The Battle of Fairy Tail

Start from the beginning

Though, she was the only female free of the spell.

Makarov informed Erza of what had been happening thus far. She stared to exit the guild and join Laxus's "game", but halted when the runes showed an increase in "players."

"Who's the extra member?" Natsu asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Think about who rarely stops by, Natsu." Erza said in a stern voice. "My guess is that it's either Mystogen or Jasmine."

And I hope it's not Jasmine for everyone's sake. Erza thought.

Natsu and Gajeel visibly stiffened at the name. Jasmine is literally the only person that Gajeel has ever been scared of (not that he would admit it).

 At Kardia Cathedral . . .

A cross between a genuine smile and a smirk spread across Laxus's face.

A cloaked figure walked into the church before Laxus.

But just one person stood there.

"You came!" Laxus announced, trying not to sound too excited. "Where's Raph?"

"I sent him to the guild." Jasmine replied. She decided to slide the hood back and show her face which rarely happens. "What's going on here?" She asked, glancing at the rune scoreboard.

"A little game I created." Laxus smirked. "I'm remodeling the guild to hold only the strong." He walked closer to Jasmine until he was an inch away from her. "And I think you definitely qualify. I want you to join me, Jasmine."

"Join you?" Jasmine mumbled.

Laxus could feel his heart pound in his chest. Please, say yes! Please, say yes! Please, say yes! He was a nervous wreck, but he would never say it out loud.

An update on Freed's runes caught both of their attention.

 Erza vs. Evergreen

inner: Erza

 "I know Evergreen is apart of your team, but Erza isn't. Are you still 'remodeling' the guild?" Jasmine raised an eyebrow and glared at Laxus.

Laxus swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat. What in blazing hell, Evergreen!! "One loss isn't enough to disturb my plan." He shrugged.

"Does the guild really need to change?" Jasmine sighed.

"Of course it does. You of all people should know how it has changed."

"It has changed, but was the change for the better or for the worst? I think the guild has improved."

"Is it because he left?"

That's adding fuel to the fire. Laxus knew this, but he saw the distant look in Jasmine's eyes. She was remembering the past.

Jasmine glared at the blond as sparks of lightning bounced off of her tanned skin.


The two mages looked at the entryway and saw Erza and Natsu there.

"What the . ." Laxus said under his breath. He glanced at the rune scoreboard and saw two updates.

 1. Bickslow vs. Lucy
Winner: Lucy

 2. Mirajane vs. Freed

inner: Mirajane

The Lightning Empress [Cobra/Erik x OFC x Laxus] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now