"Sup, mate?" He asks me, plopping himself down beside me. "Something wrong?"

"Has Kim texted you yet?"

Harry squints his eyes and pulls out his phone then shoving it in my face.

"Non-stop ever since last night." He throws his phone onto the table where Lux and Louis were playing. "Has Jasmine?"

I shake my head and he pats my shoulder.

"Maybe I could ask Kim if she knows anything." Harry suggests and I nod.

"Thanks, Hazz."

"No problem, Nialler." Harry says, slapping my arm before he joins Louis and Lux at the table across from me.

I take out my phone from my pocket and stare at my lock screen again. Why hasn't she texted or called me yet? They've landed last night, yet my phone hasn't rung once. I unlock my phone and dial Jasmine's number.

Hey! You've reached Jasmine Love's voicemail. Sorry I can't pick up the phone right now, but if you leave a lovely message, I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can! Cheers!

Her voice fills my ears and I smile.

"Uh, hey, I was just calling to check up on you, I mean, I heard you guys landed last night, but I didn't get a call or anything like that. Call me whenever you can. Love you, bye."

"No luck eh?" Louis calls from behind the table. I shake my head and he nods his head. "Don't worry about it mate, everything's going to be alright." I nod my head again and feel my stomach grumble.

"I'm hungry. Anyone want a sandwich?"

"I do Nialla!" Lux cheers. A huge grin makes it's way onto my face and I laugh. "I do, I do!"

"Well then, let's go make you a sandwich!" I cheer and pick Lux up from the floor.

"HEY! SHE'S MY PLAYING BUDDY!" Louis screams and Lux laughs in my arms. "GIVE HER BACK!"

"It's Unlce Niall and Lux time! GOOD BYE!" I shout back at Louis and Harry and they pout.

"Good byeee!" Lux screams. I chuckle and walk with her in my arms into the kitchen.



After three days of being in the hospital for fainting due to hearing the news about my mother, I'm finally done with needles and medication. It occurs to me that I'm basically in and out of the hospital at least twice a month. Sigh. I push the thought away and walk into my mother's private room.

"Look mom, it's Jasmine!" Jackson cheers and I look over at my mother and tears start to form in my eyes. She's plugged up to endless wires of needles, and she has an oxygen tube in both of her nostrils.

"Why hello there, how are you feeling today?" I hear a voice say behind me. I smile at the nurse in purple scrubs and move out of her way.

"I'm doing alright. My arm's just aching a little from all these darn needles!" My mom laughs with the nurse. I look over at my brother and he mouths something to me, but I can't make it out. I shake my head and he whispers something to my mother before he stands up and walks towards me.

"Can we talk outside please?" He looks at me and I automatically turn around, marching towards the door, slamming the door shut behind him. "What the hell is wrong with you, Jas?"

"What are you talking about, Jackson? I'm perfectly fine." I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

"Jasmine, just because I haven't been here for most of your life, doesn't mean you can just shut me out. I'm trying to help you, okay?" My brother grabs my arms and pushes them down. "You weren't this rude to me before I left."

"I have no respect for someone who leaves their family just to chase after a stupid girl." I blurt out and watch as my brother narrows his eyes. "Don't think that you being here when mom needs you will fix anything, because it won't."

"You take that back." My brother screams at me. "TAKE IT BACK, JASMINE!" My brother pushes me against the wall. I wince as my arm slams into the wall.

"WOAH! What is going on in here?!" I hear my dad yell. He runs over to me and pulls me into his arms. "Jackson, what has gotten into you?!"

"I-I'm sorry.." Jackson says, cupping his face in his hands. I'm breathing heavily in my dads arms. I pull away and run out of the hospital. I collapse on the side walk and bring my knees up to my chin.

"JASMINE! JASMINE LOVE!" A paparazzi screams, blinding me with his flash.

"WHAT'S WITH THE TEARS? NIALL DUMPED YOU AGAIN?" Another shouts out. I jump up and run for my car. After loosing the paparazzi, I see my black Mazda. I sigh of relief until I hear the sound of cameras again. I look over my shoulder and find a crowd of paparazzi's and fans running after me. I make a run for it, but bump into something on my way.

"Holy crap, I'm so sorry!" I apologize to the male figure on the ground. I grab his hands and pull him up onto his feet. "Are you alr-" I stop mid-sentence when I meet his gaze.

"Jasmine?" He questions as he looks in my eyes.

I examine his eyes and knit my eyebrows together in confusion. After a few seconds, my heart drops when I identify the person standing in front of me.



Author's Note:

Just to let you guys know, I apologize in advance for this sucky chapter.... It's short and UGHS SO NOT HAPPY WITH IT, but you guys deserve an update! Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes .. If you spot anything, don't be shy to let me know! :)

AND WOW! One more week until winter break! WOOHOO! Happy Holidays to you guys! :)

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