Promise (Part 1)

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     "Can't we do anything about it, can't we reassure her and convince her to live her life again" the same familiar voice asked but this time his voice sounded more defeated, lost and sad, it was like the person was on the edge of tears.

   "I don't know, but I can suggest you one thing and that is please don't leave her alone while she is going through such a tough phase, console her, encourage her, cheer her whenever you can and teach her to live again, plant the roots of trust and faith in her, water it daily and I am sure you will certainly get a juicy fruit in the end" the gruff voice suggested in a daze like he was really thinking at that time.

   But I didn't got what he meant by planting, watering and getting a fruitful end. What is the fuss all about? Why there is a teary voice and who the hell are they talking about, troubled and furious beyond limits. I opened my mouth to yell at them and demand answers as to why can't I move and see and the main question was, who they are ranting about. But my words didn't came out of my throat, they were trapped, not even a  gasp would resonate through my vocals. I was once again distracted by the voices.

      "Listen here, doctor" A high pitched female voice entered my ear and would it be stupid if I admitted that it sounded familiar too.

    "Don't pity us and give your ill-advises to us. Because we don't give a damn about your suggestions. Do whatever you can to help her and if you can't do that then tell us the truth, don't give us false hope to hang on. She is unconscious for two days now and you are telling us the same thing all over again, if you are not capable enough to give us results than I am sorry to say but we have to find someone else, someone more better" she sneered and her tone expressed anything but sorry. A loud gasp was heard after the female's undefined anger and yelling which was covered by a fit of coughs.

      "I am trying my best and I'm doing everything in my power to bring her back, she is okay and will be awake soon, she is just traumatized and her wolf is taking her time to heal her, they both need some solitude" the unfamiliar gruff voice tried to reason out but it looks like the female was in no mood to listen to him.

    "But, why is it taking so much time, it has already been two days, do you know what it means, it means total 48 hours." she yelled frustrated, but later gasped "Have you done something to her, have you poisoned her, are you bribed from her old pack or mate to annihilate her, are you the reason why she hasn't woken up yet? Answer me or I will give you the most agonizing death ever" she accused him of one or the other thing and now I was sure they were talking about me, her threat sounded familiar and dark, very dark, like I know someone who is this terrific, I am sure the hairs on my back have stood up after her horrific threat.

     I am still not sure where I am and who they are but listening to them, their voices sounded so familiar and that girl who was threatening someone for me, was almost exhilarating but I was still not sure if I was safe with them or are they just another ploy to disable my mental ability. The first question I need to find answers to, is why can't I move and see and say something.

       "Get a hold of yourself lady, you may be a Beta but I'm much older and experienced then you are. And don't put false accusations on me so simply because everyone knows my loyalty rest with the Black Heart Pack alone. I would rather die then put danger on this little girl. I am a doctor moreover, I live my life to aid people,not to poison them" he growled back using the same tone as hers.

     "Oh, really, then pray tell me what has happened to her, if you are oh so capable and loyal doctor" she scowled with utter hatred and anger, her voice so loud that my eardrums hurt to hear it, if I could I would've put my fingers to protect my ears.

    "I told you before also, it'll take time but she will....." his answer was cut short by the enraged women screaming and breaking all her limits as her anger flared up to its highest peak "She will, what?" 

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