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"Come Link. You sound like you're in pain," Robin offered. Link looked up at him confused.

"That wasn't me..."

"Just now I thought I heard you--"


Link's eyes widened as he looked down at Zelda as he held her head closer to his. Her eyes were still closed and she remained motionless.

C'mon Zel, I know you're still with us...





*Cough cough!*

Bright blue eyes were slowly revealed as Zelda's eyelids opened. Link laughed in disbelief. She blinked slowly, seeming as if she took a long nap. She smiled softly as she looked up at Link.

"Zelda you can't--"

She had already reached up to poke his tiny, blue, hoop as she always did. Link looked away from her. Something was bothering him and Zelda noticed it.

"ZELDA YOU'RE OKAY!!!" Pat exclaimed as she ran over to her friend, hugging her tightly.

The rest of the friends joined her as well, surrounding Zelda and comforting her. Some were still crying. She felt a hand rest upon the top of her head, and so she looked upwards to see her aunt standing above her.

"You hung in there good kid."

"Thanks Auntie..."

Impa bent down and kissed the top of her niece's head and walked away. 

"I'm sorry for making you all worry," Zelda apologized.

"We're just glad you're OKAYYY!" Pit sobbed as he hugged Zelda.

"Aw gross! You got boogers up your nose, you dumbass," Pittoo complained. Pit turned to him, raised his hand, and flicked Dark Pit's forehead.

"OW! The hell was that for?! Oh you're gonna get it."

The two angels chased each other around and bickered as always. Lucina, Robin, Shulk, and Fiora approached Zelda.

"I'm so happy you're alright Zel," Shulk said relieved, "How're you feeling?"

"I'm just happy to still be here, still hurts though-- ack!"

"I'm sorry about that and for everything--"

"Don't be. I understand. And you proved yourself in the end, right? You really are a great guy Shulk. She's lucky to have you."

Zelda smiled at Fiora who smiled back at her.

"Feel better!" Fiora waved off, walking away with Shulk.

"Thank you--"

"Zelda thank the Lord!" Samus shouted while running towards her friend. She slid onto the floor and embraced Zelda meaningfully.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You scared all of us. You can't just throw away your life like that for us!"

"One life is better than having 100 lives taken," Zelda spoke, "And I wasn't throwing it away, you guys are my friends, I couldn't just let you guys suffer!"

"Just don't do that again okay?! We all love you too much to lose you."

She continued to weep on Zelda's shoulder. 

I don't think I've ever seen Samus like this. But it's nice to see her to let her guard down once in a while...

"Okay I promise!"

"Good..." she sniffled, wiping her eyes and standing up. Zelda looked at Lucina.


"She's right you know. Don't be so reckless even though we all love you."

Robin nodded along with her.

"I love you guys too," Zelda said with a smile.

Lucina hugged her and walked away from her and Link.

The rest of the gang continued to welcome back Zelda and pretty soon left the balcony, leaving her alone with Link who was staring off into the distance. Zelda felt like she could sit up on her own, and so did as she gazed at Link.

"Alright what gives?" she asked him.


"You don't wanna tell me?"


"I'll wait..."





"Okay I'm impatient, can you just tell me Link?"

"Samus is right you know."

Link grabbed her firmly by the shoulders.

"Ow Link w--wait..."

"You can't just sacrifice yourself like that and expect everyone to be okay with it! That was a stupid idea!"

"I--I didn't think that--"

"What? That your life is important? That your death wouldn't affect those who care about you? That was selfish!"


"If you didn't return... I couldn't live with myself... I wouldn't be able to go on with my life..."


"I don't want to live a life where you're not in it!"

"What did you expect me to do Link?! I was never going to harm you like Cia wanted us to. I would never fight you. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt and so I sacrificed myself because if I could do something to save someone else, I'd gladly do it! I wasn't trying to be selfish at all, in fact, it was the complete opposite! Don't you understand?!"

Link froze. This was the first time Zelda had felt confident enough with her words and meant them at the same time. The way she spoke was so convincing. Her words made Link unable to speak. Her brows were furrowed and her expression angry. 

"Well say something!"



Zelda felt two strong hands cup her face. She stared into his deep blue eyes and saw her reflection in them. Link's lips were only inches away from hers, their noses almost touching. He leaned in then suddenly pulled away out of nervousness.

"Just c'mere!" Zelda exclaimed.

With her hand ruffling his dirty blonde hair, putting his hands on her waist, she pulled Link closer to her and FINALLY kissed him.

A/N: YUSS FINALLY AHH! Thx again for 1k! So this is kinda weird bit, I was gonna make a kinda dirrrrty chapter next, what do you guys think? Please let me know what you think of that and what I SHOULD WRITE AB NEXT FOR A BOOK!! Love you all and thanks again for keeping up! XD

Game Changer: Book I (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now