one of the vendors poured Nadu a cup of wine, Arie moved away trying to see if there was anything else odd she could see. Almost immediately, she came across an old man sitting on the ground in the direct path of the sun, wearing a short, tattered tunic, brown in colour from dirt. He had a blank expression on his gaunt, sun burned face. Normally, she would turn her attention away from him but a glint near the ground stopped her. It came from a golden ring on his right hand which was nearly tucked under his leg. The ring had a small ruby on it's centre from the little she could see.

 "Why do you stare at me?" he said suddenly. Even as he spoke his expression did not change.

 "Why don't you sell your ring for food?" Arie asked in a small voice, intimidated for some reason.

The old man turned his head slowly to face Arie. She looked into his faded blue eyes briefly before turning away intimidated. Something about him screamed misfortune, the kind Misra claimed is contagious.

 "Food will not last long. I need to prepare myself for something for more urgent than a full stomach," he replied hoarsely . His voice rose slightly. Arie looked to side to see Nadu watching the both of them with a cup hovering near her mouth. The vendor held it closer until it touched her lips while shooting frantic glances at his fellows.

 "That is enough, Lucius," one of them warned. He moved from his position towards them.

 "Prepare for what?" Arie asked, ignoring the other man.

A small formed on the old man's- Lucius'- cracked lips. He leaned forward.

 "One day soon the wrath of the gods shall come upon us-"

 "I said, that is enough,"

 "We will be buried completely under fire and ash," Lucius finished with a vicious laugh.

 "Fire and ash... you mean Vesuvius?" she asked intrigued in spite of herself. Lucius said nothing. He re-arranged his feature to once again look placid. Arie moved back to stand next to her mistress wary of the sudden change.

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