Useless facts on my Stepfather

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This was requested by honey__badger


1. He is Afrikaans!

2. He stalks me on Wattpad!

3. He is a pastor!

4. He makes the best coffee!

5. He calls me Chlo-Chlo!

6. He likes watching Fear Factor and Miles From Tomorrow!

7. He is a little bit good at go-carting! (I am the best)

8. He used to live in Cape Town but now lives in Vanderbjlpark (South Africa)

9. He gymed so much that he lost his hair (like One Punch Man)

 He gymed so much that he lost his hair (like One Punch Man)

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10. His favourite colour is red (like the OK Grocer sign)

 His favourite colour is red (like the OK Grocer sign)

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