Chapter 10

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Dinner at Josh's house was awkward, Bill encouraging Zack to fight back after he has been piled with questions about his bruise, Josh was sat across from me but didn't speak instead just occasional eye contact, he had a hat on covering his hair and a hoodie, to cover his tattoos, we ate quietly and were quick to leave after thanking them. Josh arrived about half an hour later and he looked good, he held a bag on his back which was weirdly full, and then sat down switching the tv on like it was his own,
"So you got a wii right"
"Of course"
"Shall we play?"
"Yeah wait, I'll get our food"
"Oh cool okay"
I walked out grabbing the bag and came back in chucking it onto the sofa next to him, we both began to drink red bull and snack on the Doritos while playing Mario kart, the first time I won which I was sure to make sure he knew by bragging to him, he then beat me at the next race which shut me straight up causing him to laugh at me, he wasn't as competitive which I somewhat saw as a good thing. An hour passed and Josh began to seem excited about something after Zack had announced he was going to be staying upstairs on my PlayStation until he went to bed, Josh ran to his bag and quickly unzipped it rummaging through and giggling he pulled a bottle of vodka from the bag followed by beer, sourz and whiskey. My mouth dropped in shock
"How the hell did you get all that?"
"I have tattoos, I pass as an adult nearly everywhere, I mean I was saving it but this seems a lot more fun.

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