Chapter Four

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A/N: Another unknown chapter. Be aware that these really hint to who it may be. ;) Good luck figuring it out.


I am here, and I am worried.

I am here, and I am worried, and I am damaged, and I can't do anything about it. I am here, and worried. I am here, and damaged. I am here—

And so are they.

The soldiers who captured me know that I am here, know who I am. A murderer, and I should be punished for everything that I did, everyone I touched, I shared my love with. But they would never know my true name. They could torture me, for the gods' sake.

Here they come, here they come.

But I come faster, and grab one by the neck and snap it, the crunch echoing through the forest. Then another runs up to me, and I knee him in his privates hard, and jab a long sword into his gut, tearing it out viciously. I look away as his guts fall out of his stomach, but then I spin and see another run, and run, and I launch myself in the air and cut his throat.

There are more, for I have started a war.

A war that will not end until my death.

The trees cover me for a while until I get to a nearby soldier, laughing, and hold him by the head, lifting it up to bare his throat. I press the sword against it, digging it deeper as the seconds float by.

"Drop your weapons or I'll cut his throat," I hiss in an unrecognisable voice, at least to me.

They don't drop them, and I cut his throat, sending blood spraying everywhere. I throw the corpse, because I am strong and yet weak and yet powerful, onto another soldier who screams while blood shoots into his mouth. Stupid. Why doesn't he close his mouth?

I stab the bloody mouthed man in the head, his lifeless body dropping.

A soldier comes at me, only to get a hand chopped off and also his head, sending it rolling and rolling into the hills of the forest, landing into a village, but I don't watch.

I slit another's throat.

I jab another in the gut.

I punch.

I kick.

I tear down every one in the forest, and do it with a grin, blood spraying onto me.

Then I hide, for I am a hidden identity and will choose to come out whenever I feel safe.

Come out, come out, wherever you are...

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