Mark, on the other hand, seemed pretty calm. He was standing at the line, Abby by his side. The girls also spotted Alex and Serva on the stands, wearing Syd's and Christen's jerseys. When Crystal looked again, her eyes went wide : the couple wasn't alone. She immediately recognized Ash's messy bun and almost white hair. She was alone - Crystal assumed it was because Ali had some conference or something like that back in Germany, and kept Maisie with her - but not really, because another couple was here, holding hands, looking excited. Harli was the first word that came into Crystal's mind. Carli seemed really serious, already looking all around her, while Hope was playing with a dark-haired little boy, that must be their son, Gordon. Ash was wearing Allie's jersey - her very own Pookie - while Hope opted for Alyssa's, and Carli for Lindsey's - she was always joking about her being her 'legacy' or something. 

Speaking of which, Lindsey was standing in front or Moe for kick off. The two friends knew what was in line. 

"It's gonna be okay" Moe whispered, more for herself than for her friend. 

"Yeah." Lindsey answered, looking around her. "Just, don't fuck up."

"You too".

That made them giggle. 

The whistle blew, and the US immediately lost possession. The first fifteen minutes were very hard, and Mal didn't touch the ball once. Japan was always on their side of the field, as Alyssa already had to come up with several saves, while Julie was busy giving order to the back line. The Japaneses had improve. That was for sure. 

Around the 30th minute, one of their forwards broke through and scored. As they were down 1-0, and already exhausted, they scored another goal. They went into halftime down 2-0, and their faces pretty closed. 


Carli burst into the room, determined. 

"Guys" she said in a very harsh tone. "This is not how it ends. I am telling that to your face right now : you suck back here. It's time to regain your bodies and control the game." She then distributed orders - quite pertinent ones of course - while Mark and Abby were just silent. The former captain then said : "I believe, and you should believe too. I love this team more than I love myself. I need you to love it too." 

They then yelled their usual '1,2,3 TEAM' before going back to the field.


Things got better.

Right after halftime, Lindsey won an important ball and passed it to Mal, who made a terrific run on the left side. She then crossed it, and it landed on Moe's head. The stadium went nuts, as the middy was running toward her teammates. She spotted Carli, her eyes quite teary, looking at her with pride. She sent her a air kiss, before going back to her position. 

Nothing much happened next, until the 80th minute, where a Japanese forward made a bad decision and her feet landed on Alyssa's head. As the keeper was on the ground, crying out of pain, Julie immediately knelled by her side, trying to know what she needed. But it was pretty clear to her : concussion. She made the sign to the medical staff, as Tobin was putting her hands on the top of her head. They still were down 2-1, and needed their goalkeeper. The Japanese earned a red card, as Mark was yelling from the side. 

He turned to face Michelle and Jenko.

"One of you have to go out there and save the game" he said. 

The brunette - and older girl - just looked around her. 

"Gabie should do it."

"What ?" the blonde blurted out, completely stressed out. "Me ? You're a way better keeper than I am !"

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