Chapter Three: Dangerous Love

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After Han and I got home I texted Takashi the time and place. I sneaked out just as Mia and Letty were in the kitchen packing out groceries. Han passed out on the couch in front of the tv. I decided to walk to where I'm meeting him since I didn't want to use my car otherwise Mia and Letty might catch on. It took me half an hour to reach the super market where I told Takashi to meet me. When I got there he was leaning against his car texting on his phone. "Hey..." He looked up to me smirking. He pulled me closer to him whispering in my ear. "God..I missed you so much babe." I stood on my toes and kissed him. He cupped his hands around my face and kissed me with so much passion. I could taste the whisky on his tongue and I wanted to bury myself into him. We both pulled away for a breather and he stared in my eyes. " to meet up" He asked his breath still chasing. "Not interesting at all..." I said rolling my eyes. "Come on babe..I'm sure it wasn't that bad." He started rubbing my shoulders with the palm of his hands. "Believe was." He opened the passenger door and told me to get in. He also got in and took off. We soon found ourselves at an apartment he said was his for the time being. We went inside and he took off his leather jacket revealing the toned muscled arms that could make any girl swoon. "You comfortable?"
He asked me pouring himself a shot of whisky. "Yeah..I'm okay." I turned and looked at him he was standing towards me with his hot back and only than I realised once more how lucky I was that this bad ass actually wants me of all the other girls he could have. But one thing is for sure..I will never be the only one. "You want something to drink?" He showed the glass and I nodded. "Sure..why not." He poured me a shot too and came and handed me the glass settling down next to me. I looked at him and he took a string of hair out my face and tucked it behind my ear. "Have you told your brother about us yet?" I shook my head and took a big sip of the whisky. "I don't want him to hate me even more.." Takashi took me in his arms and I rested my head on his chest. " It's okay..I'll wait until you're ready to tell him." I kissed him and we had another steamy make out session on the couch. We watched some tv series and when I glaced up to him his eyes was shut and snoring noises were escaping his mouth. I kissed him on the forehead and wrote him a letter and put it on the coffee table.

Had to go babe. You know I have a curfew when it comes to Brian. It was nice to see you again and I'm happy you're here. Love you xxx

I made my way outside and hitched a taxi. The driver took me home and when I got out I stuffed a 30 in his hand. "You can keep the change." He nodded and said thanks. I got out and made my way to the front door. I opened the door and laughter filled the air. I went to the dining room and everyone was sitting around the table having dinner. Brian,Dom,Letty, Mia and Han. "Hey everyone..." All of them looked at me. "Just in time." Dom said and I put my handbag down and went to sit next to Han the only open space left. Soon my plate was filled and I dig in. After dinner I cleared the table while Brian and Dom were in the garage conspiring against who knows. Letty and Mia was washing the dishes. "Need some help with that?" Just hearing that all too familiar voice made my heart skip a few beats. "Sure.." I handed him a few plates and he took them into the kitchen appearing again shortly after. When we were done I went upstairs and he followed me going to his room. Before opening his door he looked at me and smiled. "Goodnight Chlo."

Han's POV
I lied on my bed wondering about. Whatever I was starting to feel for Chloe was unexplainable. But I knew it was wrong,there could never be anything between us. There was too much at risk I had to suppress my feelings the best way I can. It was just too much to handle..the way she smiled at me. The way she looked at me making my heart wanna jump out of my chest. I constantly find myself day dreaming of kissing her but I can't...I won't. I haven't felt this way since Gisele what was Chloe doing to me!? Why was she torturing me this much. I groaned and rolled over to my side closing my eyes..allowing the darkness to roll over me.

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