More Rover

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Robert was in the backyard, laying on the ground, panting along with Winter. The two of them had been playing around with tennis balls and sticks and they were both pretty worn out. Robert laid with his eyes closed, until he heard the distant rumble of thunder. He opened his eyes and looked towards the rumble, noticing that Winter was looking towards it too, ears alert.

"Robert, Winter!" Robert turned towards the patio, where River was calling out for them. Robert rose his hand and Winter barked, grabbing River's attention. "Hey, what are you guys doing out there? Come inside, it's about to start raining."

"A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, it's sunny here and the clouds are distant. We will probably be fine for half an hour longer." Robert heard River give a loud sigh and he snickered to himself, before pushing himself to sit up. "We're coming. Go, boy." Robert motioned Winter to go inside and Robert followed back slowly.

"A little rain is gonna hurt whenever you're curled up in your bed, miserable sick." River crossed his arms across his chest, while Robert hummed.

"Oh yeah, I'm gonna be sooooo miserable when I'm curled up next to you with my sniffles." Robert looked up at him slightly and River scoffed.

"That's what you think, I'm going to sleep on the couch." Robert pouted.

"Aw, what? You wouldn't cuddle me until I got better?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"And risk getting sick, no thank you." Robert gave a huff, but his pout was short-lived when River leaned down to kiss him.

"We do sleep in the same bed, you know." River let out a soft chuckle.

"I'll just burn the bed." Robert blinked before laughing.

"You could just, you know, wash the sheets." River shrugged, leaning down closer to Robert.

"Or I could just burn the bed." He mumbled against his lips with a smirk.

"I guess." Robert murmured back with a smile, wrapping his arms around his neck. They were about to start kissing again when another, closer rumble of thunder made the two of them jump. "Jeez, we were trying to have a moment here." Robert glanced the end of the gazebo, the sun still shining, but small patters of rain began to be heard.

"Guess it came sooner than expected." River hummed, putting a hand to the back of Robert's back and ushered him inside. Instead of going inside, Robert went to the end of the gazebo and stuck his hand out.

"It is raining! Look River, the sun's still out but it's raining! How cool!" River chuckled a bit at his boyfriend's child-like eagerness.

"Yeah, come on, let's go inside."

"There's bound to be a rainbow."

"Robert, you aren't listening-" Robert ran out, running around the yard, looking up into the skies for a rainbow. Seeing Robert running around, Winter barked and ran out with him. "Winter, hey, come back inside!" River gave an aggravated sigh, leaning against one of the gazebo posts.

Robert and Winter ran and bounced around, the thunder rumbling, the rain coming down harder and the sun still shining. "There's no rainbow." Robert whined.

"Then maybe now would be the perfect time to come inside." River called over the rain. Robert looked over at River, his clothes sticking to his body, his hair slicked flat back. River wasn't going to lie – his boyfriend was hot when he was all wet.

"Come play with us." Robert smiled and River gave a sarcastic chuckle.

"Sure, okay." He shook his head, crossing his arms. "Come inside and take a shower, before you get sick." Robert gave a little sigh and his shoulders sagged a little as he started walking back to the patio.

"C'mon Winter, let's go back inside." Robert mumbled as he walked past the dog. The dog gave a bark and trotted ahead to the patio, where he shook off the water he collected on his fur.

"Winter!" River chuckled, brushing some water off of his arm. Robert smiled a bit, an idea popping into his head. He stood next to River, shaking his head quickly so the water on his hair could splash towards River. River gave an aggravated sigh and Robert giggled. "Not you too." He shielded his face from the water and Robert took the advantage and grabbed his hand, dragging him out to the rain.

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