The Beginning

14 1 0

Day 397

I coughed myself to sleep last night. The doctors came in and I've realized that nothing new has happened. I'm still separated from Cole, and I'm still dying of cancer. He comes and visits as often as he can, but the bills still need to be paid.

I twist the jeweled ring on my left hand in anticipation. Slowly, a nurse helps me into a wheelchair so I can cruise the gardens outside.  Flowers line the pathways and the scent of wilderness hits my nostrils.  The sounds of nature overfill my senses and I analyze all the bushes, trees, and assorted color that fill my scenery.  Oh, what I would do to go back into society. To dress up fancy, and talk politics with angry business people. Sadly, that is a life I will never get.

Cole and I had been working hard and saving up money to pay my dues for lawyer school when I began to feel awful. Day after day I told Cole I was fine until he forced me to go to the doctors. When I was informed of having cancer, all I could think of was the life I could never have. No lawyer school, no domestic arguing, and no children.

I relax into the wheelchair imagining what life my children would have had. Cole and I would have moved the family to a big house with a backyard. It would have had miniature homes for the pets, treehouses for the kids, and a garden. The garden would be glorious and full of color, like the one I am sitting in front of. I can already see me yelling at the kids to stop playing in the plants.

The nurse comes back in, telling me it is time to go. Letting her roll me back to the dreaded indoors, I pray to the universe for my life to change.


1.) Up on top is Dominic Sherwood with Sarah Hyland---I think they would be cute to represent the young couple I'm trying to portray in upcoming chapters

2.) The chapters are short, but this is just the info one.  I hope to post more later on and will try to do so every week.  This is a short story, so don't expect super long chapters.  

3.) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED~~this is my work = mine...duh

4.) Feel free to comment suggestions or editing musts, but NO NEGATIVITY TOWARDS MY WRITING

5.) THAT'S IT!!! Have a great life & blessings, blessings, blessing <3

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