Chapter 6

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Although Josh seemed rude and stubborn there was still something that intrigued me about him, it wasn't just his looks, his delinquent self was attractive which was weird, the next day was the same but we spoke more, he even switched his phone off to talk to me.
"So you wanna hang out after school?"
"Yeah that would be sick"
I replied hiding my excitement
"Cool, shall we go to Taco Bell?"
"Yeah that's my favourite place to eat!"
I laughed
"Really? Oh my gosh ahah it's mine as well"
We met after school and things went really well, he wasn't how I was expecting him to be, he was actually a lot more friendly, there wasn't a moment of awkwardness between us, I hadn't felt confident around anyone like I did around Josh, it was like I had known him for years, even though it had only been two days and he had definitely forgotten about not becoming friends. We walked home together but as we got close to home he distanced himself from me
"They'll stop us from being friends, so just pretend you were out with someone else"
He whispered, I nodded happily and slowed to a holt allowing him to arrive earlier then me. I felt good about him, he was fun to be around and we had a lot more in common then I thought.

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