As we got out of the car, Emily sighed loudly, causing me to give her a questioning look.

“Doesn’t it feel weird to be back here again?” she asks as Harry grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.

“Yeah.” I reply, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out a second later.

Just as we began to walk to the front doors of the office, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. Pulling it out, I notice I had just received a text.

Liam: Good luck babeee! I miss you so muchhh…… :) <3

Smiling, I put my phone back into my pocket and follow my family into the school, lugging my guitar along with me.

As we walk into the doors, I notice the principal standing by the main office. He walks over to us and greets us, then shows my parents to the auditorium, and me back stage.

As I sit back stage, I can hear all of the students talking, probably wondering what is going on. I hear the principal begin to talk about the upcoming seasons and the season break, explaining to the students what days they have off and when they will be returning. Then I hear him begin to talk about what is going on today.

“And now we have a bit of a surprise for all of you.” The principal begins. “You all may know who she is because she just graduated from here last spring. But let me tell you some of the things this marvelous young lady has been accomplishing since then. This young lady traveled to England to only visit a family member, but has managed to receive a job as an opening act for one of the largest bands in the world. Ever since she left our small town, she has been traveling the world, singing for millions of people. But she is back home for awhile, and I made contact with her, and she has agreed to come and perform for all of us! Everyone, please welcome our very own, Keara Styles!”

I walk out onto the stage smiling. Some students are screaming like they can't believe they are actually seeing me right now, while others are just clapping, like they don’t really care. You can tell who the freshmen are, because they are the ones screaming their heads off. Well mostly just the one direction fans who know who I am. As I look out at the crowd, I see my family and Emily sitting in the top balcony, along with the teachers who haven’t been put on kid watching duty.

Sitting in the top balcony is Mrs. Sykes, who has both of her hands covering her mouth, eyes wide open and teary eyed. I smile and wave at her, only to receive a shell shocked wave back, causing me to giggle.

As I sit on the stool in front of the microphone, I greet everyone with a smile. “Hello Everyone! How are you all doing?”

Everyone screams excitedly as a response.

“Well I am going to play a few songs for you all. But I promise, they all won't be just Christmas songs, I'm going to make this a bit fun. Sound alright?”

More screams.

I begin to strum the guitar, coming into the familiar sound of Wake Me Up by Avicii.

“Alright I want everyone on their feet; no one should be sitting down. I know this song isn’t a fast, fun, dance song, but I need energy coming from all of you.”

As everyone stands up, I spot my old group of friend sitting in the front row. As I still play the guitar, I walk down the stairs on the front of the stage and make my way over to them. I dance and sing as I walk through the aisles. Enjoying the fun vibe I am feeling from them. I never even realized how much I missed performing.

Being Harry Styles' Cousin (A Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now