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The restaurant was like a little alcove of warmth. It was a small diner with small, red booths and hanging lamps. The lighting was just light enough to see, but dark enough to feel all warm and personal. Many couples, young and old, sat around the restaurant talking, sipping their after work coffee, and just basking in homeliness when they couldn't experience this at home. It was peaceful and comfortable. I loved it.

The cozy eatery was perfect for me. You felt like you could be anyone when you were sitting in there. I felt Free. Myself. Loved. Centered. Perfect.

The cushions were firm but soft as I sat down, Nathan across from me. He smiled and ordered two waters for the both of us when the petite waitress came over. She smiled at me and winked. I just rolled my eyes. My stomach had turned into a flock of birds. Maybe even eagles.

"Any suggestions?" I peered over my menu at Nathan. His black hair was somewhat neat, but still in a disorganized heap. Green eyes pierced mine and left a moment later.

"I like their Fettuccine Alfredo, but that's just me. I'm not sure what you'd like." He frowned and hid his face with the menu quickly.

"Nathan?" I said as I gently pulled down his menu. "What's wrong?"

The boy looked up. "Nothing. Just thinking about how little I know about you," he paused, "and how I want to know more." A timid smile followed suit.

I laughed. "Then let's do it!"


This chapter is border lining on okay.

I really want to finish this book soon even though I pretty much just started.

I'm impatient like that.

Hopefully, I'll finish the date in the next chapter.



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