"Siar, I've been looking around for you," Mel panicked.

"Hey are you alright," I worried.

"It's Draven," She sobbed.

"What happen? where is he," I started to agitate.

"We were on our way here, and we were ambushed," Her voice hoarsed.

"What, where were you two," I said frighten

"Coming from the Sanctuary"

I ran back to my house and warned my father about Draven. The Sanctuary was a sacred place until it was invaded and taken over by rebels.

"Luke you come with us," My dad commanded

Luke is Mesui father second in charge. He's one of the best betas' my dad has.

We jumped into dad's truck

"what made you two think that the Sanctuary is a safe place," My dad asked

"Sir, I thought it was the fastest way and found out its the most dangerous path, Sanctuary does mean refuge and safety. Anyways. We were near the exit and heard flying ropes that caught Draven by the leg. I really wanted to save him, he kept yelling at me to run and I ran to warn Siar"

When she had finish we parked up the road from the sanctuary. The Sanctuary is where the thug wolves live, the most wanted and feared wolves hang live. It's really ugly, with creepy people around. The last time I was here I was ten, because my parents needed to find a potion maker.

We walked towards the entrance, we were stopped by Mel.

"Sir please wait before we go any further." She pulled out a crystal purple perfume refill bottle out of her pocket," Here let me spray this on you so they don't smell trouble."

She came around us and sprayed once on our neck and another on our wrist. She did the same too.

"Try picking up each other scent"

"Anything," She questioned

"No," The three of us in sync.


We took our lead. Splitting up, Mel climbed up a house and she was on her way jumping building to building.

I ran avoiding anyone that is in my path. I sniffed the air for Draven scent, I followed his scent, it was driving me crazy. I really want to rip these people who kidnapped my mate.

I found his scent, I steadily ran hiding inbetween trees, I quickly hid in a bush and saw Draven roped up and in pain. He was trying to break free.

There are three men guarding Draven. A gunman in the watch tower, and if I attack now I will be killed. I had to hold back until the right time. I stalked the area for any danger there is another gunman in the tower.

I heard a scream it was girl. It was so loud a gun went off. Draven tried to break free he chewed the rope and screamed in agony.

"Mel," He cried out loud.

"Fuck up you little shit," One of the men yelled and kicked Draven in the stomach.

Draven spat blood out, and cried in pain. My wolf growled furiously

I leaped out of the bush and ripped half his body off and quickly ripped the arm off the man beside him. I heard the gunman load his gun. I butt headed the other man in the air directed at the gunman, he was shot right in the chest. I saw my dad attack both gunman.

Six wolves surrounded me, growling between their teeth looking for my weak spot.

I stand over Draven in a protected stand.

"You shouldn't have come," Draven spoke breathless.

"Shut up," I growled at Draven

I was blindshot knocked on the ground I got back on my feet. My dad jumped down from the tower shifting into his jet black wolf and snarled.

Luke had appeared in his chocolate brown wolf.

Mel still hadn't appear in site, I really hope she wasn't dead. I growled at the wolves, they were frighten, my growl has changed, to a more overpowering tone.

Come on Mel I know your not dead. Draven can't live without you, your his bestfriend and you are like a sister to him. Please I can read his thoughts.

A lady appeared as wolves moved to make room for her, she starts laughing rediculously.

"Just who I wanted," She laughed.

"Who are you," I growled.

"The wife of The Great Divel, you killed my love. Do you remember," She said in her evil lady tone.

"What a suprise I got a bonus! your mate. I could smell you all over him you, scumbag," She growled.

"I will kill you and your friends," I spat.

"On my dead body! Once I kill you and your beautiful father I will take over this world and run it to the ground for my beloved husband," She laughed.

I felt someone lightly jump on me then off, it's Mel. She came flying down with a silver rod in her hand and stabbed Divel's wife straight in the face.

"Stupid bitch," Mel spat in her face.

The other wolves tried to make a run. I ran and lunged at one of them, Mel shifted into her Wolf and ripped off a man's tail. My father and luke had killed the other wolves. We were left with a bloody bath.

The Enigma Wolf (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now