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Author's Note: Yes, "All" is meant to be capitalised. Just wait and see ;) I can't wait for more people to start reading my novel. I haven't posted much of it online, so I really want to see what people think. I've been working on it for so long now (since Nov 2014)! So I hope you enjoy... The Dagger's Wrath.

Master says the world is grand, but I don't see much through the haze.

Of course, masters know All. However, my mind is but a dream and it's called out to me more than most. Uniting all lands, all territories, the dazzling of stars still haunts me. Fermentation is sucked dry, but not for long now.

We are the world, we are its people; we are not so grand.

The Dagger's Wrath (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now